History / Culture / Tour Spots in Hokusei Area

  • Tsubaki Grand Shrine
    153 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Suzukashi Yamamotochou 1871
    A Shinto shrine; the inner sanctuary enshrines the shrine’s principal god, Sarutahiko Okami. Sarutahiko Okami is worshipped as a god of fortune who brings peace and happiness to all living creatures. He is also believed to provide such benefits as safe travels, luck in love, bountiful children and grandchildren, protection from evil, and better fortunes. A teahouse called the Suzumatsu-an can be found on the shrine grounds. The teahouse, together with a garden, was donated to the temple by Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic, in prayer for the further development and growth of the tea ceremony. The teahouse is open to the general public and is not dedicated to a specific tea ceremony school.

    久しぶりの参拝です^^(前回の口コミが2018年だったので、5年ぶりか) 家族が建設会社に勤めている関係で、建築の神様でもあるため、半年に一度、会社の幹部で御祈祷を受けているようです。そのためか、近年はあまり会社関係のトラブルがないように感じます。(会社のトップの意向で、ここ10年ほどは、毎年参拝に行っているようです) 今回は夫婦で訪れ、日ごろの御礼参りに伺いました。別宮(椿岸神社)は、夫婦神...

  • Tokaido Seki-juku
    123 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Kameyamashi Sekichoukozaki Nakamachi new place
    Seki-juku in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture was a post town serving as the 47th of the 53 Stations of the Tokaido in the Edo period (1603-1868). On the Old Tokaido Road a five-minute walk from JR Seki-juku Station, it is still preserved, and you can get the sense that you have slipped back in time to the Edo period. In the vicinity, there are many interesting places such as a museum introducing the history of Seki-juku and long-established stores, and it is filled with spots to take photographs. In addition, there are still over 200 machiya (traditional wooden townhouses) built from the end of the Edo period (1603-1868) to the Meiji period (1868-1912), and the area itself has been chosen as a Nationally-designated Important Traditional Architecture Preservation District and one of Japan's top 100 roads.

    関駅から徒歩5分ほど。 東海道五十三次の47番目の宿場。昔ながらの町家が多数現存し、国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定されている。街道を歩くだけでも江戸情緒の雰囲気を感じることができる場所である。

  • Tado Shrine
    98 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Kuwanashi Tadochoutado 1681
    A Shinto shrine located a 10 minute drive from the Kuwanahigashi Interchange whose history dates back over 1,500 years. The shrine's origins are believed to lie in the building of a shrine here by Emperor Yuryaku in the latter half of the fifth century. The deity enshrined in the main shrine is Amatsuhikone no Mikoto, the son of Sume Omikami. The shrine was destroyed in a wartime fire in 1572. After being rebuilt in the Edo period, the shrine experienced such a revival in popularity, it was said that if one were going to visit the famous Ise Jingu shrine, one must also visit this one. The Tado Festival, held in May, attracts many visitors who come to watch an event in which gallant men ride horse up a steep, two meter near vertical precipice; the number and the order in which riders surmount the precipice foretells how good the harvest will be that year.


  • Paramita Museum
    32 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Miegunkomonochou Obanenmatsugaechou 21-6
    An art museum located not far from Obane-en Station on the Kintetsu Railway Yunoyama Line. The museum displays pieces by artists like Koichi Uchida and Teruko Tsuji, as well as the Heart Sutra sculpture series by Masuo Ikeda, an artist also known as a printmaker and writer of the Akutagawa Prize-winning novel Offering in the Aegean. The museum has a small gallery which can be borrowed by regular people for holding exhibitions and the museum also holds concerts making use of a portion of its exhibition space. In the adjoining Paramita Garden, visitors can view stone sculptures and wild plants which grow at the foot of the Suzuka Mountains.


  • Soranpo Yokkaichi Municipal Museum and Planetarium
    36 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Yokkaichi-shi Yasujima 1-3-16
    In addition to a permanent exhibition spanning three floors which recreates the history of Yokkaichi City with life-sized dioramas, a variety of special exhibitions are held on the fourth floor. There's also the most advanced planetarium on Earth on the fifth floor, which is capable of projecting around 140 million stars, the most in the world. Further, the Yokkaichi Pollution and Environmental Museum for Future Awareness is located on the second floor.

