Temple Spots in Omihachiman Area

  • Kannonshoji Temple
    48 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Azuchicho Ishidera 2
    52 minutes from the Hikone Interchange on the Meishin Expressway via National Route 8. Records state this Tendai Buddhist temple was founded around 1,400 years ago by Prince Shotoku for a mermaid, making it the only such temple tied to a mermaid legend in the country. The 32nd temple on the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage, it has been popular since the Heian period for gracing worshippers with fortune in all things and luck in finding love and marriage. In 1993, the temple's main temple building and principal object of worship were destroyed in a fire, but these were restored in 2004. The current principal object of worship is a seated thousand-armed, thousand-eyed statue of the bodhisattva Kannon crafted entirely of Indian sandalwood. Lucky visitors to the temple just might encounter Kuritaro, a cat who lives on the grounds.

    西国三十三所巡礼で参拝しました。 境内はとても広くて明るく、本堂は白檀の大きな千手観音座像。2023年7月まで土蔵から発見された前立本尊の特別公開(有料)が行われています。伝統にのっとり、次回の御開帳は33年後らしいです。 車のアクセスはHPに案内されている裏参道は車の離合が難しい箇所があまりにも長く、3ナンバー普通車なので通行を断念。 表参道は裏参道に比べれば道路幅は広いのですが、駐車場が狭く...

  • Chomeiji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Oumihachimanshi -chomeijichou 157
    A Buddhist temple located in Chomeiji-cho, Omihachiman City. Records state the temple was founded by Prince Shotoku. The temple’s principal object of worship is a 1,000 handed, 11 faced, three bodied figure of Kanzeon Bodhisattva; said to grant long life and health to worshippers, this figure has attracted believers since ancient times. Temple buildings such as the main temple are designated Important Cultural Properties and every structure is at least designated a Cultural Property by the city or prefecture. The temple is counted as the 31st temple on the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.


  • Zuiryuji Temple (Honzan Murakumo Imperial Palace)
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Oumihachimanshi Miyauchichou 19-9
    A Buddhist temple located at the summit of Mt. Hachiman in Miyauchi-cho, Omihachiman City. The temple was built by mighty samurai lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, older sister of the mighty samurai lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, to serve as a burial site for her son, the samurai lord Toyotomi Hidetsugu, after he was ordered to commit suicide by Hideyoshi. The temple was later moved to its current location. Each year in June the temple holds the Hachimanyama Jizo Festival.

    This temple is on the top of Mt. Hachiman at the remain of Hachiman castle. Feature of this temple is it’s composition, when moved from Kyoto 60 years ago, it’s necessary to reduce one third but not...

  • Hyozu Taisha Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Yasushi Gojou 566
    A Shinto shrine located in Gojo, Yasu City. This ancient shrine was built in the distant Nara period and is dedicated to Yachihoko-no-Kami. Frequented by samurai warriors in ancient times, its magnificent Sakura-mon gate is said to have been donated by the shogun Ashikaga Takauji and the shrine’s treasures includes numerous sets of arms and armor. The shrine’s garden is also a designated national Place of Scenic Beauty.


  • Shoho-ji Temple (Wisteria Temple)
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Gamougunhinochou Kaigake 2145
    A Buddhist temple located in Kaigake, Hino Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture. The temple’s principal object of worship, an 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva, is a so-called “hidden Buddha” which is only revealed to the general public once every 33 years. The temple’s small two-tier stone Buddhist tower is a designated national Important Cultural Property. A famous destination for wisteria flowers, around May, visitors can enjoy the site of one-meter long branches covered in wisteria blossoms growing from an over 300-year-old tree draped along and hanging from a trellis.

