Shrine Spots in Around Nishijin Area

  • Seimei-jinja Shrine
    337 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto-shi, Kamigyo-ku Horikawa Tsushin Ichijo Le Rui Mihacho 806
    This is a Shinto shrine dedicated to Abe no Seimei, a diviner active in the mid Heian period, built in 1007 by Emperor Ichijo in order to appease the diviner’s spirit. The shrine helps ward off evil and danger, and many visitors come to escape misfortune. The shrine has a distinct Onmyodo mystical atmosphere, from the pentagrams depicted on the tori gate, paper lanterns and votive pictures to the diviner stone statues.

    For me the most powerful place in Kyoto, and that is saying something. Abe no Seimei is the Yin Yang Master, and Onmyoji has become famous anywhere, not least via Netflix, but it remains a small...

  • Daishogun Hachi-jinja Shrine
    45 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Kamigyou-ku Ichijouonmae Nishi 48
    When Heian-kyo (the old Kyoto capital) was relocated in 794, it was at this Shinto shrine that Emperor Kammu came to pray to Hoshigami (god of stars), Daishogun to protect his imperial castle. There are 80 wooden images of Daishogun, designated as Important Cultural Properties. Daishogun is a god that wards off danger and misfortune.

    맨 첨 교토를 수호하기 위해 교토 네군데 세운 방위신 8 개 모신 팔신사대장군 임 방위를 진정 액맞이 하는 음양도의 하나의 신앙이기도 했던 곳 이고 만덕전 은 춘추 5 일간 배관가능. 햔재도 집을 새로 지을때 이곳을 찿는다 함

  • Suika Tenmangu Shrine
    31 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto-shi, Kamigyo-ku Horikawa dori Kami-gi-otaku Kagetsucho 722-10
    This shrine is on Horikawa-dori Street in Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City. It is the first Tenmangu Shrine in Japan and honors the spirit of Sugawara-no-Michizane. Many visitors come for the purported benefits of worshiping here, including protection from floods and fire. The Crimson Weeping Cherry Tree on the grounds has made it an off-the-beaten-track cherry blossom viewing spot.


  • Kadode Hachimangu Shrine
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto City Chukyo Ward Chiri Koen Temple Imabuki Koulu Sakurai cho 102-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City connected to safe travels. Due to its location in the unlucky area northeast of the palace, it is also seen as the palace’s guardian and was called the Uchino hachimangu. It is said, however, that the shrine’s location was once the site of a mansion belonging to Kaneuri Kichiji, and after Minamoto no Yoshitsune prayed here for a safe journey before heading to Hiraizumi in Oshu, it came to be called the Kadode Hachimangu (“Shrine of Leaving Home for War”). The shrine sells a variety of charms, including cocoon charms, silkworm cocoons wrapped in straw, which bring about family fortune and prosperity; pigeon-shaped charms which provide safe travels, and bell charms which bring about a change in fortunes and protect against calamity.

    義経が奥州に旅立つ際に行路の安全を祈願したといわれる社。 節分の前日、境内で二三人の参詣者を見かけただけでひっそりとしていました。 冬ざれた境内で、絵馬と千羽鶴だけが華やいで見えました。

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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