    是非訪れて欲しい博物館。プラネタリウムは予約をしていかなければ、週末は難しいようです。 今回は四日市の歴史に関する展示を観ました。先人の公害に対する取組、戦い、対策について深く学ぶ事が出来ました。無料ですが、充実した施設です。

  • Kuwana City Museum
    24 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Kuwanashi Kyoumachi 37-1
    "This museum, dedicated to the history of Kuwana City, displays a collection related to the history of the Kuwana Domain, and to the local pottery Banko ware. It also has special exhibitions of paintings and woodblocks, as well as works from the Kuwana-connected swordsmith Muramasa. Their Sword Handling experience is growing ever more popular, and is offered as a ""Hometown Tax"" incentive gift."

    2023年NHK大河トラマ《どうする家康》に興味を持たれているのであれば 来年の企画展;令和5年(2023)1年14日-2月26日[こうなる徳川将軍家 -家康と千姫ー 特別公開 千姫復元着物]を如何でしょうか。私達は 令和4年(2022)10月22日-11月27日 華ひらく近代工芸の美、板谷波山(陶芸家...

  • Seki Machinami Museum
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Kameyamashi Sekichounakamachi 482
    Seki Machinami Museum, located about ten minutes’ walk from Seki Station on JR Kansai Main Line, is an exhibition facility using the machiya (townhouse) architecture typical of Sekijuku for which a post town of the Edo period (1603-1868) has been reproduced. It exhibits daily items such as money boxes and traditional straw hats used at the machiya in those days and historical documents of Sekijuku. When you go to the second floor using Hakokaidan which is a stair-like storage space, you can see pictures showing changes in the townscape and a diorama of Sekijuku. From the second floor of the museum, the townscape of Sekijuku can be enjoyed.

    関駅から徒歩10分ほど。旧東海道沿いにある。 入館料は関宿旅籠玉屋歴史資料館と共通で300円。関の山車会館をプラスした3館共通入館券は500円。 資料館の建物(旧別所家)は江戸時代末期築の関宿を代表する町屋建築のひとつで、間口は狭く奥行きが長い。前面2階は漆喰塗りで虫籠窓が設けられている。室内にある箱階段や、部屋に置かれた長火鉢、銭箱などが江戸を感じさせる。主屋裏には土蔵があり、関宿に関する解説パ...

  • Sekijuku Hatago Tamaya Historical Museum
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Kameyamashi Sekichounakamachi 444-1
    Sekijuku Hatago Tamaya Historical Museum located about eight minutes’ walk from JR Seki Station is the first hatago museum in Japan and situated almost in the middle of the Sekijuku region where the townscapes of the Edo period (1603-1868) remain strong. Hatago means the accommodation which samurai and common people used in the Edo period. Particularly, Tamaya is a large hatago so typical of Sekijuku that it was said if you stayed in Seki, Tsuruya or Tamaya was the place. It is restored today and has become a museum where you can see items such as bedding and cutlery used at the time, historical documents about travel by the common people, and ukiyoe (woodblock prints) by Hiroshige Utagawa.

    関駅から徒歩10分ほど。 入館料は関まちなみ資料館と共通で300円。関の山車会館をプラスした3館共通入館券は500円。 玉屋(旧村山家)は関宿を代表する大旅籠のひとつ。1階が店・帳場・主屋で2階が客室、その奥に離れがあり、中庭を挟んで土蔵がある。室内には当時使われていた食器、宿帳、旅道具などを、土蔵には浮世絵などを展示している。 大旅籠とはいえ、最大200人も宿泊したということは一人当たりのスペー...

  • Kuwana City Ishidori Kaikan
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Kuwana-shi Kyomachi 16
    "This museum stands on the old Tokaido highway in Kyo-machi, Kuwana City. The museum's exhibits present the Ishidori Festival, a designated National Important Intangible Folk-Cultural Property held by the Kuwana Sosha (also known as Kasuga Shrine) in the city every summer. The festival involves a procession of over 40 huge traditional festival floats and has been dubbed the ""noisiest festival in Japan."" Through videos and rare historical artefacts such as a festival float built in the late Edo period, visitors can experience the thrills of the festival. The museum operates out of the former Kuwana Credit Union Kyo-machi Branch building, a designated National Tangible Cultural Property."

    こちらの建物が《国登録有形文化財》であり、《石取祭》が《国指定重要無形民俗文化財》《ユネスコ無形文化遺産》であることから 訪問しました。実際の《石取祭》では 43台[令和4年(2022)8月開催]の祭車が使われたようですが [石取会館]内に 祭車一台のみ展示されています。一般的な祭車は4輪ですが 《石取祭》の祭車は3輪であることが 面白い点です。 一方で 祭車1台の大きさが大きくないので 1台だけ...

