Horseback Riding Club Spots in Aya Area

  • Aya Baji Park
    11 Reviews
    Life / Living / Hospital
    Miyazaki Higashimorokata-gun Ayacho Kitamata 2687
    This horse park sprawls on the western side of Aya Castle. Inside the lush park, visitors can enjoy tether-drawn horseback rides. Inspired by the history of Aya Town, which has had a flourishing racehorse and farm horse cultivation industry since ancient times, the park opened as the prefecture's first fully fledged horseback riding club. The park is replete with an all-weather indoor riding ground and clubhouse. Customers rave that the park is a fun destination for riders of all abilities, from beginners who just want to meet and pet a horse, to advanced riders looking to savor the true joys of horseback riding. Some 1,500 cherry trees have been planted around the riding ground, and in the spring, the park bustles with large numbers of visitors come to view their blossoms.

    町おこしで綾町が有名になった頃、綾町のシンボルとしてこの花時計と大吊橋が取り上げられた記憶がある。大吊り橋は確かに迫力があるが、この花時計と馬事公苑は、少し観光客目当ての色合いが強すぎる気がする。その意味でちょっとがっかり。 しかし、馬事公苑の周囲にある広大なサッカー場などの自然を生かした緑の広がりには心を癒される。

Miyazaki Areas


An unmissable highlight of Kyushu, Miyazaki prefecture satisfies nature lovers with its dramatic gorges cut out of rugged cliffs, leading into waterfalls and beaches of green-blue water popular among surfers. Takachiho Gorge in the north of the prefecture tells a tale of centuries-old Japanese mythology in a fantastic setting, allowing visitors to explore the waters by boat before heading up to the cave at the Awano Iwato Shrine, where the sun goddess was said to have hidden, plunging the world into darkness.

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