Shrine Spots in Around Izumo Oyashiro Area

  • Izumo Oyashiro(Izumo Taisha)
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukihigashi 195
    This is a shrine in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, enshrining the great Okuninushi, known as a god of marriage. It is also known by its official name Izumo Oyashiro. There are several legends about the foundation of the shrine including one that says it was built as a condition for Okuninushi transferring over the land of Japan. The main shrine is designated as a national treasure, and features Japan’s oldest shrine architectural style. It is rebuilt about every 60 years. The kagura hall is famous for the largest shimenawa (sacred rope) in Japan. The magnificent row of pine trees called “Pine Baba” is designated as one of Japan’s top 100 pine spots.


  • Susa Jinja shrine
    166 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Sadachoususa 730
    An ancient Shinto shrine located in Izumo City, Tottori Prefecture which is even mentioned in the ancient “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki,” a book describing the culture and customs of the region. The shrine is primarily dedicated to the god Susanoo-no-mikoto, who, according to Japanese legend, slew the fearsome eight-headed dragon Yamata-no-orochi. It is said that this area was the last place Susanoo-no-mikoto pioneered, after which he gave it his own name and passed away. In addition to a towering Japanese cedar tree over 1,300 years old, the shrine’s grounds are dotted with spots deemed the “Seven Wonders of Susa.” The shrine is famous for the three rituals conducted during the annual festival held on April 19 as well as the Kiriaki Shinji, a ritual called the Nenbutsu Odori (“Buddhist Prayer Dance”) conducted on August 15. In recent years, the shrine has also become popular as a mystical “power spot.”

    This place is acclaimed as one of the most spiritual places in Japan. The vibe in the air was very sacred. The 1,300 year old cedar tree was magnificent and felt like it was cleansing the air. There...

  • Haiden
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195

    銅の鳥居をくぐると目の前にです。 その前に、鳥居の左手には「神馬神牛像」がありますので そこを撫でさせて頂いてから拝殿へのお詣りに進んでも良いかと思います。 「神馬神牛像」の対面、または拝殿左後方には御守所がありますが、 混雑している場合はその先にも一か所あります。 初参詣の感激を込めてお祈りさせて頂きました。

  • Izumo Taisha Shrine Kaguraden
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195 Izumotaisha

    参詣順路最後に訪問。 ご本殿のある敷地から小さな通りを渡って隣の敷地に移動しますが 車が通りますので横断の際はご注意ください。 噂には聞いておりましたが、大綱の迫力に圧倒されます。 真下に立つと体感できます。 ご本殿とは別なご朱印を頂くことが出来ました。

  • Mi Main Hall
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195 Izumotaisha

    拝殿参拝の次は右側を通り、奥にあるご本殿を門前にて参拝致します。 階段登る前の足元には大きな円が描かれた色違いの石が埋め込まれていますが 単なるデザインではなく、お隣にある歴史博物館観覧の後 再度訪問するとより深い感銘を受けることと思います。 またご本殿左手が本当の正面とのことで、 ご本殿から右に沿って順次拝観していくと最後に塀沿いに お賽銭箱が置かれた箇所があるのでわかると思います。

  • Hinomisaki Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachouhinomisaki 455
    An ancient Shinto shrine standing on Cape Hinomi in Taisha Town, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture whose name is recorded as the “Misa Gisha” in the ancient text of the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki.” “Hinomisaki Shrine” is in fact the collective term for two shrines—the Hishizumi no Miya, dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu-omikami; and the Kami no Miya, dedicated to the god Susanoo-no-mikoto. The shrine (more specifically, the Hishizumi no Miya), famously protects Japan’s night, as opposed to Ise Jingu shrine, which protects Japan’s day. Must-see highlights include the red, two story granite torii gate and the honden main shrine building, built in the gongen-zukuri style and decorated with spectacular ornamentation outside and splendid images on its inner walls and ceilings.
  • 109 Yashiro
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195

    「じゅうくしゃ」と今まで聞いたことがない珍しいお名前と思いきや、 八百万の神々のご宿泊所とお聞きし、出雲大社ならではのお社と納得しました。 訪問時は当然閉まっており、知らないとただの板塀のように見えて素通りしてしまいます。

  • Soga Yashiro
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195

    大社訪問前に寄った稲佐の浜のお砂をこちらに納め、 お社のお砂を有難く頂戴させて頂きました。 お社の左右両脇に2か所ずつありますので訪問時は混雑はありませんでした。 またお砂と同時に裏側にありますご霊山へも参拝させて頂きました。 すれ違うのがやっとの狭い通路で参詣者も続くので 邪魔にならないようにささっとお祈り致しました。

  • Nagahama Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Nishizonochou 4258
    This shrine is the origin of the Kunibiki-shinwa myth and to attain victory. Also, it is famous as the shrine where Kato Kiyomasa and Katagiri Katsumoto worshipped for and was granted success when Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered the invasion of Korea. The pine tree where they worshipped remains in the precinct of the temple. The large Izumo-style knotted straw made from 1,500 rice straws is also worth seeing.

