Travel / Tourism Spots in Onomichi Area

  • Senkoji Temple
    688 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashitsuchidouchou 15-1
    This is a temple located in Senkoji Park in Onomichi City. According to temple legend it was established in 806, by Kobo Daishi. The red painted main hall is an unusual structure called a stage building, and the building, together with the bell tower, symbolizes Onomichi. It is believed that once a jewel of shining light was placed on the big rock beside the main hall called “Tama no Iwa” and this illuminated the sea. From inside the precincts you can enjoy a magnificent view overlooking the city of Onomichi and the Seto Inland Sea.

    Located half way along Senkoji mountain and not far from the cable car station. The temple was established around 806. The temple offers a panoramic view of Onomichi port and the Seto Inland sea. A...

  • Kousanji Museum (Kousanji Temple)
    156 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousetoda 553-2
    The temple of Jodo Shinshu in Setoda Town, Onomichi City. It was established in 1936 by Kouzo Kousanji, an industrialist, to ensure his mother’s bodai or enlightment. The temple itself is the museum and inside the exhibition hall there are displays of cultural properties such as artifacts of Buddhism, tea ceremony and drawings. Many temples were built mimicking Japanese architecture and 15 buildings, including the main hall, are registered as Tangible Cultural Properties of the country. It is also called “the Sunlight in the West”.

    I had the Kosanji Temple marked on my maps as a must when I rode my bike on the Shimanami Kaido. I was really looking forward to visiting the temple but the entrance price really threw me off...

  • Hirayama Ikuo Museum of Art
    133 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousawa 200-2
    The museum is located in the town of Setoda in Onomichi City. The Hirayama Ikuo Museum of Art opened in 1997. The museum has a permanent exhibition of works by the Japanese painter Ikuo Hirayama, who is from Setoda Town. Through his childhood sketches and adolescent work it introduces the characteristics of Ikuo Hirayama. At the tea lounge original juices made with Setouchi citrus can be enjoyed.

    I usually whine when I have to go to art museums. However, this art museum was so well done, that I wished we could have spent more time. Some of the art was combined with the garden outside in a...

  • Innoshima Suigun Castle
    78 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Innoshimanakanoshouchou 3228-2
    This is a museum modelled as a castle and exhibits materials related to Murakami, Innoshima. The castle was built in 1983 under the supervision of the historian, Tatsuya Naramoto. From the period of the Northern and Southern Courts to the Sengoku period, the Murakami Navy controlled the sea routes around this whole area, and they prospered as a “Suigun” (naval forces) kingdom. The main citadel is a naval archives, the outer citadel is an exhibition room and the corner tower is an observation platform.

    因島の村上海賊の拠点です。城の中は資料館になっていて海軍に関する資料が展示されています。 村上3家のそれぞれの歴史を調べてみると面白いかと思います。

  • Tenneiji Temple
    117 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashitsuchidouchou 17-29
    Tenneiji Temple, a temple of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism, located about 15 minutes’ walk from Onomichi Station, is said to have been founded by Fumyo Kokushi through donations by Yoshiakira Ashikaga in 1367. Yoshiakira built the temple as a five-story pagoda but it was later changed to a three-story pagoda known as Kaiunto, now designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The view from the tower overlooking the city and the sea is one of the highlights of Onomichi. The 526 statues of Buddhist saints in the Rakando Hall is a must-see. A so called Sasuri Hotoke-san statue (literally, “rubbing Buddhist statue”) stands to the left in the temple’s main hall, and legend has it that your illness will get cured when you rub the same part of the statue’s body to where you feel sick. From April through to May, the cherry blossom and peonies show their full splendor in the temple grounds.

    Love the architecture of the temple. While its not a must see, if youre in town, its worth adding to your itinerary.

  • Roadside Station Mihara Shinmei no sato
    26 Reviews
    Hiroshima Pref. Miharashi Itosaki 4-21-1
    This roadside station is in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. At the local goods shop you’ll find fresh seafood caught from the Seto Inland Sea as well as fruit and vegetables from local farmers. In the restaurant and fast food corner, they create and serve dishes using local seasonal ingredients, and their octopus dishes, such as the octopus tempura rice bowl or their octopus tempura curry, are very popular.


  • Jodo-ji Temple
    52 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashikubochou 20-28
    This is one of the leading ancient temples of the Chugoku region. Located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima, it is the head temple of the Senyuji school of the Shingon sect. It is said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku in 616 as is known as the temple where Ashikaga Takauji prayed for success in battle. The main temple building, with its Irimoya-zukuri (formal tile hip-and-gable roof) and Hongawara-buki (tile roofing in which round and square tiles are laid down alternately) and the two-storied pagoda are registered as National Treasures, and the main gate and temple hall containing the image of Amitabha are Important Cultural Properties. In fact, the temple has such high historical value that the entire grounds are designated as a National Treasure. The inner shrine at the top of the mountain offers a spectacular view of the townscape of Onomichi and the sea.

