Rest Spot Spots in Aso Area

  • Roadside Station Oguni
    110 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Asogunogunimachi Miyabaru 1754-17
    "This roadside station is in Oguni Town, Aso County. It's also known locally as ""Yu Station."" Completely covered in mirror glass and made with local Oguni cedar, it's Japan's first wooden-space truss building. The first floor has a gift shop selling specialty products, and the second floor is a tourist information center providing all you need to know about the region. It's on the site of what was once the Japanese National Railway's Higo-Oguni Station."

    As my title suggest , nothing much at this place. First floor sell souvenirs and snacks while the 2nd floor is a small exhibition of photo taken of various part of japan.

  • Aso Roadside Station
    28 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Asoshi Kurokawa 1440-1
    An excellently situated roadside station which offers superb views of Mt. Aso to the south and the outer rim of a volcanic greater standing beyond agricultural land to the north. There is an information booth inside the facility staffed by guides who will be happy to tell you about local tourist attractions and recommend special local products. The facility stands at a key crossing point between the Aso Tozan Road, National Route 57, and National Route 212.

    熊本特産品がたくさん並び、バラエティーに富んだボリューム満点の手作り弁当も飛ぶように売れていました。 観光客はもちろん、地元の方々も大勢利用されていました。 わざわざでも立ち寄る価値があると思います。

  • Roadside Station Tsujunkyo
    45 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Kamimashikigunyamatochou Shimoichi 184-1
    This roadside station is on National Route 218. Their shop handles local specialties such as Yabecha tea and citron products. There's also a restaurant and a rest area. Lots of travelers visit for the nearby Tsujunkyo Bridge, a National Important Cultural Property, as well as the beautiful natural surroundings that include Gorogataki Waterfall. You can learn more about the bridge at the facility's Tsujunkyo Bridge Museum.

    普通、道の駅は国道などの主要道路沿いにありますが、こちらの道の駅通潤橋は、国道を離れ、町の中心部も離れた場所にあるんです。道の駅の駐車場からも見渡すことができるんですが、有名な石橋、通潤橋がすぐ近くにありました。ですから、道の駅というよりも、通潤橋のための観光施設と言ってもよいでしょう。 館内には、山都町の特産品が並んでいましたし、すぐ隣には通潤橋史料館があり、その奥には、並行三棟づくりの建物...

  • Roadside Station Namino (Kaguraen)
    34 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Asoshi Naminoshouchino 1602
    This roadside station is on National Route 57 which connects Kumamoto and Oita. Its ample facilities include an eatery, a shop selling local specialties, and an event area. They also provide information on local kagura, an ancient form of ritual music and dance. You can also view performances. They hold workshops for making tasty soba noodles by hand too.


  • Michinoeki asomochinosatokugino
    87 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Asogunminamiasomura Hisaishi 2807

    世界でも有数の大カルデラと、雄大な外輪山を持つ阿蘇山。その南側の外輪山のふもとに、道の駅あそ望の郷くぎのはありました。 広い駐車場が2段になっていて、かなりの収容台数があります。道の駅自体も大規模で、阿蘇の絶景を見ながら食事ができるレストランをはじめ、約3,000坪の敷地を誇る芝生広場、ドッグラン、農畜産物を販売する物産所などがありました。 北側に向かってテラスが開けていて、そこに立つと、目...

  • Michinoeki seiwabunrakumura
    Kumamoto Pref. Kamimashikigunyamatochou Ohira 152
  • Roadside Station Soyokaze Park
    Kumamoto Kamimashiki-gun Yamatocho Ima 297

Kumamoto Areas


Kumamoto lies in the center of Kyushu, a calm prefecture perfect for easy strolls around the historic center and lazy evenings in the natural hot springs at Kurokawa Onsen. For a slightly more strenuous activity, head to Mount Aso, whose surrounding hills offer hiking opportunities aplenty with views over the active volcano.

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