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전화 번호

정보제공원: Rakuten Travel INC


  • Kawateya is great!
    5.0 게시일 : 2020.12.11
    This hostel is absolutely recommended. If I come back to Hiroshima. I will most likely stay at hostel Kawate-Ya. My grade for this one is 5 out of 5. Excellent service. The common area is charmng...
  • Neat and tidy
    4.0 게시일 : 2020.03.02
    Slightly difficult to find with it being behind a restaurant but otherwise a good location with not too much of a walk to the Peace Park and quite close to streetcar stops.The dorms are clean with...
  • Stylish, comfortable and great location
    5.0 게시일 : 2020.02.21
    My partner and I stayed one night here, though wed happily have stayed here longer if we could. A lot of thought has clearly gone into making the hostel stylish but comfortable - lots of nice...

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