Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Hita Area

  • Kuncho Sake Brewery Museum
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Mamedamachi 6-31
    "This museum inside the sake brewery ""Kuncho Shuzo"" is located along Kamimachi-dori Street in Mameda-machi, Hita City. This is part of the sake storehouse with Edo-period (1603-1868) architecture located in a national important traditional architecture preservation district, and exhibits tools for sake-making used until about 1955. Facilities such as a shop using sake warehouse built from the Edo period (1603-1868) to the Taisho period (1912-1926), a sweets shop using sake, and a baker studio with an adjoining cafe are gathered in the area."


  • Hita Gion Yamaboko Kaikan
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Kuma 2-7-10
    A museum located in 2 Chome Kuma, Hita City. The museum contains exhibits on the stunning parade floats used in the Hita Gion Festival, which has been a designated National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The festival is also included in the “Yama, Hoko, Yatai, Float Festivals” in Japan that have been added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Visitors can view decorative festival floats as well as examples of the elaborately decorated curtains which are hung from them.


  • Ontayaki Pottery Village (Ontayaki Pottery Museum)
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Motoemachi Sarayama 138-1
    This area, located at the foot of Mt. Takatsuka in Sarayama, Motoe-machi, Hita City, is known for pottery production. Onta ware is produced here, a type of pottery which traces its roots back to the ceramic arts of the Korean Peninsula and the building of a kiln in the area in 1705. Even today, pottery is still produced here using a traditional mortar and climbing kiln, and Onta ware has been designated a National Important Intangible Cultural Property.

    小鹿田をまわるのに最初にここに来ました。入場は無料です。小鹿田焼の歴史などがコンパクトにまとめられて展示されています。ビデオの上映もありました。窯元をまわる前にここに来て正解でした。予備知識をつけてからまわるのにおすすめです。 駐車場は前にあります。ここの前に車を置いて窯元をまわりました。

  • Tenryo Hita Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Mamedamachi 11-7
    A museum located in a National Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings in Mameda-machi, Hita City. The museum contains exhibits on the history and merchant culture of Hita, a so-called “tenryo” area under the direct control of the Edo shogunate government. Through paintings, ancient texts, and other materials, visitors can experience Hita as it was during Tenryo governance.
  • Hita Lumber Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Hita-shi Minamitomodamachi 126-1
    As its name states, this extremely unusual museum focuses on lumber, specifically Hita cedar, and has exhibits on the local forestry and lumber industries. The museum itself is built with large, cross sectional cut laminated lumber. Huge cedar trees estimated to be 300 to 400 years old are displayed lying horizontally in the museum, as well as lumbering tools once used in the area. In addition, the museum displays chronological tables and photos which show how lumber used to be transported, such as via floating rafts.
  • Hirose Museum
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Hita-shi Mamedamachi 9-7

    日田観光のメインと考えていた廣瀬資料館。淡窓のことを勉強しようかと思っていたのに、休館でなく大修理とか。 他に草野家も大修理とかで勘弁してねということでした。

  • Tenryohinajinya
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Mamedamachi 13-5
  • Matsubara
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Hita-shi Oyamamachi Nishioyama
  • Hita Fukugobunkashisetu
    Travel / Tourism
    Oita Pref. Hitashi Kamijounaimachi 2-6

Oita Areas


A trip to Oita is tantamount to a long soak in the Beppu baths. The mountainous, coastal prefecture of Oita is renowned for having more onsen than any other prefecture in Japan, most of which lie in the city of Beppu on the west coast of Kyushu, recognizable by its pungent sulphuric aroma and the clouds of steam that puff up across the hillside. Away from the Beppu hot springs await mountains, waterfalls, and temples, so don’t hesitate to explore Oita a little further.

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