Travel / Tourism Spots in Tottori Area

  • Fish Specimens and old Japanese Life Museum
    28 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tottori Pref. Sakaiminatoshi Hanamachi 8-1
    Fish Specimens and old Japanese Life Museum which opened in April 1994 and which has the finest collection of marine life specimens in Japan, is located in a renovated sake brewery; the building has been included in the list of the “Top 100 Most Beloved Buildings in Tottori Prefecture.” There are approximately 4,000 specimens of aquatic creatures belonging to around 700 different species in the museum’s collections; other items on display including the Minato-maru fishing boat and a collection of old everyday tools, three of which have been designated as Municipal Cultural Properties by Sakaiminato City Government.

    境港にあるちよっとした魚系の展示資料館です。 お魚などの剥製が多数展示されています。 暇つぶしで寄ったのですが意外に内容が濃くいろいろと勉強になりました。 水木しげるロードからはちょっと歩きますが時間が余ったら行ってみるといいかもしれません。

  • Daisenji Temple's Main Hall
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Saihakugundaisenchou Daisen 9
    This temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism is located on the mountainside of Mt. Daisen in Daisen Town, Saihaku County, Tottori Prefecture. It is an ancient temple said to have been founded between 717-723. At the peak of its influence, it had over 100 temples and 3,000 warrior monks, but the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism at the beginning of the Meiji period led to its decline. The vermilion-lacquered columns and green lattice windows of the main hall used to be the Dainichido Hall. It burned down and was rebuilt in 1951. The principal image is of Ksitigarbha.


  • Roadside Station Okudaisen
    21 Reviews
    Tottori Pref. Hinogunkoufuchou Sagawa 908-3
    This is a roadside station that is located along National Route 181 and is approximately one minute from the Yonago Expressway Kofu Interchange. It is a recommended place for souvenirs as it offers fresh morning picked vegetables and Okudaisen specialty goods.

    旅行中に寄りましたが、わざわざ高速を下りて行くほどでもない印象でした。 近くに蒜山高原SAがあるので、個人的にはお土産や食事ならそちらの方が良い気がしました。

  • Roadside Station Port Akasaki
    22 Reviews
    Tottori Pref. Touhakugunkotourachou Bessho 255
    This roadside station offers an abundant selection of fresh locally picked vegetables, marine products and local specialties. There is a play area with large playground equipment and places for meals, and is recommended as a great place to stop during a drive.


  • Roadside Station Misasa Rakuichi Rakuza
    27 Reviews
    Tottori Tohaku-gun Misasacho Ogaki 591

    シャインマスカットが540円で買えました。 地元の大阪なら1000円前後ですがとても安いです。 後、ネットに沢山入った丹波栗も500円で買えます。 他にもきゅうりやトマト、レモン、蜂蜜など地元農家さんの安心出来る農産物が買えました。 また、三朝温泉の有名な栃餅の製造元では朝早くから売切れになり、いつ行っても買えませんでしたが、こちらの楽市楽座さんではお昼前でまだ6パック位残っていて初めて買えました...

  • Roadside Station Daisen Megumi no sato
    19 Reviews
    Tottori Pref. Saihakugundaisenchou Nawa 951-6
    This roadside station is a community-based station that offers locally grown produce, specialty goods, local delicacies and restaurants. The popular item at the station is the famous black tea ice cream made with local organically grown tea.

    あまり大きくない道の駅でしたが、おみやげものもあり、食事もできるようになっていて、ここには道の駅ソフトクリーム総選挙2018で第3位になったソフトクリームがあるということで、食べてみましたが濃厚でとても美味しかったです。 サイズも2サイズ(大、小)あり、少しだけ食べたいという人にもうれしいサイズとなっていました。 また、令和のパネルがあり、そこに顔をはめ込んで写真が撮れるように等身大のパネルがあり...

  • Tottori Sand Dune Geo Park Center
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Tottorishi Fukubechouyuyama 2164-661
    At this facility standing on the Tottori Sand Dunes, you can have fun learning about nature and human activities in the area, including about the plants and animals which live on the dunes, and the history of the relationship between people and the dunes. In the Sunakura dome theater, you can watch a stunning movie about the dunes. You can also watch and listen to a detailed explanation about how the wave patterns are formed in the dunes as a guide uses a one-of-a-kind machine which recreates sand dune wave patterns.


  • Daisen Tom-Sawyer Pasture
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Yonagoshi Okanari 622-2
    This is a pasture located in the foothills of Mt. Daisen. It is a popular spot for children and has facilities called “Me-me (Baa-baa) land” with sheep, goats and rabbits and “Wan-wan (bow-wow) land” where you can interact with a variety of dogs.