    鎌掛の藤寺と言われる正法寺では、樹齢300年の藤がとても有名です。 藤棚から、1メートル程藤の花が下がっており、奥行きが80メートルの藤棚は見事でした。 ずっと続く藤のトンネルは圧巻でした。 ここまでの藤を見たことがなかったので感動で、来た甲斐がありました。

  • Kuwanomi-dera Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Oumihachimanshi Aduchichoukuwanomiji 292
    A Buddhist temple located in Kuwanomiji Azuchi-cho, Omihachiman City. The temple was founded on the order of Emperor Tenji. The temple’s name means the “Mulberry Truth Temple” and is derived from the fact that Joe, the temple’s first head priest, brought back a mulberry tree from China. In turn, the temple is also known as the first-place silkworm cultivation was conducted in Japan. The temple is the 46th temple on the Saigoku Yakushi 49 Sacred Places pilgrimage.


  • Unkoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Gamougunhinochou Otowa 261
    A Buddhist temple located in Otowa, Hino Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture. The temple was originally built long ago to manage a Shinto shrine which stood at the summit of Mt. Hodengadake (Inohanagadake). Satsuki azaleas grow thickly on the grounds, and around June they explode with crimson blossoms, resulting in the temple’s nickname—the “Satsuki Temple.”
  • Shomyoji
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Suehirocho 724
  • Ishinotera Kyorinbo
    35 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Ishidera 1145

    滋賀県安土の繖山(観音寺城跡)の麓にある聖徳太子が開いたと伝わる寺院です。こちらへは2度目の訪問になります。 紅葉の名所として知る人ぞ知る、という寺院なので、紅葉の時期は小さな境内全体が真っ赤に染まります。境内はこぢんまりとしており回るのに10分も掛かりませんが、ついつい足を止めて紅葉に見入ってしまいます。また、境内全体が苔で覆われており、緑の苔と真っ赤な紅葉のコントラストが目を楽しませてくれます...

  • Jogoin Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Azuchicho Jionji 744


  • Kinshokuji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Yasu-shi Kibe 826


  • Kannonji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Gamo-gun Ryuocho Oguchi 848

    お守りや仏具、人形などをお祓いしてお焚き上げしてもらえます。 預けるだけでもOKですが、まず、本堂でお経を挙げてもらい、お祓いを受けます。その後は、あずけて帰ってもかまわないし、希望すれば、その場でお焚き上げしてもらうことも可能です。 リフォームや工事の際に、家相や日取りを相談できます。姓名判断や出張祈祷もあります。

  • Saifukuji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Okishimacho 252


  • Saimyo Zen Ji
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Gamo-gun Hino


  • Renchoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Yasu-shi Hiruta 934

    見到google map指這附近有個王綾, 本來想去睇下個皇帝個墓。誤打誤撞走咗入去依間寺內, 非常美麗。和一般寺廟不同, 它有一個小花園, 好像還有一間屋, 像是給工作人員居住的。那天有一些活動, 寺園的人誠邀我出席, 可是時間上夾不起來, 希望下一次可以參加他們的活動。

  • Jigenin Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Gamo-gun Hinocho Okubo 1317

    1772年創建の曹洞宗の寺院。本尊は十一面観世音菩薩。 本堂前には枝を横に広げた松「不老之松」が立っている。本堂裏手にきれいな石庭があるが、庭先が住宅街なので趣に欠けるのが残念。

  • Isaki Ji
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Shiraocho 1391

    比叡山延暦寺の支院でご本尊は不動明王、天台修験の三大聖地のひとつです。 琵琶湖の崖上に位置しており、8月1日には「棹飛び」という琵琶湖に突き出た棹の先から、行者が湖に飛び込みます。 棹は棹飛堂から見ることができますが、棹に近づくことはできず、さらに棹には人が渡れないようにトゲトゲが設置されています。 御朱印の対応はされていません。 田圃の幅の狭い道の先に駐車場があり、参道はなだらかで徒歩20分、夏...

  • Byodoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Azuchicho Kamitoyoura 1491


  • Chokoji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Chokojicho 694


  • Ryuoji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Gamo-gun Ryuocho Kawamori 41


Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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