Shrine Spots in Between Osaka and Kobe Area

  • Hirota-jinja Shrine
    81 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Nishinomiyashi Taishachou 7-7
    Written about in the Nihon Shoki, this is Hyogo Prefecture's oldest shrine. You can reach it by taking a Hankyu or Hanshin bus to the Hirota Jinja Mae stop. There's a view of Mt. Rokko to the rear of the shrine with its legend of Empress Jingu and you can see from Nishinomiya's townscape to Omaehama Beach and Osaka Bay from the front. Besides daily rituals, they hold the Tsuki Hajime Sai and Hatsu Hoko Sai on the 1st of every month, the Tsukinami no Matsuri on the 16th, as well as various events throughout the year that attract visitors from all over Japan. The shrine's kobanomitsuba azaleas have been designated a Prefectural Natural Monument, and they hold an Azalea Festival in April.

    easily one of the most spiritually profound moments of my life, as well as the cleanest place i’ve ever been. beautiful shrine, wonderful staff.

  • Koshikiiwa-jinja Shrine
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Nishinomiyashi Koshikiwachou 5-4
    "This Shinto shrine is in a grove that's a Natural Monument. It's about a 15-minute walk from Koyoen Station on the Hankyu Koyo Line in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. Rebuilt in the 1640s, it honors the deity Hiruko Okami, also known as ""Ebessan."" It has historic spots of interest like a haiku monument to the Muromachi period poet Yamazaki Sokan and leftover stones from Osaka Castle. They hold a Nakizumo Crying Baby and Sumo Festival every autumn, a traditional event where babies wearing ornamental sumo aprons are brought into the ring. The event has even been recorded in ema votive pictures dating from 1831."

    This is bigger than the average neighborhood shrine. It has the sacred rock at its core but it also has a sumo dohyo. They have an event where sumo wrestlers will wrestle with the neighborhood...

  • Amagasaki Ebisu Shrine
    34 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Kanda Nakadori 3-82
    "The shrine, known as ""Amagi-no-Ebesan"" (Amagi-no-Ebesan), was built before the reign of Emperor Daigo, and its conspicuous vermilion Otorii (grand gate) has become a symbol of Amagasaki. On January 9, 10, and 11, the Toka Ebisu Grand Festival is held, attracting many people."

    阪神電車に乗っていると尼崎の西側の山側に見える大きな鳥居。 これこそが尼崎戎神社です。名前の通り、恵比寿さまを祀っております。 西宮総本山ほどではありませんが、1月のえびすさんの時期は賑わっています。 先進的な考えをお持ちの宮司さんがおられ、予約すれば巫女体験ができたり、LGBTQの方の結婚式を引き受けられたりしています。

  • Head shrine of the Ebisu sect of Shinto, Nishinomiya-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Nishinomiyashi Shakechou 1-17
    "This is the head shrine of the Shinto lineage dedicated to the god Ebisu. It's about a five-minute walk southwest from the south exit of Hyogo Prefecture's Nishinomiya Station on Hanshin Electric Railway's Main Line. Locally called ""Nishinomiya-no-Ebessan,"" its primary deities include Ebisu Okami and Amaterasu Omikami. Features include a large front gate called the ""Red Gate"" that was supposedly consecrated by Toyotomi Hideyori, the main shrine dedicated in 1663 by the fourth shogun Ietsuna, and Ebisu-no-Mori, a grove covering a portion of the precincts. The grove is a Prefectural Natural Treasure and the main shrine is a National Treasure. Events include the Toka Ebisu Festival and the shrine's main annual festival, as well as the famous Kaimon Shinji Fukuotoko Erabi ritual (an annual race to determine the year's lucky man) that draws a huge crowd every year."
  • Koshien Susanoo-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Nishinomiyashi Koushienchou 2-40
    This Shinto shrine is right next to Koshien Stadium in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. Its age is unknown, but it was rebuilt repeatedly from the late 17th through the mid-19th century, and there's ample evidence of the respect it's earned from the locals. Today, as it's next door to a ballpark, it has a stone monument dedicated to baseball, a ball shaped monument, paving stones shaped like home plate, and other signs of the sport. They sell Hanshin Tigers themed amulets and ema votive plaques, and so many visitors come to pray for their team's victory that it's also called Koshien Shrine and Tigers Shrine.
  • Nanamatsu Hachiman-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Amagasakishi Nanamatsuchou 3-10-7
    This Shinto shrine located in 3 Chome, Nanamatsu-cho, Amagasaki City honors the Emperor Ojin. Legend says it was founded when Minamoto no Yorinobu visited the area and was moved by a child who told him about the plight of the poor local farmers. At the time only a small shrine was there under a pine tree, so he remodeled the shrine and had six more pine trees planted. The shrine is a popular spot for fans of the Japanese anime Nintama Rantaro, as one of the character's names derives from the name of the shrine.
  • Naniwa Kumano Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Nishinaniwacho 5-9-22
    It is located just southeast of Ume-no-Ki Park and is one of the shrines of Kumano Shrine, which was built along the Kumano Pilgrimage route to Kumano Sanzan (three mountains) in present-day Wakayama Prefecture. The shrine grounds are planted with 68 plum trees of about 24 varieties, and a plum festival is held on the first Sunday of March every year, where pickled plums and plum juice are sold.
  • Ashiya Shrine
    40 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Ashiya-shi Higashiashiyacho 20-3

