Shrine Spots in Fukuoka Area

  • Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine
    2086 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Dazaifushi Saifu 4-7-1
    The head shrine of 12,000 Shinto shrines across the country dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, known as the god of scholarship. The shrine’s origin lies in the deification of when Michizane, who passed away in this area in 903, was later deified and the main shrine building dedicated to him was erected in 919. The shrine’s charms, said to bring success in academic affairs, and paper talismans themed after the famous Tobiume plum tree said to have flown to the shrine in yearning for Michizane, are popular purchases among visitors. The best time to see the 6,000 Chinese plum trees on the shrine’s grounds is from the end of January to the beginning of March. A five-minute walk from Dazaifu Station.

    Major attraction when visiting Fukuoka. It is a big area with a bit of climbing up the hill, beyond the garden and the major shrine at the base where most of the crowds are.

  • Kushida-jinja Shrine
    1639 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukuokashihakataku Kamikawabatamachi 1-41
    A Shinto shrine dedicated to Amaterasu (left shrine), Ohatanushi (central shrine), and Susanoo (right shrine); and the oldest patron shrine of Hakata. Famous for the Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival held in July, the stunning yamakasa floats used in the festival are on permanent display on the shrine’s grounds. The waters of the Well of the Crane of the Miraculous Spring which well up from beneath the main shrine building are said to grant health and long life and are quite the attraction for tourists and locals alike.

    This is an interesting one right between commercial and residential blocks. Small compound with enough things to see while taking a break from the walking.

  • Hakozaki-gu Shrine
    322 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukuokashihigashiku Hakozaki 1-22-1
    Also known as “Hakozaki Hachiman-gu Shrine,” alongside Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine and Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine this is one of the three great Hachiman-gu Shrines of Japan. Emperor Ojin is the main enshrined deity, along with Empress Jingu and Tamayori-hime. In Nishioku there is the “Ajisai Garden” and “Shinen Flower Park,” with spring being the best time to see peonies, and the early summer best for hydrangeas. The “Tamaseseri Festival” that takes place each January 3 is a famous festival in which there are two wooden balls that represent yin and yang and bring good fortune and the contestants vie over the “yang” ball.

    Hakozakigu is truly a beautiful shrine. The shrine-complex includes several buildings and the shrine-ground is vast. I can imagine that it would also be a very peaceful place on a normal day if not...

  • Miyajidake-jinja Shrine
    223 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukutsushi Miyajimotomachi 7-1
    This Shinto shrine is dedicated to Empress Jingu, Katsumura-no-Okami and Katsuyori-no-Okami. A large number of visitors come to pay homage to the gods of business success, road safety and family security. The special shimenawa rope hung at the inner shrine is 11 meters long and weighs 3 tons, making it Japan’s largest. The Okunomiya Fudo Jinja Shrine at the back of the shrine is located inside a large stone chamber belonging to the Maruzuka Kofun ancient tomb. Twice a year, the sun setting into the sea shines a light on the torii gate and road up to the shrine, creating a “road of light” leading to the shrine. This appears in February and October, so be sure to visit after checking the schedule.

    I just loved this shrine, was so peaceful, the chill of the air was just right so walking around the shrines was at ease. for those who cant walk the steps there is a few cars paces at the top, some...

  • Chikuzen Ichinomiya Sumiyoshi Jinja Shrine
    374 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Fukuoka-shi Hakata-ku Sumiyoshi 3-1-51
    A shrine in Sumiyoshi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City. This is said to be the oldest of the nearly 2000 Sumiyoshi Shrines nation wide and enshrines the three Sumiyoshi Sanjin deities, Sokotsutsu no onokami, Nakatsutsu no onokami, and Uwatsutsu no onokami. At a yearly festival held from October 12th to 14th there's a children parade, horse archery, and child sumo.

    Within walking distance from Hakata Sta. We found this shrine very peaceful and unusual in that it is an older shrine honoring the God of Sumo. We were lucky enough to see junior Sumo wrestlers...

  • Kego-jinja Shrine
    215 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukuokashichuouku Tenjin 2-2-20
    A Shinto shrine located in the heart of Fukuoka City. Believed to provide protection against disease and disaster, the shrine is visited by many seeking to improve their fortunes and ward away evil. The shrine was moved to its current location in 1608 by Kuroda Nagamasa, the first lord of Fukuoka Domain, due to the construction of Fukuoka Castle.

    I ventured here by accident believe it or not while I was looking for a Camera store near by. I ended up spending around an hour, went to the camera store bought a tripod came back for another half...

  • Washio Atagojinja
    108 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Fukuoka-shi Nishi-ku Atago 2-7-1

    Its an uphill walk going there but when you see the view, the uphill walk is worth it. I loved the view which shows the view of the city, you can see fukuoka tower from the viewing deck. A local was...

  • Suikyo Tenmangu Shrine
    143 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Fukuoka-shi Chuo-ku Tenjin 1-15-4

    It is nested amongst the commercial buildings so you really have to look for it (the entrance is quite small). There are no people when I visited so I was able to take a lot of photos.

