Ruins of Akaogi Castle

Castle / Ruins of Castle
"The ruins of a castle once located on the grounds of the present-day Yojo Elementary School, just east of Nishinoomote Port on Tanegashima Island. Akaogi Castle was a dwelling place of the Tanegashima clan, which formerly ruled the island, and in 1624, the 17th clan leader, Tadatoki relocated it here. It was used from that time until the abolition of the feudal system during the Meiji Period. The castle is also known as Ue-no-jo. Only parts of the stone walls and earthworks near the elementary school's gate remain. Right near the school gate is a 10-meter ficus superba tree, over 450 years old. This flourishing tree is said to have given Akaogi Castle its name, ""Akaogi"" sounds like the Japanese phrase ""Akou (ficus superba tree)."" A signboard has been set up, making this part of Nishinoomote a spot for learning about the lingering traces of the past."

Spot details

Kagoshima Nishinoomote Nishinoomote 7545 map map Map
*Be careful not to enter without permission as it is connected to the entrance of the elementary school.
Not available
Estimated stay time
0-30 minutes

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


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