Transportation Spots in Kochi Area

  • Roadside Station Kawauso no sato Susaki
    41 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Susakishi Shimobun Jia 263-3
    This roadside station is located on the side of the Nakamura Highway in Shimobunko, Susaki City. It hosts a number of different shops offering items such as seasonal vegetables such as Japanese ginger (of which Susaki is Japan’s biggest producer), citrus and other varieties of fruit, seafood such as skipjack tuna seared with burning straw, Kochi’s famous “Aisukurin” frozen treat, local sake, souvenirs, gardening products, and more. Its restaurant offers a range of dishes including nabeyaki ramen noodles, a local Susaki delicacy, as well as set meals and donburi (rice bowls) featuring seafood such as skipjack tuna and moray eel.

    台風の時に伺いましたが、お店が開いていて助かりました、ありがとうございました。 2階のレストランで、須崎名物の鍋焼きラーメンを食べましたが、スープがずっと熱々で、冷え切った身体が温まりました。具は鶏肉、ねぎ、生卵、ちくわとシンプルですが、麺も最後までのびず、おいしく頂きました。 1階には、お土産もお酒、食べ物など豊富な品揃えで立ち寄ってお買い物も楽しめました。ありがとうございました。

  • Roadside Station Nabura Tosa Saga
    40 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Hatagunkuroshiochou Saga 1350
    You’ll find this rest stop along National Route 56 in Kuroshio Town, Hata County, Kochi Prefecture. It is popular for its delicious bonito. The facility contains a food court that is well-known for its “seared (tataki) bonito burgers,” and there’s also the “seared bonito set,” “Kuroshio bonito rice bowl,” which is topped with bonito roasted over a straw-fueled fire, “bonito cutlet curry,” and more. The rest stop also hosts bonito roasting demonstrations and a farmer’s market that offers fresh fish, vegetables, and more, making it perfect for taking a break during a drive or doing some shopping.

    ランチで利用しました。入って右にレストランがあり、食券を買って呼び出しを待つスタイルです。明神丸のレストランなので、カツオのたたきがおすすめですが、ほかにも各種カツオ料理がありました。 塩たたき丼をいただきましたが、とてもおいしかったです。また、カツオたたきの定食は5切れ、7切れなど選べます。ひと切れがとても大きくてびっくりしました。

  • Roadside Station Shimanto Towa
    37 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Takaokagunshimantochou Towakawaguchi 62-9
    This Roadside Station, located on National Route 381 in Shimanto-cho, Takaoka County in Kochi Prefecture, is in the perfect location to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Shimanto River. Its shops sell many locally-sourced vegetables and processed goods, focusing on locally-produced and locally-consumed as well as original items. It is lined with the bounty of the Shimanto River basin such as wild sweetfish, river prawns, shiitake mushrooms, tea and sweets made from Shimanto chestnuts. The restaurant serves seasonal cuisine using local ingredients such as wild sweetfish and eel. There is also a buffet of local cuisine every Wednesday.

    道の駅四万十とおわは、高知県高岡郡四万十町十和川口(こうちけんたかおかぐんしまんとちょうとおわかわぐち)にある道の駅だ。 2021年5月22日、この日は自宅を車で出発し、土佐ICから高知自動車道に乗る。 四万十中央ICで高速道路を下り、国道56号線に入る。 県道から国道381号線へ。 道の駅四万十とおわに到着だ。 駐車場はとても広い。 まず売店に入ってみた。 店頭で野菜を販売している。 ズッキ...

  • Roadside Station Otsuki
    42 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Hatagunotsukichou Hiromi 2610
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 321 in Hiromi, Otsuki Town, Hata County. It offers the town’s local products including fresh fruits and vegetables harvested each morning, fresh fish, and side dishes. Other offerings include soft-serve ice cream made with local milk, strawberry shaved ice featuring strawberries grown on the on-site farm, and more. The station’s restaurant offers meals made with local ingredients, coffee made with beans roasted locally with Binchotan Charcoal, and more. The station, which features a park equipped with a large playset, also hosts Coral Illumination in Otsuki event during the winter.

