‘Super Summer Sale 2024‘ <Okinawa, Motobu> Starry sky photo and space walk at Sesoko Beach ☆彡 Photo shoot with stars in the background for each participant *Summer is just around the corner! Discount extended


9,800 日元〜


At Sesoko Beach, a starry sky photographer will take as many photos of the participants as time permits, so you can pose like a model or show off your memorable commemorative photos. Couples, married couples, families, and friends can participate and have fun taking photos while hearing about the stars and the sky ☆彡 Minna Island and Ie Island are right in front of you, and the Churaumi Aquarium can be seen in the distance. Feel free to add your own requests and take photos with the stars in the background to make your memories moving ☆彡 Although you can take photos of the stars with your current cell phone, unfortunately you cannot take photos of people with the stars, so please make this a special time just for yourself ~ We will take photos every hour from 20:00, so you can choose. Since it is inevitably affected by the weather, there is no cancellation fee, so we will change it, talk about the sky, and replace some of the star photos, and we will be flexible with our photo plans and cancellations, so please feel free to consult with us. Adults 9,800 yen, elementary school students 4,500 yen, preschoolers 2,000 yen *Summer is just around the corner! We have also started a daytime photo tour during the extended discount period, so please take a look at that too. We can also take aerial photos using a drone upon request, which is something we are very proud of (see website).
Astronomical observation
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          ‘Super Summer Sale 2024‘ <Okinawa, Motobu> Starry sky photo and space walk at Sesoko Beach ☆彡 Photo shoot with stars in the background for each participant *Summer is just around the corner! Discount extended


          9,800 日元〜
