Travel / Tourism Spots in Kyotanabe / Kizugawa Area

  • Joruri-ji Temple
    123 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Kamochounishio Futaba 40
    This temple of the Shingon Risshu sect is located in Kamo Town, Kizugawa City, Kyoto. It is known as “Kutai-ji” (Nine-body Temple) due to the nine Amitabha Tathagata statues kept in the main hall. The garden, which represents the world of paradise, is a Jodo-style garden with Yakushi to the east, Amida to the west, and a pond in the center. The main hall has clay tiles laid laterally, and the interior pagoda houses a statue of Bhaisajyaguru. Both have been designated National Treasures. The standing statue of Kisshoten is famous as a Buddhist statue rarely shown to the public, and it is only displayed once each in spring, fall, and on New Year’s Day.

    There is a bus no.112 going to this temple from JR Nara, only spending half hour, quite convenient. Suggest to buy one day bus pass, only ¥500 each. Moreover, the wooden pass is cute. The temple is...

  • Gansenji Temple
    73 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Kamochouiwafune Kaminomon 43
    This temple of the Shingon Risshu sect is located in Kamo Town, Kizugawa City, Kyoto. It is famous for its hydrangeas, which has earned it the nickname “Hydrangea Temple.” It is not clear when it was constructed, but it is said it was founded when high priest Gyoki was instructed by Emperor Shomu to build a hall dedicated to Amitabha in the southern region of Narukawa. You’ll find three-storied pagodas from the Muromachi period, a statue of Amitabha Tathagata, and other Important Cultural Properties. The temple grounds are filled with seasonal blooms, including cherry blossoms, camellias, water lilies, and various fall foliage, and approximately 5,000 hydrangeas blossom during the rainy season, the best time to view them.

    If you visit Joruriji temple, must go to this temple as well, just 7 minutes bus ride. Spare more time to travel around the village to see the Buddhas crafted on caves, it’s a walking route. But I...

  • Kaijyusenji Temple
    39 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Kamochoureihei Ocean Susan 20
    This is a temple in Kizugawa City in Kyoto Prefecture, in which is enshrined an eleven-faced Kannon of the Chizan sect of Shingon Buddhism. The famous five story pagoda, which is the third temple of the 18 historical temples in the pagoda pilgrimage is a National Treasure, and the eleven-faced Kannon has both been designated a National Important Cultural Property. Many visitors make their way to this spot for prayer and worship.

    奈良県と京都府の境目に位置し、木津川市を流れる木津川畔の平野を一望できる海住山の中腹にある古刹です。 奈良時代の天平年間に、聖武天皇の勅願により、時の東大寺の僧正が開基した観音寺が起源と伝わっています。 その後焼失してしまい、鎌倉時代の初頭に、現境内地の海住山を観音様の浄土に因む補陀洛山に見立てて中興され、補陀洛山海住山寺として現在に至っています。 鎌倉時代に建立された国宝の五重塔や、国重文の文殊...

  • Kanimanji Temple
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Yamashirochoukabata Hama 36
    Kanimanji is a temple of the Chisan branch of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, located in the city of Kizugawa in Kyoto Prefecture. The statue of the seated Buddha Shaka Nyorai Zazo enshrined there has been designated a National Treasure. It is famous as the site of a medieval folk tale, The Crab's Show of Gratitude, collected in the 12th-century anthology Konjaku Monogatari. Every year in April, an event called The Memorial Service for Crabs attracts large numbers of visitors.


