Shrine Spots in Onomichi Area

  • Ushitora-jinja Shrine
    48 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nagae 1-3-5
    This shrine is located close to the Sanroku Station on the Senkoji Ropeway in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The four gods enshrined in the main shrine are Amaterasu Oomikami, Susanoono Mikoto, Izanagino Mikoto, and Kibitsuhikono Mikoto. Founded in 806 it is regarded as the oldest shrine in the former Onomichi City. The large camphor tree, said to be 900 years old, is certainly not to be missed. It has been designated as a Natural Monument of Hiroshima Prefecture. The circumference of the tree trunk is about seven meters. The shrine is used for film locations and as the setting for some animations which is why it has become so popular with tourists.

    尾道駅から徒歩15分ほど。千光寺山ロープウェイ乗り場に隣接。 806年創建。祭神は伊邪那岐神、天照大御神、素戔男命、吉備津彦命。境内入口には天保十一年(1840年)に奉納された門柱と、「艮宮」と記された扁額が掛かる鳥居が立つ。その先にある重厚な神門は銅板葺きのように見えるが錆があるので鉄板葺きかもしれない。拝殿・本殿は木造銅板葺き。境内にはクスノキの大木が聳える。この神社で映画「時をかける少女」の...

  • Misode Tenmangu Shrine
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nagae 1-11-16
    Located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, the Misode Tenmangu Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. Legend says that in 901, Michizane, who was relegated to Dazaifu, stopped by Onomichi on his way to Dazaifu and gave away one kimono sleeve as thanks for the warm hospitality he received there. In the grounds of the shrine are 55 stone steps, each one a block of stone five meters in length, some rare pieces of formative art and spectacular views overlooking the city. The shrine is also known as the setting for the film, I Are You, You Am Me, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi, and as the stage for some animations, which is why it has become so popular with tourists.

    大林宣彦監督の尾道三部作の映画「転校生」で主人公の二人が石段を転げ落ち、二人の身体と心が入れ替わってしまうと言う名シーンの舞台となった場所です。 映画「転校生」は1982年(昭和57年)に公開された映画なので40年近い昔の映画ですが、いまでもそのシーンは良く覚えているので、訪問できて超感動です。 実際に見た石段は結構急で、この階段を転げ落ちると大怪我しちゃうのではと思わせるほどの階段でした。 階...

  • Oyama-jinja Shrine
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Innoshimahabuchou 1424-2
    This shrine is located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and is dedicated to Oyamazumi no Okami. It is also famous as the largest shrine for architecture in Setouchi. In addition, at the Oyama Jinja Reitaisai held every October, many worshippers come to visit centered on local residents.

    大山神社(おおやまじんじゃ)は、広島県尾道市因島土生町(ひろしまけんおのみちしいんのしまはぶちょう)にある神社だ。大山神社(おおやまじんじゃ)の祭神は、大山積大神(おおやまづみのおおかみ)773年に大三島から勧進されたという、因島で最古の神社だ。境内社として自転車神社や耳明神社(みみごじんじゃ)が鎮座する。 2022年2月26日、この日は白滝山を歩いた。 そこから車で、大山神社にやってきた。大山...

  • Mitsuki Hachimangu Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Mihara-shi Yahatacho Miyauchi 7
    This historic and ancient Shinto shrine is said to have been founded in 769 when government official Wake no Kiyomaro transferred a god from the Usa Hachimangu shrine here in order to pray for his exoneration after he incurred the wrath of a politically-connected monk. In ancient times, the shrine prospered as the guardian shrine of the Yawata-no-sho estate as well as the guardian shrine of all Bingo Province (now eastern Hiroshima Prefecture). The shrine’s woodcuts depicting and Sukhavati sutra and wooden komainu guardian lion-dogs are said to have been donated by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in the Muromachi period and have been designated National Important Cultural Property. During the Tensho era (1573-1593), the mighty samurai lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi visited the shrine and is said to have personally planted a cherry tree on the grounds.


  • Itsukushima Shrine of Mukaishima
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Mukaishimachou 5525
    A shrine in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Deified here are the three goddesses of Munakata: Ichikishima-hime no Mikoto, Owatatsumi no Mikoto, and Kotoshironushi no Mikoto, often called Tomihama no Myojin-san by the locals. The temple is also known for its exorcisms, drawing large numbers of parishioners even from long distances from January to March.
  • Usui Hachiman Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nishinorisuecho 11-31

    “願い玉”と呼ばれている “烏須井蜻蛉玉 (うすいとんぼだま)” というお守りがあります。 この噂を聞きつけ参拝に行ってきました! 願いが叶うと大評判で、社務所には, 成就してお礼参りに訪れた人が返した 無数の願い玉が置かれています...

  • Nakanoshiyoukumagaharahachimanjinjiya
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Innoshimanakanoshouchou Yamazaki District 420-3

    この神社は因島水軍城と317号線を挟んで反対側の山の端に鎮座しています。道路に面した一の鳥居から石段と踊り場が交互に続き、途中随神門を挟んで上にも、奉納燈籠が立ち並ぶ石段と踊り場が続き、境内まではとても長い距離の参道となります。 境内入口には強面の玉乗り狛犬がいて、大きく重厚な拝殿の屋根には天狗の背に乗った狛犬や飛び狛も居ます。拝殿には龍や狛犬、象などの彫刻が施され、拝殿脇には備前狛犬や石造狛犬...

  • Iwashijima Itsukushima Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Mukaishimacho Iwashijima
  • Tachibana Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Mihara-shi Hongo Minami 7-13-1
  • Satoshiakira Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Mukaishimachou
  • Kanmuri Tenjin
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Mukaihigashicho Furue Hama
  • Sumiyoshi Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Urasakicho
  • Tarumi Tenmangu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Setodacho Tarumi
  • Yasaka Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Kubo 2
  • Yamawaki Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Higashikubocho
  • Kame Mori Hachimangu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Mukaishimacho
  • Kiinari Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Mihara-shi Kuicho Egi
  • Izumotaisha Shrine Binan Church
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Mihara-shi Koizumicho 839
  • Garakaha Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Miharashi Nakanochou 5-10-20
  • Koizumi Hachimangu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Mihara-shi Koizumicho 4923

Hiroshima Areas


There is more than meets the eye awaiting any Hiroshima-bound traveler. Kicking off in Hiroshima city, the Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Castle, and Shukkeien Garden offer a couple of days of exploring; however, the real beauty lies along the southern coast of the prefecture. There, a series of islands spreads across the Seto Inland Sea: from the mysterious sea-submerged Great Torii Gate at Miyajima Island to the first half of the islands that connect Honshu to Shikoku via six spectacular suspension bridges.

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