Service Area Spots in Tobe Area

  • Roadside Station Futami
    31 Reviews
    Ehime Pref. Iyoshi Futamichoutakagishi A 2326
    This roadside station located in Futami Seaside Park has been chosen as one of the Japan's 100 best sunset destinations. Along with a beautiful sandy beach facing the Seto Inland Sea there's a Sunset Museum with its own manmade beach and a restaurant where you can enjoy a meal while watching the sunset. Blessed with an abundance of nature this popular spot brings together the food obtained in the sea and the mountains. At Futamin C, the local specialty products shop, you'll find fresh fish and mandarin oranges grown in the temperate climate of the Setouchi region. In 2008 it was recognized as a holy ground for couples and their heart shaped Love Jakoten fritters are very popular.

    上灘水産の、ハモ出汁ご飯最悪!ハモより 鯛が勝ってる! ハモには、ハモデシショ! ハッキリ言って、鯛飯 あり得ない

  • Roadside Station Nakayama (Craft no Sato)
    Ehime Iyo-shi Nakayamacho Naka Yamako 271
    "A roadside station situated along National Route 56, the Ozu Highway. The name of the Craft-no-Sato tourism facility was changed to ""Roadside Station Nakayama"" after it was registered as a roadside station. The central Wood Craft Center houses a farmers market and shops selling local arts and crafts. In the Sherbet House, you can eat ice cream made by hand with select ingredients. The Konekonetei restaurant serves fresh, handmade soba noodles and also offers soba noodle making experiences."
  • Soba Making Experience, Roadside Station Nakayama
    Ehime Iyo-shi Nakayamacho Naka Yamako 271
  • Roadside Station Hirota
    9 Reviews
    Ehime Iyo-gun Tobecho Sozu 162-1

    国道379号沿いの道の駅。 近隣の市街地からかなり離れており、有名観光地・・・と云うほどでも無い為、駐車場は50台分程ですが、混み合う事は無さそうです。 どちらかと云うと「質素」「簡素」と云う言葉が似合うやや寂しい感じもぬぐえない道の駅で、ホットスナック的なものは売っておらず、近隣住民のスーパー的な役割としてカップラーメンやお菓子、醬油(醤油はこの辺りの名物でもありますが・・・)等も販売されていま...

  • Matsuyama Expressway (Matsuyama-Seiyo Uwa) Iyonada SA Outbound
    Ehime Iyo-shi Miyashita 2517-1
  • Matsuyama Expressway (Matsuyama-Seiyo Uwa) Iyonada SA Inbound
    Ehime Iyo-shi Miyashita 2804-1
  • Iyo Nada service area noborisen
    Ehime Pref. Iyoshi Miyashita 2804-1

Ehime Areas


Stretched across the northwest corner of Shikoku island, Ehime is a nature-rich prefecture boasting beautiful coastlines and a rural center where mountains play host to 26 of the Buddhist temples that make up the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Matsuyama is home to an original post-feudal castle as well as Dogo Onsen, one of the country’s oldest natural hot springs. The northern city of Imabari marks the entrance to the Shimano Kaido, a road that crosses six spectacular bridges and several islands, forming a route between Shikoku and mainland Honshu.

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