  • Mekari Shrine
    87 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Kitakyushushimojiku Moji 3492
    This Shinto shrine, located in Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City gets its name from the Mekari-shinji, a Shinto ritual designated an Intangible Cultural Property by the prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to the goddess Hime Okami. Facing the sea, the shrine is believed to grant worshipers maritime and traffic safety and is visited by large numbers of visitors seeking these boons.

    This Shinto shrine, which is located at the north end of Kyushu, is well known for its ritual called Mekari Shinji. From this place, you can enjoy a nice view of Kanmon Strait.

  • Munakata Taisha Nakatsumiya Shirine
    69 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Munakata-shi Oshima 1811
    This grand shrine is located about a 20-minute drive from Wakamiya Interchange on the Kyushu Expressway in Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture. It consists of separate shrines to Tagorihime-no-kami, Tagitsuhime-no-kami, and Ichikishimahime-no-kami, respectively. These three goddesses, who are children of the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu-omikami, are referred to as the Munakata Sanjoshin. The grand shrine's grounds include a main shrine, each of the individual shrines, and the Shinhokan, which houses and exhibits 80,000 national treasures. There is also the Takamiya Saijo, an ancient ceremony site traditionally believed to be the place where the Munakata Sanjoshin descended to earth. The shrine serves as a venue for traditional Japanese wedding ceremonies. It also accepts requests for yakudoshibarai (exorcisms of unlucky years) and holds many events all year long.

    Came here by private tour. The shrine is a combination of three Shinto shrines in Fukuoka, Japan. These are Hetsu-gu, Nakatsu-gu and Okitsu-gu. The main shrine is hetsu-gu, god for traffic safety...

  • Munakata Grand Shrine Hetsu-miya
    63 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Munakata-shi Tashima 2331

    宮地嶽神社よりこちらに。車で20分くらい。またここも平日の小雪降る午後だったのでひと気はまばら。日本最古の神社のひとつで裏伊勢とも。世界遺産。 厳かにお参り。今度は沖津宮や中津宮にも行かないと。 有難うございました。

  • Gokoku Shrine
    61 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukuokashichuouku Ropponmatsu 1-1-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City. The shrine is dedicated to all those connected to Fukuoka Prefecture who have sacrificed themselves for the country in battle from the Meiji restoration to the Pacific War. The shrine prays for the continued peace of the Japanese nation and is said to grant worshippers peace and prosperity in the household as well as traffic safety. Facing the Ohori Park and Fukuoka Castle Ruins, the shrine's raw timber torii gate, standing at the head of the approach on the park side, is 13 meters tall and its pillars are 160 centimeters in diameter, making it the biggest of its kind in Japan.

    Fukuoka Gokoku Shrine is located beside the ruins of Fukuoka Castle. It is also not far from Ohori Park. Lake many other Gokoku shrines, it is also dedicated to the fallen soldiers. The precinct is...

  • Suitengu Shrine
    49 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Kurumeshi Senoshitamachi 265-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Kurume City. The head shrine of all Suitengu shrines nationwide, the shrine is dedicated to Amenominakanushi-no kami, Emperor Antoku, Takakura Taira no Chugu (Taira no Tokuko), and Nii no ama (Taira no Tokiko). Worshipers pray at the shrine daily for a safe childbirth, to be blessed with children, and for charm against drowning and maritime safety, in addition to bringing newborn babies to the shrine to be blessed. During the shrine's major festival, held from May 5 to 7 each year, local elementary school students perform the ritual Urayasu no Mai dance at the main shrine building.

    JR久留米駅から徒歩で10分ほど。 西鉄久留米からだとバス利用か。 筑後川の左岸に位置しています。 源平合戦の壇ノ浦の戦い後にできた神社なので 意外と新しいと思います。 神社周辺には特に飲食店や売店はないですね。

  • Hikosan-jingu Shrine
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Tagawagunsoedamachi Hikosan 1
    A Shinto shrine located in Tagawa County, Fukuoka Prefecture. Said to have once prospered as one of Japan's three great centers of the Shugendo syncretic faith, the shrine is dedicated to the gods embodied by Mt. Kita, Mt. Naka, and Mt. Minami, the only such shrine in the prefecture. Since ancient times, the shrine has been believed to aid agricultural production, mine and factory safety, and luck in victory. A variety of seasonal festivals and rituals are conducted at the shrine to pray for industrial, including the shrine's annual major festival on September 28.


  • Umi Hachimangu Shrine
    26 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Kasuyagunumimachi Umi 1-1-1
    "A Shinto shrine dedicated to Emperor Ojin located in Kasuya County, Fukuoka Prefecture. Two great camphor trees grow on the grounds called ""Yufuta no Mori"" and ""Kinukake no Mori"" which have been designated National Natural Monuments. Famous for granting worshippers safe childbirth, the shrine sees many visitors."

