나칸누토 섬


업데이트 날짜:2024.05.15

거리 주소
Okinawa Pref. Shimajiriguntokashikison Maejima map map 지도
전화 번호
[전화 예약시간]8:00-17:00


이 장소에 관한 기사


  • Clean beach but overpriced canteen
    3.0 게시일 : 2019.05.13
    Short ferry ride which is good. Beach is clean and water crystal clear. If you enjoy snorkeling and marine life, this is not the right place. You will only see dull and dying corals with little...
  • Nice coral beach and friendly fishes
    5.0 게시일 : 2018.08.03
    Nagannu island can provide you nice sight and fished which approach to you while your swimming. If you prefer swimming with shnokel and enjoying with small creatures, here is best place in...
  • Wonderful way to spend the day
    5.0 게시일 : 2016.07.19
    The island is amazing! The boat ride over was a bit bumpy because of the weather conditions but it was fine. Those who are prone to sea sickness should take something before hand. When you get...

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