Memorial Hall Spots in Tobe Area

  • Sakamura Shinmin Memorial Museum
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ehime Iyo-gun Tobecho Ominami 705
    "The Shinmin Sakamura Memorial Museum was opened in Tomochi on March 11, 2012. He devoted himself to poetry in Tobe Town from the age of 58 to 97, and one of his representative works is ""Nenzureba Hana Hiraku"" (""If I Think, Flowers Will Open""). The opening of the museum came one year after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and was meant to send a cheer from Ehime to Tohoku. The number of young people visiting the museum is increasing, indicating that his words are resonating across generations."

    本当に不勉強で,家内共々坂村真民さんのことを存じませんでした。きれいな記念館で展示された内容を拝見し,学ばせて頂きました。常に自らを戒め叱咤する姿には敬服する限りです。晩年の生き抜くことへの執着というより決然とした努力も 迫力を感じました。砥部焼を楽しみに来たのですが,思いがけない勉強が出来て楽しめました。

Ehime Areas


Stretched across the northwest corner of Shikoku island, Ehime is a nature-rich prefecture boasting beautiful coastlines and a rural center where mountains play host to 26 of the Buddhist temples that make up the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Matsuyama is home to an original post-feudal castle as well as Dogo Onsen, one of the country’s oldest natural hot springs. The northern city of Imabari marks the entrance to the Shimano Kaido, a road that crosses six spectacular bridges and several islands, forming a route between Shikoku and mainland Honshu.

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