    ツアーで立ち寄りました。小さめの道の駅ですが、品ぞろえが充実していました。 特に地元のものを使った商品が多く、お土産選びが楽しかったです。「ばんかん」という名の柑橘のゼリーがおいしかったです。 生鮮食品もたくさんありましたが、旅行途中で買えず、残念でした。

  • Roadside Station Tanoekiya
    29 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Aki-gun Tanocho Kamishimata 1431-1
    This roadside station located on the side of Tosa-higashi Highway in Tano Town, Aki County is part of Tano Station. Its shop offers regional specialties, fresh seafood, vegetables harvested fresh each morning by local farmers, bento boxes, side dishes, and more. The station’s food corner offers udon and other types of noodles, rice dishes such as their surimidon (which features fried fish paste coated with Tosa Jiro eggs and served on a bowl of rice), ice cream, and more. It also offers tourist information and rental cycles, making it a good base for sightseeing in the surrounding area.

    鉄道「ごめん〜なはり線」の駅も兼ねている道の駅です。柚子を使った食品や、芋けんぴなど高知のお菓子などが販売されていました。私達は幾つかお菓子を購入しました。 また食堂も併設されていますがメニューに地元色は少なかったです。 ちなみに電気自動車の充電スタンドがありました。

  • Roadside Station Osugi
    27 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Nagaokagunotoyochou Sugi 743-1
    This roadside station is located on the side of the Tosakita Highway in Sugi, Otoyo Town, Nagaoka County. It offers items including goishicha tea, a local specialty, processed yuzu citrus products, and more. The diner offers items such as their Tachikawa soba, which feature soba noodles made with 100% buckwheat flour, their goishicha gozen set meals, and more.

    小さな売店ですが、売られているお土産の中には目をひくものがあります。 2000円以上買ったので、JAFカードの提示で、道の駅ストラップをもらいました。

  • Musasabi no sato
    25 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kamiyakawako 1160-2
    This roadside station on the side of National Route 194, which connects central Kochi Prefecture with Ehime Prefecture, is located between Kochi City and the border shared by the two prefectures. It is well-known as a rest stop for people driving the Setouchi Shimanami Kaido Expressway, which connects Shikoku with Honshu. The surrounding area gained the nickname “Niyodo Blue” in recent years for the beautiful main stream and tributaries of the Niyodo River, a class A river. The area is visited by many tourists due to its popularity on social media. In addition to people seeking great mountain climbers and fall foliage, the spot is also extremely popular with motorcycle tourists and cyclists. The central facility of the relatively small roadside station is its local products shop. Leveraging its location amongst the mountains, the shop offers many handcrafted products made the old-fashioned way with natural ingredients that cannot be found anywhere else. Visitors can always enjoy a hot meal or a variety of handmade sweets at the station’s two food shops, “Shokujidokoro Hachikinya” and “Mori no Chiisa na Okashiyasan”.


  • Roadside Station Bios Ogata Hinataya
    23 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Hatagunkuroshiochou Ukibuchi 953-1
    This is a roadside rest station along National Route 56 in Kuroshio Town, Hata County, Kochi Prefecture. It is at a great location about one minute walk from the ocean and visitors can enjoy resting, shopping and eating overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The cafeteria’s specialty is the “seared bonito burger”. There are also a variety of dishes that use ingredients from Kochi’s mountains and the sea such as “mackerel cutlet set meal” and “bonito miso chazuke (boiled rice in soup)”. At the wholesale store, seared bonito, local vegetables, dried products, town specialty products, and ice creams are sold.