  • Kasagi Temple
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Souraku-gun Kasagicho Kasagi Kasagiyama 29


  • Takayama Dam
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Sourakugunminamiyamashiromura Tayama Tsurugi 43
    This dam is located in the Minamiyamashiro Village, Soraku County, Kyoto Prefecture. It is known as an arch gravity dam built in 1969. On the southern side, the surface of Tsukigase Lake stretches on. In addition, there is an observation deck next to the dam where you can enjoy the natural scenery throughout the four seasons of the lake, such as cherry blossoms, azaleas and autumn leaves.
  • QST Kids' Science Museum of Photons
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Umemidai 8-1-6 Institute of Quantum Science and Technology Research Organization Kansai Optical Science Institute
    QST Kids' Science Museum of Photons in the city of Kizugawa, Kyoto Prefecture, is Japan's first museum devoted to optics. With light as the theme, visitors can view museum's historical documents, scientific and technological exhibits, films, and experiments with lasers. The museum holds periodic events, such as workshop experiences for parents and children.

    恐竜大好きの子供の為に家族で訪問 駐車場、入館料、プラネタリウム、工作も無料と太っ腹施設です。 入り口には簡単な3分ぐらいでできる簡単なクラフト工作コーナーと、予約制のクラフト?実験?コーナーあり。 16歳以上でセグウェイが1日5名無料で乗れるそうです。 午前中にクラフトは予約が埋まってましたので、クラフトしたい方は早めに行くのをオススメします。 プラネタリウムは1日に3回程内容を変えて 月の...

  • Shuon-an, Ikkyuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutanabeshi Takigisatonouchi 102
    This temple belonging to the Daitokuji school of Rinzai Zen Buddhism in Kyotanbe City, Kyoto Prefecture has the Buddha Shakyamuni as its principal object of worship. Ikkyu Sojun, known as the inspiration for the cartoon Ikkyu-san, gave the temple its alternate name Shuon-an and lived there until he passed away. In connection with Ikkyu's birthday in January, they hold an event called Ikkyu Zenaihi where patrons write vows for the coming year on ema votive plaques as offerings. Guests enjoy picturesque scenery throughout seasons, and it's a popular spot for viewing the colors of the changing leaves in fall.

    お寺の入り口にあるお茶屋さんです ぜんざい、おうどんって感じです。私は飲み物だけだったので 食べ物お味はすいません。わかりません。感じのいいおばさんがお店番です

  • Lier Ban Main Shop
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Kunimidai 5-22
    This is the main shop of Ban Inoue, hemp and flax fabric goods maker, which takes its name from the special banner used at temples for memorial services. They sell hemp and linen accessories and tableware, hand-made in Japan and full of detail. The shop has a hidden health-oriented cafe to sit and relax as you enjoy their handmade meals and desserts. Everything, from the sweet bean paste to the syrup, jams, and dressing, is hand-made. Their lunch which uses only select ingredients and even tableware and interiors are chosen with the greatest care is for a limited number a day of popular menu.

    自然を感じる空間でランチ。 光を取り入れると同時に、景色を眺めることができる大きめの窓?が印象的でした。 ゆっくりとした時間で、旬の野菜を食べれて健康に良いなと思います。