    浄土寺の脇道から浄土寺山に登ることが出来ます。 結構ハードなハイキングコースで、 手入れがなされていないため薮が深い。 「本当にここを登っていいのか」と半信半疑になりますが、 そこの展望台から見る尾道は絶景です。 眼下にトンビが舞い、遠く四国まで見えました。 千光寺の展望台から見る景色より綺麗です。 尾道市は、ここを手入れし、観光資源として もっと活用すれば良いのにと、 どうでも良いことを思ってし...

  • Ushitora-jinja Shrine
    48 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nagae 1-3-5
    This shrine is located close to the Sanroku Station on the Senkoji Ropeway in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The four gods enshrined in the main shrine are Amaterasu Oomikami, Susanoono Mikoto, Izanagino Mikoto, and Kibitsuhikono Mikoto. Founded in 806 it is regarded as the oldest shrine in the former Onomichi City. The large camphor tree, said to be 900 years old, is certainly not to be missed. It has been designated as a Natural Monument of Hiroshima Prefecture. The circumference of the tree trunk is about seven meters. The shrine is used for film locations and as the setting for some animations which is why it has become so popular with tourists.

    尾道駅から徒歩15分ほど。千光寺山ロープウェイ乗り場に隣接。 806年創建。祭神は伊邪那岐神、天照大御神、素戔男命、吉備津彦命。境内入口には天保十一年(1840年)に奉納された門柱と、「艮宮」と記された扁額が掛かる鳥居が立つ。その先にある重厚な神門は銅板葺きのように見えるが錆があるので鉄板葺きかもしれない。拝殿・本殿は木造銅板葺き。境内にはクスノキの大木が聳える。この神社で映画「時をかける少女」の...

  • Kojoji Temple
    33 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousetoda 57
    This temple is in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a Soto sect temple venerating Kanzeon Bosatsu, or Kannon the Buddha of Compassion, and although the main temple had been gone since the Meiji period, it was rebuilt in 2010. It is remarkable for its fusion of Japanese and Chinese architecture, and the only remnant of its original building, the three-story pagoda tower, is a designated national treasure.

    Pleasant enough temple and pagoda but only if you are in the area with some time to spend. Nice walk up the hill through the trees.

  • Jiko-ji Temple
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nishitsuchidouchou 9-2
    This is an old temple with an impressive, grand stone gate called Jiko-ji Temple, which is one of the seven Buddha monuments of the Onomichi tour route. It is famous for its blooming hydrangeas in the rainy season, and is also known as Hydrangea Temple. The Nigiri Buddha experience, making hand size Buddha clay statues while making wishes, is also popular.

    尾道駅から徒歩5分ほど。 承和年間(834-848年)に天台宗の寺院として創建。1382年に浄土宗に改宗。本尊は五劫思惟阿弥陀如来。「尾道七佛めぐり」の一寺。山門は竜宮門の一層部分だけになった(上層部の櫓がない)ような不思議な造形。裏山のから切り出した36枚の花崗岩でできているとのこと。本堂は木造瓦葺き。 尾道出身の女性画家・平田玉蘊(1787-1855年)の菩提寺であり、境内にはその作品を展示す...

  • Buttsuji Temple
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Miharashi Takasakachou Motoyama 22
    A Buddhist temple in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. This Rinzai sect temple is primarily dedicated to the worship of Shakanyorai and was established in 1397. The main temple hall has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The temple draws visitors year-round and is often bustling with people searching for tales of history. The temple is especially well known as a place to visit during autumn for its variety of colors of changing leaves.

    The walk from the bus stop takes you under some lovely overarching trees. Allow a lot of time for wandering and photographing. The momiji against the buildings make for wonderful images. Rows of...

  • Roadside Station Yogansu Hakuryu
    8 Reviews
    Hiroshima Pref. Miharashi Daiwachouwaki 652-3
    A roadside station in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture that sells local produce including lotus root and peaches, and their original brand of local specialty products made from adlay. The restaurant offers Italian cuisine including stone oven pizza and pasta. Their fragrant adlay soft serve ice cream is also popular.


  • Misode Tenmangu Shrine
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nagae 1-11-16
    Located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, the Misode Tenmangu Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. Legend says that in 901, Michizane, who was relegated to Dazaifu, stopped by Onomichi on his way to Dazaifu and gave away one kimono sleeve as thanks for the warm hospitality he received there. In the grounds of the shrine are 55 stone steps, each one a block of stone five meters in length, some rare pieces of formative art and spectacular views overlooking the city. The shrine is also known as the setting for the film, I Are You, You Am Me, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi, and as the stage for some animations, which is why it has become so popular with tourists.