    ご祭神は天穂日命とのことです。芦屋6社の1社です。境内に古墳時代(7世紀)後期の横穴式石室墳や猿丸大夫の墓と伝えられる宝塔などがあります。明治時代に芦屋の村々に点在していた数々の鎮守の社の神々が合祀されたとのことで、神社本庁のサイトによると、木花佐久夜姫神、猿田彦神、天照大神、豊受大神、伊弉冊命、大己貴神 須佐之男命、正哉吾勝命、大山祇神、大山咋神、美津波能売命、八衢比古命、八衢比売命、久那度神...

  • Iwa Shizu Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Takarazuka-shi Isoshi 1-4-3


  • Mizudosusaotoko Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Amagasakishi Mizudouchou 1-25-7


  • Sakurai Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Minami Jonai 116-11

    尼崎城の城主であった桜井徳川家を祀っている神社です。 尼崎城最後の城主であった桜井忠興公が、日本赤十字社の創健者であるらしく、この神社に祀られています。 桜井の名の通り、社には色々なところに桜の花がデザインされていて、探すのも楽しいです。 桜井の名にちなんで、同名芸能人の聖地として訪れる方も多いのか、絵馬には関連する願い事が書かれています。 尼崎城の鬼瓦も置かれていて、敷地自体は広くありませんが...

  • Tomatsu Shrine
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Tomatsucho 2-chome 23-1

    これといって特徴のないお寺です。 コロナで現在はやってませんが、お坊さんが大声をだす法要?みたいなのをやってたのを見たことがあります。

  • Tsukaguchi Shrine
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Tsukaguchihonmachi 2-11-28


  • Isagu Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Amagasakishi Kamisakabe 3-25-18


  • Matsuo Shrine
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Takarazuka-shi Yamamoto Higashi 1-9-1

    以前の体験ですが・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ この地区は造園業者が多いようで、その風景を眺めながら阪急・山本駅から数分歩いた小高い場所に神社があります。坂上田村麻呂の子孫が武家の棟梁である源氏に仕えており、その子孫が田村麻呂を式神に祭って創建したという縁起を持つ神社だそうです。武家の伝統を受け継ぐように、現在も弓洗いの行事あるとのことでした。また、古来には神社下にある薬師堂前で通し矢の儀式...

  • Hatsu Shima Daijingu Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Tsukiji 2-chome 6-17


  • Doi Shrine
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Doicho 5-17

    通りかかった時についでにお参りさせてもらいました。 特にこれといって何かあるわけではないですが、年末年始は割と混むような神社のようです。

  • Higashi Tenjin Yashiro
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Itami-shi Koya 4-chome 1

    近いので何度か参拝させていただいてます。 ほとんど参拝の人はいませんので時間をかけてお参りできます。 宮司さんとかは見たことないので無人?なのかもです。

  • Shiroyama Hime Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Nishinomiya-shi Kosonecho 4-7-22


  • Ikushima Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Amagasaki-shi Kuriyamacho 2-chome 24-33


Hyogo Areas


Hyogo prefecture stretches from the north coast to the south coast on the western end of the popular Kansai region, encompassing verdant mountains, urban beaches, and fantastic historical sights. The prefecture’s main attractions lie along the south coast at Kobe, the prefectural capital, a pretty harbor city best known for its production of the renowned Kobe beef, and Himeji, the home of Himeji Castle, one of the country’s most beautifully preserved feudal castles, perched magically atop a hill.

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