    ゴールデンウィークバーベキューにいきました。 バーベキュー会場は屋根があって、広々としていいです。 予約して、お肉を頼んでおくと、 炭をいれてくれ、皿も紙皿でなく、お冷もあり、タレもおいしかったです。 コロナ制限解除後で、小さい子供連れが沢山おり、賑わっていました。 バーベキュー場所近くで、コイン式の子供遊具があり、音が耳障りで、やはり子供が乗りたがるのが星ー1です。

  • Tottori Folk Crafts Museum
    25 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tottori Pref. Tottorishi Sakaemachi 651
    The Tottori Folk Crafts Museum was established with the aim of showcasing the way folk crafts have been able to make everyday objects both practical and beautiful; the Museum has around 6,000 folk craft artifacts on display, both from Japan and overseas. The Museum is housed in a visually-striking building that was designed with great attention to detail by Yoshida Shoya; with its plaster-on-clay external walls, it resembles a traditional Japanese storehouse.

    鳥取駅から徒歩5分ほど。 入館料500円。鳥取の医師で民藝運動家の吉田璋也が、鳥取の民藝運動の拠点として1949年に創設。土蔵風の建物は1957年築で国登録有形文化財。訪館時は「吉田璋也遺愛...

  • Kannon-in (Shusse-Kannon)
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Tottorishi Uemachi 162
    This is a temple located in Tottori City’s Uemachi Town in Tottori Prefecture which used to be the temple for the Ikeda family, the feudal lords of the Tottori domain. It is also the 32nd temple of the Chugoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage, a junrei pilgrimage route. The principal object of worship is an image of the Shokanzeon Bosatsu, or Kannon Bodhisattva, and it is believed to be a Shusse Kannon (the word ‘shusse’ in Japanese means ‘success in life’ or ‘moving ahead in your life/career”) since it reportedly became larger every time it was moved. Construction of the Kannon-in garden, which has been designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty, took ten years from 1650 to be completed, and is an example of Chisenkansho-shiki Teien style in which there is a large pond around which gentle slopes, stones and trees and bushes have been arranged. Visitors can partake of the matcha tea and sweets service to sit down and slowly appreciate the garden view.

    It is a unique landmark. Its greenery and open spaces allow light to truly bring peace to your mind. Ive been told the scenery changes from season to season, so it will be beautiful whenever you...

  • Daigakuin Temple
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Kurayoshi-shi Higashimachi 422
    "This ancient Soto Buddhist temple was founded in 1605. Originally the family temple of Nakamura Hikozaemon Kazushige, lord of Numazu Castle in Suruga Province (now Shizuoka Prefecture) and called the Keikyuji, the temple was moved to what is now Yabase when Nakamura was forcibly relocated here by the government. Satomi Tadayoshi, the last lord of Tateyama Castle in Awa Province (now Chiba Prefecture), whose tale served as the basis for Takizawa Bakin's novel ""Nanso Satomi hakkenden"", is buried on the grounds. Eight of his retainers are also buried here, and eight stone statues of dogs face the graves. An ancient Ming China Sancai bowl, which records state was willed to the temple by Satomi Tadayoshi, has been designated a Protected Cultural Property by the prefecture."

    米子から鳥取に行く間に、寄り道しました。 白い倉の街を散策していたところ、街歩きマップで目に止まり訪れました。

  • Mt. Oshiroyama Observation Deck Kawahara Castle
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kawaharacho Tanihitotsugi 1011
    This tourist information center was opened in 1994 to serve as a local symbol as part of an area revitalization project. The reconstructed castle is built on the site where Toyotomi Hideyoshi placed his encampment during the subjugation of Inaba Province in 1580. Divided into three levels inside, the facility presents the history, culture, and plant and animal life of Tottori City's Kawahara-cho. From the terrace observatory on top of the castle, visitors can get a sweeping view of the area's seasonally changing scenery and, on clear days, see all the way to the Tottori Sand Dunes and the mountains of Chugoku. There are some 800 plum trees planted around the castle and in early spring many tourists come here to see their beautiful blossoms.

    鳥取市河原町の小高い丘の上に建つ模擬(再建)城郭で、正式名称は丸山城。 車で頂上まで登れますが現在道路工事中で迂回路が通ってます、頂上には駐車場があります。(我々は下から徒歩で登って行ったので、結構ハードでした) 入場料は300円ですが、65歳以上で無料でした。 平日の午前中で殆ど他にお客さんは居ませんでした。 お城自体は鉄筋コンクリートで、資料館+展望台となってます。

  • Shitori Shrine
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tohaku-gun Yurihamacho Miyauchi 754
    The shrine is dedicated to Takehazuchi-no-mikoto and Shimoteruhime-no-mikoto, gods of safe delivery, etc. Although the date of establishment is not known, it is thought that the shrine was built to worship Takehazuchi-no-mikoto, the ancestral god of textiles, since there were many Yamato people who made their living by weaving in this area. The shrine is still crowded with visitors praying for safe delivery on the day of the dog.

    鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町宮内の東郷池近くにある神社。 伯耆国(ほうきのくに)一之宮 倭文(しとり)神社、とネットで確認して漸く読めました。 駐車場、参拝料は無料です。 一之宮って事でそれなりの広さを予想してたんですが、こじんまりとしてました。 結構しっとりとした山林の中で、静寂な雰囲気が厳かな感じです。 平日の夕方でしたが、参拝客は他に居ませんでした。

  • Roadside Station Kotonoura
    5 Reviews
    Tottori Pref. Touhakugunkotourachou Bessho 1030-1
    This roadside station offers a large variety of local fresh vegetables, fresh fish and marine products. At the restaurant visitors can taste the seafood rice bowl and beef bone ramen.