    大林宣彦監督の尾道三部作の映画「転校生」で主人公の二人が石段を転げ落ち、二人の身体と心が入れ替わってしまうと言う名シーンの舞台となった場所です。 映画「転校生」は1982年(昭和57年)に公開された映画なので40年近い昔の映画ですが、いまでもそのシーンは良く覚えているので、訪問できて超感動です。 実際に見た石段は結構急で、この階段を転げ落ちると大怪我しちゃうのではと思わせるほどの階段でした。 階...

  • Onomichi City Museum of Art
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nishitsuchidouchou 17-19 In the Senkoji Park
    It is a museum located in the Senkoji Park in Onomichi City. It was built in 1980 using the former NHK Onomichi Broadcasting Station site. In 2003, the buildings were renewed with designs by architect Tadao Ando, and both the main building and new building have become a symbol of Senkoji Park. An exhibition was held to introduce high quality art regardless of country or genre. The museum stores many art pieces familiar to Onomichi.

    Located near Senkoji temple and can be accessed by cable car. They held an exhibit on Reiji Hiramatsus works that are a part of the town museum in Yugawara. The vivid artwork was striking and worth...

  • Oyama-jinja Shrine
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Innoshimahabuchou 1424-2
    This shrine is located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and is dedicated to Oyamazumi no Okami. It is also famous as the largest shrine for architecture in Setouchi. In addition, at the Oyama Jinja Reitaisai held every October, many worshippers come to visit centered on local residents.

    大山神社(おおやまじんじゃ)は、広島県尾道市因島土生町(ひろしまけんおのみちしいんのしまはぶちょう)にある神社だ。大山神社(おおやまじんじゃ)の祭神は、大山積大神(おおやまづみのおおかみ)773年に大三島から勧進されたという、因島で最古の神社だ。境内社として自転車神社や耳明神社(みみごじんじゃ)が鎮座する。 2022年2月26日、この日は白滝山を歩いた。 そこから車で、大山神社にやってきた。大山...

  • Onomichi Cinema Museum
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Kubo 1-14-10
    A cinema museum dedicated to movies located right next to the Onomichi City Hall in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The museum, housed inside a remodeled warehouse built in the Meiji period, was opened in 2000. The museum displays materials and pictures from movies connected to Onomichi as well as materials relating to the history of cinema. The facility also has film eight millimeter film, projectors, and cameras used in various generations of cinema. The museum’s mini theater screens movie digests and previews.


  • Ikuchi-jima Island
    Travel / Tourism
    Setoda Town, Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture
    Ikuchi-jima Island, one of the Geiyo Islands, is an island that boasts the largest production of lemons in Japan, and where cultivation of citrus fruits is prosperous. There are many places of interest such as The Hill of Hope, a garden made of chalk marble, Hirayama Ikuo Museum of Art and Bell Kant Hall, where musicians renowned in Japan and overseas are invited to have concerts. Sightseeing by cycling is also recommended as there are many flat roads.
  • Takara Do Ji
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Higashitsuchidocho 10-3

    尾道駅から徒歩10分ほど。 貞和年間(1345-49年)創建の浄土宗西山禅林寺派の寺院。本尊は阿弥陀如来。本堂は木造瓦葺き。境内に鎮座する吉備津彦神社(一宮神社)の神宮寺。観音堂には如意輪観音が祀られているとのことだが、堂内に安置されている仏像は観音像ではない。これはどういうことなのか・・・。

  • Innoshima Island
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Prefecture Onomichi City
    This is the birthplace of Murakami Navy that boasted power in the Seto Inland Sea from the Nanboku-cho period to the civil wars period. Many historical sites remain such as Innoshima Suigun Castle and Konrenji Temple, housing the Navy tomb. On the other hand, it is also known as the island of Go because it is the home of Honinbo Shusaku, a Go player who represents Japan. Materials relating to Honinbo Shusaku and Go are exhibited at the Honinbo Shusaku Go Memorial Hall.
  • Setoda Tourist Information Center
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousawa 200-5
    This is the tourist information center located in Setoda Town, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. It provides tourist information on Hirayama Ikuo Museum of Art, Kousanji Temple, the town and also general information on the Shimanami Kaido Expressway. There are various pamphlets and sightseeing maps available. Bicycles for both adults and children are available for rental at a fee. There are many other services such as coin lockers, free air pumps for bicycles and convenient services for cyclists. Free Wifi provided.

    多々羅大橋をサイクリングするために自転車を借りに伺いました。 気さくで丁寧な説明を店主の方がして下さりありがたかったです。

Hiroshima Areas


There is more than meets the eye awaiting any Hiroshima-bound traveler. Kicking off in Hiroshima city, the Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Castle, and Shukkeien Garden offer a couple of days of exploring; however, the real beauty lies along the southern coast of the prefecture. There, a series of islands spreads across the Seto Inland Sea: from the mysterious sea-submerged Great Torii Gate at Miyajima Island to the first half of the islands that connect Honshu to Shikoku via six spectacular suspension bridges.

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