History / Culture / Tour Spots in Ise Area

  • Aramatsuri-no-miya
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Ujitachichou 1 inside the Nambuya area
    Of the 14 associated shrines of Ise Shrine the main building of this shrine is the largest and the tallest. While the enshrined deity is the same sun goddess Amaterasu as the main temple, the aspect enshrined here is the Aramitama, a rough and violent side of the deity. One should visit this shrine after visiting the main shrine.
  • Outer Ise Shrine Kaguraden
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Toyokawachou 279 within the territory
    The kagura hall for special prayer at the Outer Ise Shrine. While no one other than the Emperor could make offerings at the main shrine the kaguraden was constructed during the Meiji-Period for those who wished to make offerings. There is a window to accept prayers on behalf of the sun goddess and to make requests for prayers, an area for the kagura Shinto dance, an area for offerings, and they accept donations towards the next rebuild of the temple ceremony. There is also a place for the awarding of charms and amulets. You can receive a red stamp commemorating your visit to the shrine here as well.
  • Mishine no Mikura
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Ujitachichou 1
    This is one of the 125 Ise Jingu shrines. It is located partway along the path to the inner shrine and the Aramatsurigu shrine inside the grounds. Mishinenomikura-no-kami is enshrined here. Mishinenomikura-no-kami is also known as Ukanomitama-no-mikoto. During festivals, Oomike (the first of the harvest) is offered to the god. This offering is taken from the rice harvested at the shrine's sacred fields. The structure was constructed in the same Shinmei style as the main hall.
  • Awamiko Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Futamichoumatsushita Tottori 1687-2
    This is one of the auxiliary shrines of the Ise Grand Shrine (inner shrine). It is ensconced on a promontory facing a pond and its picturesque scenery. The deity enshrined here is Susano no mikoto no mitama no michinushi no mikoto. Also known as Awamiko no kami, who is said to have been born through the actions of Amaterasu Omikami and Susano no mikoto. It was originally located by a pond in Nakanoshima but was relocated to its present location due to the discontinuation of a ritual or a disaster. The hotel Uminochou is located on the grounds of the shrine, and visitors can ask the front desk to allow them to walk through the grounds to the shrine.
  • Hayashizaki Bunko
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Ujiimazaikecho 163
    This school was originally started as the Okada Bunko library during the Nanboku-cho period. Established in 1687, the area where it was built was swampy and not suited to the preservation of texts; accordingly, it was moved to the Hayashizaki area in 1690 and came to be called the Hayashizaki Bunko. Up until the Meiji period, it was used to gather and store texts, as a place for the education of shrine apprentices, and as a space for exchange with culturally advanced regions. The building's lecture hall and depository are particularly well preserved and, as a historically valuable relic, the structure has been designated a National Historic Site.
  • Kyushoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Yamochicho Shobu 127
    This Buddhist temple stands on Prefectural Route 720 in Yamochi-cho, Ise City. According to records, the temple was built to memorialize the Taira clan by Taira no Tomomori after escaping to this area; Tomomori was the fourth son of the shogun Taira no Kiyomori, who is believed to have committed suicide after being defeated by the Minamoto clan in the Battle of Dan-no-ura. The temple's principal object of worship, a wooden standing figure of Amitabha, was created in the Kamakura period and has been designated a National Important Cultural Property.
  • Sengu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Watarai-gun Minamiisecho Kochi 77
    "This Shinto shrine is located in Kouchi, Minamiise Town, Watarai County, Mie Prefecture. Dedicated to Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto and other gods, just when the shrine was founded is not clear. Standing at the top of over 300 stone steps, there is a stone monument at the entrance of the approach to the shrine donated by the Kishu-Tokugawa clan which warns against killing animals in the area. The iwakura ""god's dwelling"" behind the main shrine building has been worshipped as a sacred place since ancient times, and a boulder which resembles the face of a monkey in profile found here is said to harbor mystical powers."
  • Mie Prefecture-run Sun Arena
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Asamacho 4383-4
  • Kongoushoujihoumotukan
    51 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Asamachou Takeshi 548

    A very nice and atmospheric temple complex with no crowds. I recommend walking up there along the lovely Asamagatake Trail from Asama.

  • Akane Yashiro Toyokawa Akane Inari Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Toyokawacho 274

    伊勢市駅から徒歩10分ほど。伊勢神宮(外宮)に隣接。 境内には通称「あこねさん」と呼ばれる茜社、豊川茜稲荷神社、天神社(茜牛天神)が祀られている。茜社の祭神は天牟羅雲命、蛭子命。当初は「赤畝の社」「赤うね明神」と呼ばれていたが明治元年に現社名に改称。素木・吹き放ちの拝殿があり、その先に木造銅板葺きの小ぶりな本殿がある。拝殿には現松阪市生まれの政治家・詩人である矢土勝之(号・錦山)の揮毫と思われる社...

  • Ryohei Murayama Memorial Museum
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Watarai-gun Tamakicho Tamaru 114-1

    続100名城のスタンプがあるため訪問しました。 スタンプは無料で押せた上、2階は記念館になっていてそこも無料。 展示内容も充実していて、朝日新聞社創設者の村山龍平氏についてもよくわかりました。夏の甲子園大会は村山氏によって開催されたことも。

  • Tamaru Castle Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Watarai-gun Tamakicho Tamaru
  • Kotaiji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Watarai-gun Tamakicho Miyako 1277

    伊勢自動車道の玉城ICから車で5分程の場所にある静かなお寺です。 駐車場は広のスペースがあり、山門横に案内板がありますが掠れてしまっていて読めない・・・三重県のお寺では何か所で同様のことがあり、他の都道府県では見ない現象なので何か風土と云うか風習と云うか何かあるのでしょうか? 頑張って解読する限り、15世紀末に建立されたと記載されていました。。。 お寺の境内は広く、鯉がたくさん居る池があります...

  • O Ise Mairi Museum
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Ujiurata 1-15-20


  • Sinfonia Technology Hibiki Hall Ise
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Iwabuchi 1-chome 13-15
  • Komyoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Iwabuchi 3-chome 3-11


  • Chuzanji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Seitacho 411


  • Ozaki Hakudo Memorial Hall
    2 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Ise-shi Kawabatacho 97-2


  • Catholic Ise Church
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Mie Ise-shi Okamoto 1-2-1

    伊勢神宮外宮の前にあります 駐車スペースは10台以上 館内は靴を脱いでスリッパに履き替えます 床は板張り 聖堂内の壁はガラス部分が多く明るい

  • Shogato Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Mie Pref. Iseshi Ujimazaikechou 60

Mie Areas


Spread across the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula, Mie prefecture boasts hundreds of kilometers of pretty coastline comprising the oyster-rich Toba city and Shima National Park all the way down to Kumano, a city that marks the beginning of part of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, which runs into neighboring Wakayama prefecture. However, Mie is best known for the Ise Jingu Shinto shrine inland, one of the oldest and largest shrines in the country.

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