Shrine Spots in Minami-Osaka Area

  • Hochigai Shrine
    74 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakaishi Sakai-ku Kitamikunigaokachou 2-2-1
    Locals call the deity of this shrine Mr. Hochigai. It has been here for many years, and has long guided them on matters of orientation, the land and Feng Shui, so they don't build in inauspicious ways. The shrine is located in Sakai City, on the north side of Emperor Hansei's tomb, and was once a way-point on the Kumano pilgrimage. Many Kumano pilgrims would pray here for a safe journey. An annual festival is held at the shrine every year on May 31st. Worshippers who have offered up an earthen-wrapped chimaki (steamed rice dumpling) to this deity receive a chimaki sweet on the day of the festival.

    In Ancient and Medieval Japan, they used to believe that leaving for the right direction is very important especially when you make a long journey or move to another house. Hochigai literally...

  • Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine
    45 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Fujiderashi Doumyouji 1-16-40
    This Shinto shrine on the eastern side of Domyo-ji Temple is located approximately a three-minute walk fromDomyoji Station. Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine is made in the style of Gongen-zukuri, a style of Shinto architecture in which the main hall, offering hall and the worship hall are connected via an intermediate passageway. This is a shrine enshrining Sugawara no Michizane and his aunt. Many festivals are held related to Sugawara no Michizane who is worshipped as the god of scholarship. There are mounds covering reverently buried calligraphy brushes in the precincts, and the Brush Festival, thanking the used brushes and praying to improve at calligraphy, is held annually. Visitors can also see many national treasures including belongings of Lord Michizane on the days that the treasury is open.


  • Nunose-jinja Shrine
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Matsubarashi Kitashinmachi 2-4-11
    This shrine located in Kitashinmachi, Matsubara City is very close to Nunose Station. The origin of the name Nunose is said to be tied with cloth, and so people go to the shrine for blessings for recovery from illness, safety, traffic safety and business prosperity. The main shrine was built in the early Edo period and was restored in 1983 with attractive vivid vermillion colors. Two lion statues, which can be seen in Kano Tanyu's paintings, stand either side of the main building. The main shrine is also a Tangible Cultural Property of Osaka Prefecture. It is famous for its Love Mikuji (fortunes) designed by contemporary artist Ichihara Hiroko. The fortunes have simple text that pierce people's hearts, making many of them draw multiple fortunes.


  • Kishiki Shrine
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kishiwada-shi Kishikicho 11-30
    "This Shinto shrine is located in Kishiki-cho, Kishiwada City. The shrine was established in 1585 by Koide Hidemasa, lord of Kishiwada Castle, to enshrine Gozu Tenno, guardian deity of the Kishiwada area, along with Amaterasu-omikami and Hachiman. The shrine is famous for its Kishiwada Danjiri Festival held each year in September, and during this time visitors can watch the ""Yarimawashi,"" an exciting traditional event in which heavy festival floats called ""danjiri"" are pulled around the corners of city streets at great speed."

    こちらの《狛犬》が陶製・備前焼と知り 訪問しました。陶製・備前焼の《狛犬》は珍しく 私の知る範囲で 関西エリアでは[住吉大社(大阪市 住吉区)][湊川神社(神戸市)][宗忠神社(京都市 左京区)]ぐらいです。又 [手水舎]には [岸和田城(千亀利城)]にちなんでか《亀》、第2鳥居の扁額は木製と 境内のあちこちに趣きある仕掛けがある点 好感を持ちました。

  • Konda Hachimangu Shrine
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Habikino-shi Konda 3-2-8
    A Shinto shrine located in Konda, Habikino City. The shrine was founded in 571 on the order of Emperor Kinmei. Adjoining the Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin, this shrine is the oldest Hachiman shrine in the country dedicated to Emperor Ojin. During the shrine's autumn festival held each year on September 15th, a portable shrine designated a National Treasure is brought to the Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin.

    誉田八幡宮は、近鉄南大阪線古市駅から徒歩15分くらいにある。由緒正しき神社で人気がある。 国宝も奉納されているらしい。

  • Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine (Osaka Bunshi)
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakaishi Higashi-ku Hikishounishimachi 7-1-1
    This shrine is approximately 10 minutes on foot from the Nankai Koya Line's Hatsushiba Station. Known as a shrine dedicated to relationships and removing misfortune, called Hatsushiba-san by local people, this is a partner shrine to the Izumo Grand Shrine in Shimane Prefecture. The two deities enshrined here are Okuni Nushino Okami and Hino Kagutsuchi No Kami, which was moved here from its partner shrine. Visitors to the shrine may pray by reciting Shinto prayers and receive talismans and charms during shato kigan (prayers conducted on the shrine premises) hours, which are every day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (except the first three days of the New Year). This shrine does not give out Goshuin.

    The shrine was first founded in 1946 as a branch shrine of Atago Shrine. The enshrined deity was Kagu-tsuchi, the god of fire in Japanese mythology. Kagu-tsuchis birth burned his mother Izanami...

