[Hokkaido / Niseko] Hot-air balloon mooring experience (held twice a day ★)


3,150 日元〜


Hokkaido - Activities in Niseko. Hot air balloon is held twice a day early in the evening.
We will do it in Hokkaido where the enthusiasm for Hot Air Balloon Mooring experience is the highest. Niseko balloon which can experience nature, rose to about 30 m above the ground, and panorama view of the Niseko mountain range area overlooking from there
Even just looking at the appearance that air enters, the appearance of the balloon rising rapidly and big ballpieces rapidly and the floating in the air with the sound of the burner is impressive!
Hot air balloon
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          [Hokkaido / Niseko] Hot-air balloon mooring experience (held twice a day ★)


          3,150 日元〜
