호텔 후쿠다야

비즈니스 호텔


거리 주소
도쿄도 메구로구 아오바다이 4-5-9 map map 지도
전화 번호

정보제공원: NTT TownPage Corporation.


  • Cozy
    5.0 게시일 : 2020.07.15
    I had to write an exam in Tokyo at Temple University (Japan campus). I specifically looked for a hotel that was conveniently located for me to take the exam early in the morning. I picked Hotel...
  • Warm and Homey
    5.0 게시일 : 2019.11.05
    Meguro was in the list in our Japan Travel and we decided to stay in this hotel it was affordable and very accessible to popular tourist destinations in the area. The hotel was simple yet clean and...
  • Good Location; Friendly, helpful staff
    3.0 게시일 : 2019.11.01
    The hotel staff were gracious and helpful, warmly welcoming us to the property. While the hotel has much to recommend (i.e location, access to transportation and amenities like the public bath...

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map map 지도

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