    国引き神社だという事で大阪から来て最初に参拝しました。 土曜日の7時に長浜神社の駐車場に着いたときは入り口付近の整備がちゃんとされてなかったので廃れ感が否めませんでした。随神門までの参道も綺麗さは全く感じられず心配でしたが、境内に入ると授与所で御朱印・お守りが買えるちゃんとした神社なんだと思いました。御朱印の種類も豊富です。 参拝までの心配な気持ちは無くなり帰りは清々しく駐車場まで戻れました。

  • Mii-jinja Shrine
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Hikawachounaoe 2518
    The Mii Shrine, which is mentioned in some of Japan’s oldest historical records, including the Kojiki (“Records of Ancient Matters”) and the Fudoki (local gazetteers), is dedicated to the worship of Konomata-no-kami, a deity who is also mentioned in these ancient records. Konomata-no-kami is the god of childbirth and water, and so the Mii Shrine became famous as a place to come to pray for a safe and trouble-free birth. There are three wells at the Shrine which are said to be among the oldest in Japan: the Iku-i Well, dedicated to the water god of safe childbirth, the Saku-i Well, dedicated to the water god of children’s wellbeing, and the Tsunaga-i Well, dedicated to the water god of children’s longevity.

    日曜日の午後に参拝。 駐車場も広く社務所も有人なので、境内は清浄。 ご祭神は木俣姫。 口伝では、この姫は八千矛王と八上姫の子で下照姫という。鳥取県の倭文神社のご祭神にもなっている。勿論こちらも安産の神様。 古事記にあるように、木の又に子を挟んで出て行く母なんているはずがないので、こちらの方が信憑性がある。 神社は水田に囲まれたのどかなところにあり水気も多く、境内の古木さえも生命力を感じる所だった。

  • Mankusen Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Hikawachouaikawa 258
    This shrine conveys the myth that it is the last stop for the eight million gods who gather nationally to worship during the Shinto festival, held every October (old lunar calendar). The gods that gather include, Kushimikenu-no-mikoto, Sukunahikona-no-mikoto, Oonamuchi-no-kami and Yaoyorozu-no-kami and visitors can receive various kinds of good fortune.
  • Inochinushi no Yashiro
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho
    You’ll find this auxiliary shrine about a five-minute walk to the east from Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine. The deity Kamimusubi-no-kami is enshrined there. This deity is one of the three deities that are said to have created the world, and is said to have saved the life of the deity Okuninushi-no-mikoto. In front of the shrine is an enormous Aphananthe oriental elm about 17 meters tall with its roots raised about two meters from the ground. It is nearly 1,000 years old, and it has also been designated as one of Shimane’s famous trees. In 1665, a bronze dagger-axe and jade magatama were discovered beneath a large rock behind the shrine, and they are currently being stored and displayed as treasures in the treasure room of Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine. The nearest station is Izumotaisha-mae Station.
  • Karakama-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Karakawachou Shinko 408
    This shrine has a very long history, one that is mentioned in written records such as the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki (Records of Izumo Culture and Climate) and the Engishiki (Procedures of the Engi Era). It is located in Karakawa Town, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture. It is said that the enshrined deity Susanoo-no-mikoto brought plant cultivation and iron craft techniques from Silla (one of the ancient countries in Korean Peninsula) into Japan. The “kama” in “Karakama” supposedly refers to a blast furnace. The great stone said to be the “stone ship” boarded by Susanoo is a must-see. The approach is a long, steep series of staircases, and to reach the main shrine, you must pass through a crack in a rock about 40-45 centimeters wide, so be sure to wear clothing you don’t mind getting dirty and sneakers.
  • Inasa-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195
  • izumotaishakitajimakuninomiyatsukokan izumokyou
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukihigashi 194


  • Umi Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Hiratacho Miyanishicho 686-1

    「宇美」と「産み」が掛けられて、子安神社として歴史があり、カップルや家族連れが多かったです。 広い境内ではなく、本堂のすぐ右側に大きな楠木があって圧巻でした。 宇美神社で有名な「子安の石」、大量の石がたくさん積み上げられていて少しだけ異様な景色で面白かったです。 「子安の石」は「子宝の石」と勘違いされている方も多いようですが「安産にあやかる為の石」です。 安産された方が納めた石を妊婦さんが預かって...

  • Watarukuka Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Koryouchouoike 1287-1


  • Isonokami Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Shiotsucho 279
  • Asayama Hachimangu Shrine Company office
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Matsuyorishimocho 1104
  • Ino Shrine Office
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Hiranocho 182

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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