


거리 주소
토야마현 난토시 아이노쿠라 444 map map 지도
전화 번호

정보제공원: NTT TownPage Corporation.


  • A lovely place for a relaxed lunch
    4.0 게시일 : 2019.07.06
    After exploring Ainokura, we decided to stay for lunch. The food was excellent value, and the Matsuya special (tempura, if I remember correctly) set was delicious, with a few extras that I hadnt...
  • Great Lunch
    5.0 게시일 : 2018.10.04
    There are many eating places in Ainokuraguchi. Despite the near-monopoly operation, Matseya has not taken advantage of the visitors. Fresh ingredients, generous portion and delicious food.While...
  • What a feast!
    5.0 게시일 : 2016.12.21
    We visited this quant village and stopped in for lunch. The setting in this restaurant was so inviting that we ended up devouring the Matsuya special for ¥1650. So much food but all so delicious! The...

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