    四国に訪れた際は伺います 毎回楽しみにしてます 今回は空いていたのでしらす丼頂きました 人気のラーメンもかつおのたたき定食も頂きました コロナ対策もバッチリで 皆さん笑顔で頑張ってました ただご当地ガチャポンがお金を入れても出てこなくて残念でした

  • Roadside Station Aguri Kubo River
    9 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Takaokagunshimantochou Hiragushi 284-1
    This roadside station is located on the side of the Nakamura Highway in Hiragushi, Shimanto Town, Takaoka County. It sells local specialties with a focus on items from Shimanto Town and the Shimanto River watershed, local sake, Niidamai rice, processed ginger products (the area is Japan’s biggest producer of ginger), and more. Its restaurant provides items made with local seafood, the fruits and vegetable of the land. It also features a shop that carries produce grown by local farmers, processed products, and handicrafts, as well as a shop that specializes in ice cream made with fresh raw milk produced by dairy farmers in the Shimanto River watershed.

    This is one stop you must do.Noce pork over rice. leave some space for those bbq pork along the walkway.

  • Roadside Station Kira Messe Muroto
    9 Reviews
    Kochi Pref. Muroto City Kiragawacho Hei 890-11
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 55 in Hei Kiragawa-cho, Muroto City. Its restaurant offers set meals, donburi (rice bowls), and other dishes made with ingredients including local fish, the local fruits and vegetable, and Koshihikari rice grown in Kiragawa-cho. It also offers as a selection of whale dishes. The facility also features a market that offers products such as fresh produce, fresh fish, and processed products. At the Kujirakan whale museum, visitors can see museum exhibits on Muroto’s whaling tradition and also experience entertaining VR and AR content.


  • Roadside Station Tosa Sameura
    12 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Tosaguntosachou Tai 448-2
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 439 in Tai, Tosa Town, Tosa County. It offers local products such as seasonal local produce, processed products made from yuzu citrus and other items, the local sake “Keigetsu”, handcrafts, and more. The station’s diner serves set meals and donburi (rice bowls) featuring Tosa Akaushi (a red-haired Japanese cattle breed from Kochi), noodle dishes, and more. There is also an attached woodworking shop where visitors can purchase made-to-order work products or take woodworking classes.


  • Drive-in Hikichibashi
    8 Reviews
    Kochi Agawa-gun Niyodogawacho Hikichi 62
    A drive-in restaurant on National Route 33 that connects Matsuyama and Kochi. They serve oden hot pots, soba noodles, and meal sets in a rural teahouse with an old-fashioned ambiance. Originally, this area was a rest stop for rickshaw pullers and travelers. The teahouse began selling rice cakes and sweets at the end of the Meiji period. Their oden hot pots eaten with sweet miso and grilled amego salmon skewers are famous, and their Japanese mugwort manju buns—a local favorite—often sell out quickly. Since its founding over 80 years ago, the shop's been a favorite of locals and travelers alike.

    5年前、たまたま立ち寄って、購入したヨモギ入り焼き餅が美味しくて、再訪。 やっぱり美味しい。安い! のんびりした雰囲気のドライブイン。ホッとできる場所です。

  • Roadside Station Tosa Japanese Paper Industrial Art Village
    6 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Agawaguninochou Kashiki 1226
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 194 in Kashiki, Ino Town, Agawa County. It features accommodations offering views of the Niyodo River, a restaurant that offers cuisine made with seasonal local ingredients, a spa with medicinal baths and saunas, a gallery in a renovated storehouse, a farmer’s market, and more. Visitors can also try their hand at activities such as making Tosa Washi paper, weaving (reservation required), or canoeing the Niyodo River (reservation required).


  • Roadside Station Fusegasaka
    7 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Takaoka-gun Tsunocho Funato 654-1
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 197 in Funato Komiyadani, Tsuno Town, Takaoka County. Its shop offers local products and produce including the area’s famous tea leaves. Its attached restaurant offers cuisine made with local ingredients such as its kakuni ramen, which features cubes of stewed Tsunoyama beef.

