Hot Spring / Hot Spring Bath Spots in Northern Area

  • Kagura Monzen Toji Village
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Hiroshima Pref. Akitakatashi Midorichouhongou 4627
    A tourist attraction in Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture. At the hotel with natural radon hot spring, as well as the Kagura Dome and the Kamukura Theater, you can enjoy the traditional Kagura dancing from 22 different Kagura troupes. There are also restaurants and souvenir shops, and seasonal events are regularly held, making this a popular location for tourists.

    大浴場 :×(村内の日帰り温泉施設を利用) 客室 :303号室(和室6畳+掘りごたつ) 窓からの景色:特筆すべきものは有りません 無料WiFi :× オートロック:×(施錠式) 洗面所 :〇 部屋風呂 :× トイレ :〇 冷蔵庫 :〇 金庫 :〇 布団 :食事中に敷かれています 2019年のゴールデンウィークに宿泊しました。神楽門前湯治村という一種のミニ...

  • Kimita Onsen Mori-no-Izumi
    7 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Pref. Miyoshishi Kimitachouizumiyoshida 311-3
    This hot spring facility is in Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. They offer large indoor baths as well as outdoor baths surrounded by trees. Cottages are available for overnight stays and day visits are also available. You can also enjoy a meal in the restaurant which is equipped with the sunken hearth. With nearby hiking courses and riverside play areas, this hot spring is popular with families.


  • Jinsekikogen Onsen
    3 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Jinseki-gun Jinsekikogen Cho Iseki 1282


  • Komo Onsen
    3 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Shobara-shi Komocho 369

    Caveat on my review -- didnt stay there, just went to lunch but got to tour property. On that day learned the meaning of sugoi, Japanese expression used to describe something special in a positive...

  • Takami Ya Yu no Mori
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Akitakata-shi Takamiyacho Harada 1787-1
  • Hibagonsato Onsen Suzurannoyu
    3 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Pref. Shoubarashi Saijouchoumisaka 152-10


  • Kimita Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Miyoshi-shi Kimitacho Izumiyoshida
    An alkaline spring, unusual in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, welling up on the grounds of Roadside Station Forest Kimita downriver from Kannosekyo Gorge, known for its beautiful seasonal scenery. A privately owned carbon dioxide spring with a pH of 6.5, its milky white waters are said to leave the skin silky smooth. The Kimita Onsen inn's bathhouse has a variety of baths, including classic small vase-like tubs, a cascading shower bath, jacuzzi, and pressure bath; the inn's outdoor bath, surrounded by natural beauty, offers bathers an unprecedented sense of freedom and airiness. Kimita is filled with rustic scenery, and visitors can visit the Eight Picturesque Sights of Kimita or see if they can spot rare wild animals in Kannosekyo Gorge Nature Park. Non-guests can also use the bathhouse facilities; for visitors looking for lodgings, the inn has Japanese-style and Western-style cottages.
  • Natural Radon Onsen Iwato Ya
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Akitakata Midoricho Hongo 4627 Monze Yujimura
  • Taka no Onsen Kaminose no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Shobara-shi Takanocho Shinichi 1144-3
  • Taishaku no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Jinseki Jinsekikogencho
  • Kimita Onsen Mori no Izumi
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Miyoshi-shi Kimitacho Izumiyoshida 311-3
  • Oasanarutaki Open-air Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Yamagata-gun Kitahiroshimacho Oasa Narutaki 5111
  • Yano Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Fuchu-shi Jogecho Yano
  • Konu Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Miyoshi-shi Konucho Nishino 545-2
  • Hibayama Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Shobara-shi Saijocho Yuki 890-2
  • Ryu Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Yamagata-gun Kitahiroshimacho Minamigata 3659
  • Hiwa Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Shobara-shi Hiwacho Hiwa 535
  • Geihoku Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hiroshima Yamagata-gun Kitahiroshimacho Hosomi 145-104

Hiroshima Areas


There is more than meets the eye awaiting any Hiroshima-bound traveler. Kicking off in Hiroshima city, the Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Castle, and Shukkeien Garden offer a couple of days of exploring; however, the real beauty lies along the southern coast of the prefecture. There, a series of islands spreads across the Seto Inland Sea: from the mysterious sea-submerged Great Torii Gate at Miyajima Island to the first half of the islands that connect Honshu to Shikoku via six spectacular suspension bridges.

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