Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Aki / Muroto Area

  • Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark Center
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Murotoshi Murotomisakichou 1810-2
    This is a base facility for the Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark. You should come here first when you visit the Geopark for the visitor center and information center. The Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark is introduced on a large screen at the Geo Theater using high resolution images. They also introduce goods and various hands-on programs.

    主たる目的が最御崎寺参拝だったのですが、海岸線の国道から海側を望むと大きな岩がゴツゴツと並び、意外と険しい海岸と感じました。 又、室戸岬灯台の展望台から一帯を見渡すと、上空を飛ぶ飛行機内から見下ろすのとは違い、直近の荒々しい波を目にする事が出来ました。

  • Nakaoka Shintaro Museum
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Akigunkitagawamura Kashiwagi 140
    This museum is located in Kashiwagi, Kitagawa Village, Aki County. It features exhibits related to Nakaoka Shintaro, a samurai who played a major role in the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance alongside Sakamoto Ryoma. These exhibits include videos and panels on the life of Nakaoka as well as valuable historical artifacts. The museum also holds special exhibits about the Bakumatsu, the final years of the Edo period.


  • Aki City Museum of History and Folklore
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Aki-shi Doi 953-I
    A museum located at the site of Aki Castle. The Goto family—senior Tosa domain officials during the Warring States period—once lived there. It houses documents related to the Goto family, a valuable resource for understanding the Tosa domain during the feudal era. There is also a collection of arts and crafts, weapons, and folk implements connected to the local area. The permanent exhibition showcases important people with Aki ties, such as the founder of the Mitsubishi Group, Yataro Iwasaki. Archaeological artifacts excavated within the city limits and old documents are also on display, making it easy to get an overview of Aki's history. Special exhibits, such as of dolls from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods, are held two or three times a year.

    Great place to learn a bit about the history of Aki City (and Kochi Prefecture). They have a basic guide available in English.

  • Aki Tourist Information Center
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Aki-shi Yanomaru 1-4-32
    A tourist information center located in central Aki. Promoting eastern Kochi prefecture and Aki in particular, they provide information on the latest events and places to visit. Opened in conjunction with the Shikoku Kochi Ryoma Furusato Expo, it has an area providing lots of information on the founder of the Mitsubishi Group, Yataro Iwasaki. With genealogical charts including a family tree and a chart showing ties to the Ryomas on display, you can get a sense of his life and the turbulent times he lived in. The center also sells souvenirs and lends out bikes for free, making it a perfect stop for exploring Aki.

    竜馬パスポートの青色から赤色への変更手続きができる施設と 案内があったので、利用させていただきました。 国道沿いの広い駐車スペースのある施設で便利でした。 施設内には、各種のパンフレット類も豊富に置いていて 良かったです。 お土産類もありますが、これは普通かも。

Kochi Areas


The largest of Shikoku’s prefectures, Kochi is endowed with some of the island’s most exceptional sand beaches lining the Pacific Ocean, which narrows into the Shimanto-gawa, a huge river that stretches 196 kilometers into the prefecture, passing verdant mountains and hosting countless riverside activities. Whether you’re a pilgrim or not, Kochi’s 16 Buddhist temples that make up one leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage are worth a visit, particularly Chikurin-ji for its five-tier pagoda.

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