Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Around Kunisaki Peninsula Area

  • Showa no Machi Museum
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Bungotakadashi Chuoudori 691
    A museum located in Chuodori, Bungotakada City. Operating out of a former Oita Union Bank building built in 1933, the museum contains exhibits such as chronologies and everyday items used during Japan’s bygone Showa period (1926–1989). Entry is free and visitors can learn about Japanese lifestyles and history during the Showa period. The museum also rents retro Showa period Western-style clothing and visitors can walk the streets of Bungotakada, which still retain strong traces of the Showa period, dressed in “period-appropriate” fashion.


  • Kitsuki Castle Town Museum
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Kitsuki-shi Minamikitsuki 193-1
    This museum, a five-minute drive from the Kitsuki Interchange on the Oita Airport Road, is located in Kitsuki City's Kitadai area and introduces the history of the area. The museum collects and preserves cultural properties and historically valuable materials; engages in research and excavations; and presents its findings to the public through its exhibits. A 3D diorama in the first floor lobby reveals the structure of the former castle town; an elaborately-decorated coach used in the local Tenjin Festival is also displayed here. The second floor is dedicated to samurai culture and lifestyles and displays records from the town's government office as well as items which reveal the culture of the townspeople. On the third floor, visitors can learn about Kitsuki kabuki, industry, folklore, and cultural properties through videos.

    入るとすぐにお祭りで使う山車があります。かなり立派は山車です。城下町の大規模な模型やしっとういの加工機等の展示があります。 観光中の休憩所としていいかも

  • Kunimi Furusato Museum
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Kunisaki-shi Kunimimachi Kibe 536
    This museum, a 35-minute drive from the Oita Airport, operates out of a residence once used by village headmen built in the early Meiji period. Here visitors can come in contact with the history and culture of Kunisaki City's Kunimi-machi district through braziers, glass beads, serving tables, and other historically valuable artefacts excavated from the Onizuka Kofun, a sixth century burial mound; and exhibits on the Rokugo Manzan culture. The museum is also one of the few places anywhere in the world to provide information on and display items connected to Petro Kasui Kibe, a Christian missionary who was the first Japanese person to visit Jerusalem. In the Shiroyamatei restaurant on the museum's grounds, you can enjoy choice meals made with ingredients grown in Kunimi-machi, such as the area's famous octopus curry.

    国見の街の国道沿いにあるが看板が泣ければ通り過ぎてしまいそうな場所にある。隣のペトロカヌイ公園のほうが目立つが駐車場はどちらでも同じ。 駐車場から奥に行くと国見ふるさと展示館。夕方近かったので人影がなく、食堂、売店も閉店していた。地味な施設なので観光客を集めるには苦労しそうだ。入場料200円で中に入ると国見の暮らし、歴史に関する資料が展示されている。

  • Miura Baien Museum
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Kunisaki-shi Akimachi Tomikiyo 2507-1
    "This museum, a 25-minute drive from the Aki Interchange on the Oita Airport Road, is dedicated to Edo period philosopher Miura Baien. Baien is counted as one of the ""Three Sages of Bungo"" alongside Banri Hoashi and Hirose Tanso. The museum's standing exhibition displays manuscripts written by Baien, a celestial globe owned by the philosopher, portraits, and other items. The museum also shows a short, 10-minute-long film which presents his life and ideas. With an advance reservation by phone, you can also go on a guided tour led by a researcher. The museum also holds a special exhibition once a year. Baien's former, thatch roofed home adjoins the museum and can be viewed for free."

    ガイド研修に参加。近くにあるのに初めて。地元の偉人に触れる。いろんな資料。深い。 地元の公民館で有志による梅園の養生訓の勉強会も。

  • Kitsuki Retro
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Kitsuki Kitsuki 6-2

    懐かしい昭和の品物を、これでもかと集めた「博物館」(?) 家電製品から、おもちゃ、ポスター、自動車など、昭和の品物が所せましと並べられており、昭和を知っている人も知らない人も楽しめます。 杵築城入口バス停から杵築城へ登城する途中すぐ左手に見えます。 大分空港から大分駅行き路線バス(高速バスには乗らないで!)で30分少々、JR杵築駅からは国東方面行で10分ほど、杵築城入口下車すぐ前が登城口。杵築城...

  • Onikainosato
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Bungotakadashi Nagaiwaya 1152
  • Mingeirokugosambo
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Kunisakishi Akimachisedota

Oita Areas


A trip to Oita is tantamount to a long soak in the Beppu baths. The mountainous, coastal prefecture of Oita is renowned for having more onsen than any other prefecture in Japan, most of which lie in the city of Beppu on the west coast of Kyushu, recognizable by its pungent sulphuric aroma and the clouds of steam that puff up across the hillside. Away from the Beppu hot springs await mountains, waterfalls, and temples, so don’t hesitate to explore Oita a little further.

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