  • Izuminokuni Ichinomiya Otori Grand Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakaishi Nishi-ku Otorikitamachi 1-1-2
    This shrine is one of the Five Izumi Shrines, the grand Shinto shrines which people visit mainly to pray for disaster prevention. The two deities worshipped here are Yamato Takeru no Mikoto and Otori no Muraji no Oyagami. The shrine covers over 12 acres of land, and the vast Chigusa no Mori forest contains ancient camphor trees which are over 800 years old. People flock to see the traditional festivals held here, such as the flower-picking festival, which began in the Heian period for people to pray for good health, and the Otori Danjiri festival, which is said to be the original Danjiri festival.
  • Sugawara Shrine
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Sakai-ku Ebisunocho Higashi 2-1-38
    "This Shinto shrine is located in 2-Chome Higashi, Ebisuno-cho, Sakai Ward, Sakai City. Founded in 997, the shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, god of scholarship; Amenohohi-no-Mikoto; and Nomi-no-Sukune. Two auxiliary shrines are located on the grounds: Sakai Ebisu Shrine, known as ""Ebessan,"" and Yakuso Shrine, known as ""Shinno-san,"" and during the Ebisu Festival held each year from January 9 to 11, the shrine bustles with tens of thousands of visitors."

    こちらに参拝する際 [南大門(添付 写真参照)]を利用しましたが 少しヒックリでした、[随身門]以外にも このような立派な門を持つ神社があることに。又[菅原神社]の摂社であり 日本最古の[薬祖神社]は 千木は内削(水平)、風穴(二つ半)、堅魚木(10本 偶数)と [方違神社]と同じ《神明造り》でありながら 内宮様式になっており 何故 様式がこのように異なるのか 紐解きたいと思いました。

  • Sugo Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakaishi Mihara-ku Sugou 178-1
    This shrine is one of those listed on the Engishiki jinmyocho (a register of shrines in Japan), and as Sugawara no Michizane, who was elevated to godhood and enshrined here, the shrine is also known as Sugotenmangu. Sugasawa, within the shrine, is said to be where Michizane was born. The main shrine remains as it was originally built in the Ikkensha Kasuga-zukuri building style in 1661, in the early Edo period. The distance between the front pillars is an impressive two meters, and as the oldest precious shrine building in Sakai City, it is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property.


  • MozuHachimangu Shrine
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Kita-ku Mozuakahatacho 5-cho 706

    In the midst of the novel coronavirus infection, everyone is looking for a quiet and not crowded open place. Mozu Hachimangu Shrine was it.

  • Aguchi Shrine
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Sakai-ku Kainocho Higashi 2-1-29

    こちらを参拝する機会あれば 西門[山之口商店街...

  • Sakurai Shrine
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Minami-ku Katakura 645


  • Nonomiya Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Naka-ku Fukaishimizucho 3839

    参拝客に対して宮司が「おい!」びっくりました。 神職になると一般の方にこのような口の聞き方をされるのですね。 勉強になりました。

  • Karashikuni Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Fujiderashi Fujidera 1-chome 19-14

    大阪府藤井寺市にある、5世紀後半の建立と言われる由緒ある神社 住宅地の中にあるものの、静寂で厳かな雰囲気を味わえます。 鳥居から本殿まで真っ直ぐな参道は中々見応えあります。

  • Shibagaki Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Matsubara-shi Ueda 7-chome 12-22


  • Nakami Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Izumisano-shi Nakasho 834

    A must visit if youre in the area. The horse statue is particularly impressive and sure to delight horse lovers!

  • Sayama Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Osakasayama-shi Handa 1-chome 2

    隣にドラッグストア、斜め向かいに洋菓子・アイスのシャトレーゼがあるという立地にあります。 神社の創建に関しては不明ですが927年の延喜式の神名帳に記載があるので、それより前から存在していたことが判ります。 神社自体に大きな特色は気付けませんでしたが、境内に式内社として狭山堤神社もあり、この狭山堤神社も延喜式の神名帳に記載されています。 元々は狭山池のそばにあったものが遷座してきたものと思われますが...

  • Izumi Ana Moro Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Izumiotsu-shi Toyonakacho 1-chome 1-1


  • Shida Forest Kuzuha Inari Company office
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Izumi-shi Kuzunohacho 1-chome 11-47

    ご祭神は、宇迦御魂神、大己貴命、大宮姫命、素盞男命、猿田彦命、若宮葛ノ葉姫で旧村社とのことです。 68社の末社、樹齢2,000年といわれている楠の大木や姿見の井戸などが境内にあります。安倍晴明の母・白狐が住んでいたとのことです。無料の駐車場があります。 お稲荷さんには無数の末社や、祠があることが多いのですが、ここのように案内板にすべて記載されているのはあまり、他には無いように思われます。 安倍晴明...

  • Taka Ogami Shrine Wakihama Ebisu Taisha
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kaizuka-shi Wakihama 3-chome 34-1

    阪神高速の下を走る道の「貝塚入口」の信号のところに大鳥居があり、そこが駐車場の入口でもあります。 駐車場は大きく30台近く停められそうですが、イベント時以外は閑散としていると思います。 駐車場から住宅地の様な方向へ2分程歩くと参道になります。 創建は不明ですが延喜式に「和泉国・網曳御厨」と記載があり、これが今の脇浜戎大社の始まりと云われている様です。 今でこそ戎さまで商売繁盛の神様として知られてい...

Osaka Areas


While Osaka prefecture is the country's second smallest prefecture, its capital, Osaka City, is the country’s third-largest and arguably one of the most popular in the Kansai region thanks to its vibrant nightlife, the Osaka people’s openness, and its much-loved cuisine, which has earned it the nickname "the nation’s kitchen."

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