  • Odaki and Medaki Falls
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Sourakugunminamiyamashiromura Minamiokawara
    This pair of waterfalls is located along Prefectural Route 82 in Minamiokawara, Minamiyamashiro Village, Soraku County. They stand along the Kizu River between Okawara Station and Takayama Dam, Medaki Fall is the first waterfall, followed by Odaki Fall. Another waterfall, Myojin Falls, is located further upstream to the direction of dam.
  • Hanayagi Farm (Sightseeing farm)
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Sourakugunseikachou Shimokoma Kanetsukeden 31
    A tourist farm in Soraku County, Kyoto. They offer 40-minute all-you-can-eat greenhouse strawberry picking whatever the weather from winter to spring. Because they're cultivated on high platforms, visitors don't have to stoop to pick. The facility's barrier free design is accessible to those in wheelchairs or with strollers. Their Edamame Owner system lets customers grow black edamame beans from seeds and then take home the harvest months later. Strawberry picking requires a reservation. On-site parking is available.
  • Kannonji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyotanabe-shi Fugen Terashita Daimon 13
    This temple was founded by monk Gien on orders from Emperor Tenmu. Due to frequent fires over the years some 13 temple halls and 20 monks' living quarters were lost. Only the rebuilt main temple hall has survived to the present day. The surrounding mountains and the harmonious main temple hall and garden are beautiful and the spring cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers as well as the changing fall colors will help soothe your heart.
  • Warai Botoke (Laughing Buddha)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Kamocho Iwafune
    The Tono area of eastern Kizugawa city has a large number of stone Buddhas and towers. One of those is a gently smiling statue of the Amitabha triad.
  • Tono Stone Buddha Tour
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Kamocho Iwafune
    This region of southeastern Kizugawa city, around Tono, Kamo-cho, is known as a sacred area for Pure Land Buddhism, and was selected as one of Japanese 100 Best Historical Views by Beautiful Japan. The cliff walls feature engravings of the Buddha, and even today images of the Magaibutsu and stone image of Jizo-sama remain, earning it the nickname Stone Buddha Village. The surrounding mountain forests are also a beautiful sight, and it's a popular walk with tourists from all over.
  • Three Stone Buddhas in the Woods
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Kamocho Higashi Sho
    This stone statue of the Magaibutsu was carved in 1262 by Tachibana Yasunawa, and along with the Kubikirijizo (Higashio Amitabha Sekiganbutsu) is the oldest in Tono. The center of the boulder features the Jizobosatsu, with Amitabha Nyorai on the left, and the 11-faced Kannon on the right, creating a very unusual stone-buddha triptych. Legend says this was the honzon (principal object of worship) of the old Jodo-in sub-temple.
  • Kunikyu Palace Site (Yamashiro Kokubunji Temple Ruins)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Kamocho Reihei
    This is the site of Kunikyo, once designated the capital of the country; along with the ruins of the ancient Yamashiro Kokubunji Buddhist temple. There are very few places in Japan where two important historical landmarks are located on the same site, and it has been designated a National Historic Site. The Yamashiro Kokubunji was a state-sponsored temple built on the site of Kunikyo, which served as the capital of the nation for around five years during the distant Tenpyo era, on the order of Emperor Shomu after its status as capital was downgraded; the Council Hall of the Kunikyu Palace was used as the main temple. The area around the site is known for flower viewing and boasts beautiful cherry blossoms in spring; and buckwheat flowers, red spider lilies, and common cosmos from late summer through fall.
  • Midori Fruit Farm
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Tsudukigunidechou Taga Payment 1
    A tourist farm located in Ide Town, Tsuzuki County, Kyoto Prefecture. Visitors can experience harvesting various vegetables and fruits depending on the season, such as digging bamboo shoots, digging sweet potatoes, picking fruits, and gathering chestnuts, as well as enjoying various outdoor leisure activities such as hiking and barbecues, which are popular among wide range of generations, especially families. There is a stream running through the farm, where visitors can play in the water and also watch fireflies during the summer.
  • Tea no Kyoto Minami Yama Shiro Mura
    6 Reviews
    Kyoto Souraku-gun Minamiyamashiromura Kitaokawara Tonda 102

    南山城の道の駅にあるレストラン ランチでお茶づくし御膳を食べに行ってきました、 抹茶そば抹茶天麩羅などどれも美味しい、日曜日の昼はやや混んでいるので平日がおすすめ。

  • Jizo Zen In
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Tsuzuki-gun Idecho Ide Higashigaki 16


  • Wazukacho Tourist Information Office
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Souraku-gun Wazukacho Kamatsuka Kyomachi 19

    無料で頂ける観光マップや体力や時間に合わせた和束町ウオーキングルートを紹介してくださりました。車で通れる茶畑ルートもありますが、正直車の運転に自身の無い方にはお勧めしません。和束町は急な斜面を利用した集落ばかりなので、観光客や地元の方が運転する車とすれ違いが困難な場所が多々ありました。 案内所では一人1000円で和束町内を周遊してくださる電動カートツアーも案内してくださりました。

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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