    年末の早朝に参拝。 駐車場もいくつかある。 それなりに参拝がいた。 御祭神は、應神天皇(おうじんてんのう)、神功皇后(じんぐうこうごう)、玉依姫命(たまよりひめのみこと)、住吉大神(すみよしおおかみ)、伊弉諾尊(いざなぎのみこと)。 神功皇后が三韓遠征より御帰還し、御子を産んだ場所というのが当社の御由緒。 玉依姫命と伊弉諾尊が浮いて気がする。 年末とあって、境内はその準備で忙しそう。 湯蓋の森・衣...

  • Koinoki Shrine (Mizuta Tenmangu Shrine)
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Chikugoshi Mizuta 62-1
    A subordinate shrine located on the grounds of the Mizuta Tenmangu shrine in Chikugo City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This Shinto shrine is dedicated to the love god Koi-no-Mikoto. Famous for providing worshippers luck in finding love and marriage, visitors can purchase koi-mikuji (fortune slips which will tell their love fortunes), koinoki-ema (votive tablets to offer in prayer for love), and heart shaped charms. The Koi Musubi Festival, a love festival, is held at the shrine on July 7, attracting large numbers of visitors.

    羽犬塚駅から徒歩25分ほど。 1226年創建。祭神は菅原道真。県道703号沿いにある参道入口には赤鳥居が立つ。太鼓橋手前に立つ二の鳥居(水田の石造鳥居)は1614年建立で県指定文化財。本殿は木造杮葺きで、向拝天井には方角と十二支が記されたレリーフが取り付けられている。1991年の台風で大きな被害を受けたが、1995年に再建修復が完了。本殿裏に安置されている変わった形の狛犬は、かつて末社・玉垂命神社...

  • Shikaumi-jinja Shrine
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Fukuokashihigashiku Shikashima 877
    A Shinto shrine sitting on Shika Island in Fukuoka City’s Higashi Ward. Enshrining the three gods of the sea called the Watatsumi Sanjin, the shrine has attracted faithful across Japan since ancient times as the head shrine of sea god worship. Located on a small hill, visitors can get a sweeping view of the Genkai Sea from the shrine’s grounds. The grounds are also filled with points of interest such as small Hokyoin pagodas designated Important Prefectural Tangible Cultural Properties as well as the first in a serious of stone monuments commemorating the poems of the Man’yoshu, Japan’s oldest collection of poetry. Shika Island is connected to the mainland, making it possible to visit the shrine by buss, but visitors can also take a municipal ferry from Bayside Place on Hakata Port.


  • Mihashirajinja Shrine
    36 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Yanagawa-shi Mitsuhashimachi Takahatake 323-1
    A shrine in Takahatake, Mitsuhashi Town. The first lord of the Yanagawa Domain, Tachibana Muneshige, his wife Tachibana Gincho, and his father Bekki Dosetsu, are enshrined as deities. The shrine was relocated to its current location in 1826. In October they hold the three-day Onigie Fall Festival during which the Dorotsukudon accompanied parade float, designated as an intangible folk culture of the prefecture, is carried through the town.

    西鉄柳川駅から徒歩10分ほど。二ッ川に架かる欄干橋から長い参道が続いている。 1826年創建。祭神は松陰霊神(柳川藩初代藩主・立花宗茂)、梅岳霊神(宗茂の養父・戸次道雪)、瑞玉霊神(宗茂の正室・誾千代)。社名はこの三神を祀ったことが由来。楼門は日光東照宮の陽明門を、回廊は厳島神社を参考に造営されたものであったが2005年の放火で焼失。同時に失われた拝殿は2008年に再建。本殿は銅葺きの屋根の上にト...

  • Kitano Tenmangu Shrine
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Kurumeshi Kitanomachinaka 3267
    A Shinto shrine located in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, god of scholarship. Also famously connected to a legend concerning Michizane and a kappa, a mythical beast, the shrine possesses what is said to be the preserved hand of a kappa. The shrine's Okunchi fall festival, held each year in October, has been designated a National Intangible Cultural Property and attracts a great number of visitors.


  • Kamado-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukuoka Pref. Dazaifushi Uchiyama 883
    A Shinto shrine dedicated to Tamayori-hime, mother of Emperor Jinmu, Kamado Shrine has attracted believed seeking assistance with love and protection from harm since ancient times. Located at the foot of Mt. Homanzan, the shrine is also renowned for the beauty of its cherry blossoms in spring and fall foliage in autumn and the grounds throng with visitors during these times. The shrine’s Musubi-no-ito, red string talismans for love, are popular with those who wish for luck in love.

Fukuoka Areas


The most northerly of Kyushu island’s prefectures, Fukuoka comprises castle towns, seaside parks, and Hakata ramen, one of Japan’s most famous noodle dishes. Whether due to its good location or its unique charm, the prefecture’s capital, Fukuoka city, has been voted one of the most desirable places to live in the country - a close-knit community, a thriving food scene, and accessible nature combine for irresistibly laid-back city vibes.

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