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사이타마현 치치부군 나가토로마치 나가토로 489-2 map map 지도
전화 번호

정보제공원: NTT TownPage Corporation.


    1.0 게시일 : 2019.11.05
    Took the long (in terms of time) train trip out to Nagatoro on a beautiful day, looking forward spending time on the river, planning to do both routes. When we arrived, we were told that I...
  • nice rock formations and autumn colours
    4.0 게시일 : 2018.01.06
    The rafting in the title is a bit misleading -- its just a boat ride without any sense of adventure... The autumn colours are nice around mid to late November. The rock formation is also...
  • A must-do, but not very white water
    3.0 게시일 : 2017.10.15
    I was looking forward to the thrill of the white water, but it wasnt very rough at all. Nonetheless, everyone in the boat oohd and ahhd as we went through the whitewater parts. Its a pretty...

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