  • Kasado Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Suzuka-shi Kasadocho 2010
    "This Shinto shrine is located in Kasado-cho, Suzuka City. The shrine is the site of the Shiratorizuka Kofun, which records state is the grave of the legendary Yamato Takeru, 12th Emperor of Japan. The shrine is dedicated to the deified spirit of Yamato Takeru, and a sacred ""kasa"" conical hat and cane in the shrine's possession are believed to have belonged to Yamto Takeru. The adjoining Takamiya Museum displays pottery and other artifacts discovered through excavations on the grounds; the museum is open during the shrine's grand spring festival on April 8."

    日本武尊ゆかりの神社ということで参拝へ行きました。 下から長い階段を上がることもできますが 坂道を上ると駐車場があります。この時期は桜が綺麗です 近くには 古墳もあります。時間の余裕をもって散策されることをお勧めします

  • The Kodayu Daikokuya Memorial
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Suzukashi Wakamatsunaka 1-1-8
    This memorial is 15 minutes on foot from Kintetsu Ise-Wakamatsu Station, and about 10 minutes by car from Shiroko Station. The facility tells the story Kodayu Daikokuya, a castaway in Russia during the Edo period. He was the first Japanese person to bring back information about the area he spent time in, gaining the attention of many politicians and scholars and contributing greatly to studies of the West. The memorial houses items like a Russian text written by Kodayu, personal letters of the Russian envoy, his travel journal, and other old documents. Rather than a permanent exhibition, they mainly hold planned and seasonal special exhibitions.


  • Kawagoe Electric Tower Museum Tera 46
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Mie-gun Kawagoecho Kamezakishinden Asake 87-1
    This museum is located an approximately five-minute drive from Mie-Kawagoe Interchange on the Isewangan Expressway. It has learning facilities dedicated to energy and our lifestyles. The museum's theme is coexistence between humans and the Earth and our future, and it has impactful exhibitions displayed that visitors can actually see, touch and play with, while learning about their environment and energy. Outside, on the first floor, is Isewan Geoland. On the third floor are exhibitions such as a fantastic wonder machine that takes visitors on a ride through the 4.6 billion years of the Earth's history. All seven floors of the museum contain exhibitions that people of all ages, from children to adults can enjoy learning from.

    東京から帰省した孫を連れて出かけました。 中部電力によるテーマパーク仕立ての展示館ですが、エネルギーに関して楽しく学びながら遊べる電力館です。 特に、5階のハイパーシアターは大画面と手元のタッチペン式コンピューターによる色んなプログラム(私どもが入室した時間は、海の生物にお絵かきした魚たちが大画面を泳いでビックリ)で子どもだけじゃなく大人も充分楽しめます。 他にもクイズコーナーやゲームコーナー...

  • Waju no Sato
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Kuwanashi Nagashimachounishigawa 1093
    "This learning complex allows visitors to learn about the history, culture, and industry of Nagashima town and the waju flood barrier. It contains the ""amu-seum"" area with History and Folklore Museum, and the “active area “ with Industrial Activity Hall, and each has a variety of displays. Outside the building is the Waju Observation Park which has a year-round activity farm which is quite popular for its harvesting experience."

    とても面白く、民族博物館にとても似ています。 興味深いものもたくさんあり、また行きたくなります。 木曽三川公園や、輪中ドームと一緒に行くと良いのではないのでしょうか。

  • Ishiyakushi-ji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Suzuka-shi Ishiyakushicho 1
    The temple is located along Route 25 in Ishiyakushi-cho, Suzuka City, and was founded by Taicho in 726. The main image is a hidden Buddha statue, but it is displayed to the public on December 20 every year during the Susuhariboshi (dusting off of soot) ceremony.


  • Ise Katagami Museum
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Suzukashi Shirokohonmachi 21-30
    This museum presents a collection of items related to Ise Katagami paper stencils. It's a five-minute walk from the east exit of Kintetsu Nagoya Line's Shiroko Station. Ise Katagami is one of the methods used for dying patterns on kimono. It's made with a variety of techniques involving shibugami, paper treated with astringent persimmon juice. Designs are then cut into the paper to create the stencils. The restored building that houses the museum was built in the late Edo Period. It was the home of Terao Saibee, a prominent Shiroko katagami wholesaler. It's been designated a Suzuka City Historic Site. In addition to the katagami stencils, the museum also displays kimono dyed using them and the tools used to make them. You can try making bookmarks using shibugami paper and small shikishi (fancy paperboard squares) too.