    新鮮な魚介類を求めて行ってみました。 お値打ちの魚もありましたが スタッフの方の雰囲気があんまり良くないなと感じて購入しませんでした。 時間が合わず利用できませんでしたが、 レストランもあるので利用してみたかったです。 海鮮丼がおいしそうでした。 おみやげもたくさんあり、見ているだけでも楽しかったです。

  • Yonago San'in History Museum
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yonago-shi Nakamachi 20
    A history museum in a red brick building that you can spot from far away. The Western-style building with a tiled exterior was built in 1930 and used to be Yonago City Hall. At the time of construction, it was considered the top building in the San'in region. It currently displays Yonago folk items and items related to Yonago Castle, as well as artifacts from the Fukuichi Ruins, a National Historic Site. The architect's precision is evident in the details, including the earthquake resistant modern Western style Kaginote-zukuri architecture, curved handrails, and formal passages. It's illuminated at night, and has been designated a city Tangible Cultural Property.

    米子駅から徒歩15分ほど。 入館料無料。レトロ感のある3階建て建物は1930年築の旧米子市庁舎。設計は早稲田大学大隈記念講堂や日比谷公会堂などを手掛けた佐藤功一。展示室は1階と2階にあり、米子城資料(鯱瓦、木簡、陶器 等)、鉄道資料(行先表示板、ヘッドマーク 等)、浜絣資料、民具・農具などが展示されている。 展示物は多くはないが、建物好きの方、鉄道ファンの方は見学してみるのもいいでしょう。

  • Kyukamura Oku Daisen
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Hino-gun Kofucho Mitsukue Kagamiganaru 709-1

    コロナウィルス対策の一環でお弁当サービスを始めたという話を聞いたので、 家族で訪問しました。 購入したお弁当を休暇村の広い敷地内で食事をすることが出来たので、 ソーシャルディスタンスや飛沫感染など全く気にせず、雄大な自然を見ながら出来る食事はとてもリラックス出来ました。

    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Kurayoshi-shi Kajimachi 1-2971-2


  • Uradome Beach
    Travel / Tourism
    Iwami cho Iwami-gun Tottori ken
    This resplendent beach located in Iwami Town, Iwami County, Tottori Prefecture extends for 15 kilometers and has been designated both a National Scenic Beauty and a Natural Monument. Its rich natural features include the crystal-clear water, a beautiful stretch of sandy beach dotted with pine trees, cliffs and caves carved by rough waves and snowstorms, mysterious rock formations, and more. There’s a walkway along the beach, and visitors can also enjoy going on a cruise, snorkeling, and other activities. The shallow waters attract several swimmers in the summer.
  • Yonago City Museum of Art
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tottori Yonago-shi Nakamachi 12
    "This facility opened in 1983 and was the San'in region's first public art museum. The imposing brick building houses about 1,700 works by local artists. They hold a variety of special exhibitions, including private, city, and prefectural displays, as well as the Yonago Autumn Cultural Festival. The museum is particularly known for exhibitions by Yonago locals. They also have various events like a ""Museum School"" as part of an educational promotion initiative, art lectures, and workshops."

    来館した時期が悪かったので仕方ありませんが、第2展示室の「美術館スタッフが選んだ!米子市美術館コレクション15選」 だけでは、物足りなかった… でも、國頭繁次郎「平和を乱すもの」が見られて良かったです。

  • Inaba Manyo History Museum
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kokufucho Machiya 726
    "This history museum proclaims that it is an ""extraordinary space overflowing with the culture of ancient Inaba and the 'Man'yoshu.'"" Located in Kokufu-cho, once the cultural heart of ancient Inaba Province, the museum introduces the history of the Inaba region and poets connected to the area such as Otomo no Yakamochi. The museum is adjoined by a Japanese strolling garden planted with some 40 varieties of plants mentioned in the ancient ""Man'yoshu"" poetry anthology, and visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll while reflecting on the culture of Inaba. The museum also makes it possible for visitors to try on the kind of colorful clothing people wore during the time of the ""Man'yoshu"", and even offers a one week rental service. In addition, the museum has free rental cycles and can serve as a base camp for exploring the veritable treasure trove of historical sites that is Kokufu-cho."

    因幡国の国府跡近くにあります。 万葉集の作者とも言われる大伴家持ともう一人の伊福吉部徳足比売という女性の事例を中心に展示されています。丁寧な内容になっており、今まで知らなかったこともいくつか学ぶことが出来ました。 エントランス横にある時の塔は、高さ約30mで展望台もあります。 訪問当日、天候が良かったこともあり綺麗な山を眺めることが出来ました。

Tottori Areas


Tottori prefecture is Japanese seasonal diversity at its best: Huge sand dunes cover the north coast, making for the perfect summer beach trip complete with the unexpected addition of camels; November brings the delectable snow crab, while winter around Mount Daisen, the Chugoku region’s highest mountain, promises snow sports and magical views.

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