Temple Spots in Uzumasa / Hanazono Area

  • Koryuji Temple
    193 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Ukyou-ku Uzumasahachiokachou 32
    This temple was built in 603 by Hata no Kawakatsu, with its main object of worship being a statue of Buddha received from Shotoku Taishi. As the oldest temple in Kyoto, it also possesses a number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. Among these, the most famous is the Seated Maitreya statue said to be the most beautiful in all of Japan. It is a Buddhist statue of the Asuka period and is distinctive for its calm countenance and “archaic smile.” October’s “Ushi Matsuri” is one of Kyoto’s three big unusual festivals.

    Stumbled upon this temple. I was impressed by the outer garden. Beautiful and zen. And I thought it would be similar behind the ticketed gates. 800Y I was wrong. It only let into the exhibition hall...

  • Umenomiya-taisha Shrine
    66 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Ukyou-ku Umedu Fugeno River Town 30
    A Shinto shrine standing in the Umezu area of western Kyoto famous as the guardian shrine of the Tachibana clan. The shrine was originally built in the Ide-cho neighborhood of Tsuzuki-gun and was later moved to its current location by Tachibana no Kachiko (Empress Danrin). As Kachiko prayed here for a son and later gave birth to Emperor Ninmyo, the shrine is believed to grant divine benefit in being blessed with children and having an easy childbirth. The shrine celebrates a custom in which women who wish to be blessed with children step over a grouping of stones called the “matage-ishi” (“straddling stones”) and receive a packet of sand believed to aid in achieving conception. The shrine is also believed to aid in sake brewing and a variety of ceremonies are performed here relating to sake. Umenomiya Shrine is also renowned for its beautiful rabbitear irises. Many visitors come to enjoy the seasonal beauty of the shrine grounds—cherry tree blossoms and azaleas in the spring, French hydrangeas and Japanese irises in the summer, and the autumn foliage in the fall.

    I knew the name of this shrine, but I had never visited before. It is a little bit far from Arashiyama, and nearby there are no other touristic spots. However, it was a good surprise. Torii gate and...

  • Genkoji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Tokiwaumazukacho 1

    まあ大体皆さんが書かれている通り。手入れが行き届いておらず、六地蔵唯一お地蔵様のご尊顔を拝することも出来ませんでした。 ちなみに御朱印希望は郵送いたしますとの張り紙ありますが、実際書留送ってみたら「あて所に尋ねあたりません」と返ってきました。京都西局に尋ねたら登録されてないので届けられないとのこと。結局郵便代が無駄になっただけでした。8月の六地蔵巡りの時に訪れるしかなさそうですね。

  • Goshinji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Uzumasahigashihachiokacho 5


  • Koenji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Yamanochinakahatacho 26


  • Chuobukkyogakuin
    Life / Living / Hospital
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Ukyou-ku Yamanouchimidoudenchou 27
  • Unseiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Uzumasahorigauchicho 13
  • Kenshoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Sai Shimizu 148-2
  • Saikoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Uzumasatayabucho 30
  • Saihoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Tokiwadeguchicho 1
  • Shonenji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Saiininuicho 37
  • Shingyoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Umezukitauracho 8-35
  • Jonenji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Saiinhiramachi 16
  • Sumi Bo
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Yamanouchimidodencho 25
  • Sesshuin Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Nishikyogokuhatadacho 6-5
  • Chofukuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Nishikyogokunakamachi 25
  • Chofukuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Umezunakamuracho 37
  • Nenbutsuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Yamanouchimiyamaecho 14
  • Heian Ji
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Umezuminamihirocho 51-3
  • Honzuiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku Uzumasaishigakicho 38

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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