    団体で行きましたので説明員の方が付き、歴史や様々な技を映像などでひととおり見た後、実際に職人さんの実演を見せていただきました。 和紙を何枚も重ねて型紙にすること、模様にあわせて道具も一から手作りであること、そして根気のいる作業、と何から何まではじめて知ることばかりで驚きました。 継承には苦労も多いそうですが、このような場を通して広くPRしていただきたいです。

  • Banko no Sato Hall
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Yokkaichishi Toueichou 4-8
    Located a five-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station on the Kintetsu Nagoya Line, Banko no Sato Hall is a venue for displaying and selling Mie Prefecture's best-known pottery, Bankoyaki. In addition to galleries that explain the history of Bankoyaki and the techniques used in producing it, there is also a shop where visitors can select from a wide array of Bankoyaki pottery, as one would expect in the area of the style's origin. The studio on the first floor offers instruction, everything from a one-day pottery making experience to a full-fledged regular pottery course. Visitors can also try painting pottery to create a souvenir that is uniquely their own. On the second floor is a restaurant, Nijiirodo, where a chef prepares daily lunch specials. Reservations are recommended, since quantities are limited.


  • Koujinyama Kannonji
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Suzuka-shi Takatsukacho 1777
    This Buddhist temple is located in Takatsuka-cho, Suzuka City. Founded in 812 by the great priest Kobo Daishi to enshrine a statue depicting the legendary Yamato Takeru as a Buddhist deity, the temple later built a hall to enshrine an 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue as its principal object of worship. The mountain on the grounds behind the temple is famous as the place where Kira no Nikichi, sworn friend of Shimizu no Jirocho, lost his life in the Fight at Kojinyama, and there is a memorial that was erected by shamisen storyteller Torazo Hirosawa.


  • Kyuka Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Kuwanashi Yoshinomaru 5-1
    This park was created in the Honmaru and Ninomaru ruins of Kuwana Castle, and is located an approximately three-minute walk from the City A Circulation Bus Honcho bus stop. Formerly known as Ougi (fan-shaped)-jo Castle, it retains the atmosphere of a castle praised as the Castle of Kaido. It is a place for residents to relax where many varieties of flowers bloom depending on the season. Inside the park is Chinkoku Shukoku-Jinja Shrine that is dedicated to Matsudaira Sadatsuna and Matsudaira Sadanobu. In addition, you can find in the park the site of Tatsumi Yagura Turret, which served as a symbol for Kuwana Castle, and a monument dedicated to the souls of those who died in the Boshin War built in 1887 at the site of the castle keep.
  • Sangaku-ji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Mie-gun Komonocho Komono 8550
    This Buddhist temple is located in Komono Town, Mie County, Mie Prefecture. Records state it was founded in 807 by the great monk Saicho and it is believed to have been a bastion for Tendai Buddhist warrior monks. Today, the temple is famous for granting worshippers luck in finding love and marriage, and many worshippers make offerings of origami paper cranes based on a legend concerning the temple. The temple holds the Sohei Festival celebrating its warrior monk history each year in October, and this festival is also the largest fire festival in the prefecture.

    2021年7月9日、この日は湯の山温泉寿亭に宿泊していた。 寿亭の廊下を通って、隣接する三嶽寺(さんがくじ)に向かう。 4階の南出口から外に出る。 すぐに三嶽寺に到着。 三嶽寺は、三重県三重郡菰野町菰野(みえけんみえぐんこものちょうこもの)にある天台宗山門派の寺だ。 折鶴伝説の恋結びの寺として人気がある。 織田信長の焼き討ちに立ち向かった僧兵に祈りをささげ折鶴を奉納すると、恋愛成就のご利益がある...

  • Suzuka City Traditional Industries Museum
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Suzuka-shi Jike 3-10-1
    A 10-minute walk from Kohzugaura Station on the Kintetsu Nagoya Line, this facility introduces the traditional crafts of Isekatagami and Suzuka Sumi, and displays and introduces the works and manufacturing tools of Suzuka Sumi, known for its high quality, and Isekatagami, used for dyeing kimono fabrics with designs such as komon and yuzen. There is also a video corner and a gallery, and demonstrations of Ise-katagami every Sunday and Suzuka Sumi ink on the second and fourth Sundays.


Mie Areas


Spread across the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula, Mie prefecture boasts hundreds of kilometers of pretty coastline comprising the oyster-rich Toba city and Shima National Park all the way down to Kumano, a city that marks the beginning of part of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, which runs into neighboring Wakayama prefecture. However, Mie is best known for the Ise Jingu Shinto shrine inland, one of the oldest and largest shrines in the country.

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