東京 江戸前汽船(屋形船)の水上巡りツアー(料理付き)


9,529 円~


* You can choose from three platforms: Shinkiba Pier, Etchujima Pier and Asashio Pier! (Free shuttle bus available from Shinkiba Station)
東京 江戸前汽船(屋形船)の水上巡りツアー(料理付き)
* You can choose from three platforms: Shinkiba Pier, Etchujima Pier and Asashio Pier! (Free shuttle bus available from Shinkiba Station),* Enjoy delicious Monjayaki and eel steamed rice while riding the Edomae Kisen!,* You can visit with family and friends, or spend a romantic time with your lover!,* Enjoy Japan's unique water culture on a boat, and experience a variety of delicious food that makes your trip even more appealing!,* You can choose from three platforms: Shinkiba Pier, Etchujima Pier and Asashio Pier! (Free shuttle bus available from Shinkiba Station),* Enjoy delicious Monjayaki and eel steamed rice while riding the Edomae Kisen!,* You can visit with family and friends, or spend a romantic time with your lover!,* Enjoy Japan's unique water culture on a boat, and experience a variety of delicious food that makes your trip even more appealing!
提供元: Klook


          周辺の駅はありません。 周辺のバス停はありません。 周辺の駐車場はありません。 周辺のインターチェンジはありません。
          主要駅 / 空港から見る



            東京 江戸前汽船(屋形船)の水上巡りツアー(料理付き)


            9,529 円~