    梼原に行く途中で寄りました。 小さな家族連れなら必ず行って欲しい場所 午前中運良ければ雲海が眺めれる絶景スポット 子供が嬉しいのは天狗の入り口から滑るすべり台 300mぐらいありますかね?戻って来るのに足腰くる 道の駅の野菜と工芸品も充実しており パン屋も美味しかった。

  • Roadside Station Shimanto Taisho
    3 Reviews
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Shimantocho Taisho 16-2
    Roadside Station Shimanto is one of the country's older roadside stations. Its famous restaurant has been making fare with the same recipes since its founding. Run by members of a women's organization tied to Kochi's agricultural cooperative, their items made with dashi broth are especially good. Don't miss the soup that accompanies the udon noodles and meal sets. Their Udon Set and Shimanto Unakaba Rice Bowls come recommended.


  • Roadside Station Yusuhara
    Kouchi Pref. Takaokagunyusuharachou Tarougawa 3799-3
    This roadside station was built in Tarogawa Park, which is located on the side of National Route 197 in Tarogawa, Yusuhara Town, Takaoka County. In addition to a shop that offers local products, the facility also features the Kumo no Ue no Hotel, which includes a hot spring spa, a pool, a gallery, Kumo no Ue no Restaurant, and other facilities. The Kumo no Ue no Restaurant offers dishes made with ingredients including beef raised in natural pastures, fish from the Shimanto River, and wild plants from Tsunoyamago to enjoy along with the views of the greenery outside its windows. There is also a camping ground located inside the park.
  • Roadside Station Konoka
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kuwaze 225-24
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 194 in Kuwaze, Ino Town, Agawa County. In addition to a shop offering Ino Town’s local specialties, soft-serve ice cream, and other items, the station also features a red spotted masu trout fishing hole that is open from May to November. The station has an attached hot spring inn and day spa, Konoka Onsen. Visitors can also enjoy a meal at the attached restaurant, which offers views of the Kuwaze River.
  • Roadside Station Yotte Nishi Tosa
    Kouchi Pref. Shimantoshi Nishitosaekawasaki 2410-3
    This roadside station standing next to Shimanto River, the river that is said to have the last clear stream in Japan, is in Nishi Tosa, Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, on National Route 441. Produce such as natural Ayu sweetfish and eel caught in the Shimanto River and locally grown organic vegetables and rice harvested in the mountainous areas are sold. In the facility, there is an Ayu market, where you can buy freshly cooked Ayu sweetfish grilled with salt, a market selling produce directly from the farmers, a cafeteria, and an observation deck, as well as a café where unique Shimanto sweets can be enjoyed.
  • Roadside Station Nankoku Furari
    Kouchi Pref. Nankoku City Soyama102-1
    This roadside station is located on the side of the Kochi East Road in Soyama, Nankoku City. It features a shop that offers product such as local Kochi sweets, seared skipjack tuna, Shimantogawa nori (seaweed sheets), processed yuzu citrus products, local sake, and more. It also features a farmer’s market that offers fresh local produce and processed products such as Pirishaki-zuke. These pickles are made with Shihochiku, a type of bamboo shoot that is a specialty of Nankoku City. At the café restaurant, visitors can enjoy set meals, donburi (rice bowls), udon noodles, and other dishes featuring the tastes of Tosa such as their Tosa Ajiwai Gozen set meal. It also offers a breakfast buffet.
  • Roadside Station Sukumo
    Kouchi Pref. Sukumoshi Sakanoshita 1023-44
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 321 in Sakanoshita, Sukumo City. It features a number of shops including a shop that offers fresh fish and processed seafood products, a coral accessory shop, a café, and an okonomiyaki (savory pancake) restaurant. An observation deck has been built on the grounds, which face the Sukumo Bay, from which visitors can sometimes see a special phenomenon in which the setting sun looks like a Dharma doll from autumn to winter.

Kochi Areas


The largest of Shikoku’s prefectures, Kochi is endowed with some of the island’s most exceptional sand beaches lining the Pacific Ocean, which narrows into the Shimanto-gawa, a huge river that stretches 196 kilometers into the prefecture, passing verdant mountains and hosting countless riverside activities. Whether you’re a pilgrim or not, Kochi’s 16 Buddhist temples that make up one leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage are worth a visit, particularly Chikurin-ji for its five-tier pagoda.

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