Travel / Tourism Spots in Nishi-Mikawa Area

  • Kojakuji Temple
    37 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Asukechou Imori 39
    Kojakuji Temple is a Soto sect temple on Mt. Iimori in Asuke Town, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. In order to hold a memorial service for the departed powerful Asuke clan, the temple was built among the remains of the Asuke clan residence in 1427. In the mountains there is a stone image of the sixteen arhats, and the tombs of the Asuke Castle Lords and five generations of the Asuke clan. The eleventh chief priest of the temple known as the father of momiji, planted maple and cedar trees in the area and now it is famous for its beautiful autumn leaves. Because it is located in the middle of the Korankei Gorge, many tourists come to visit in the fall.

    東海随一とも言われる紅葉の名所香嵐渓は、シーズンになると巴橋から待月橋までの巴川両岸に観光客が密状態となりますが、飯盛山の登り口に当たるこのお寺も、実に美事な紅葉が見られます。観光客が写らないように写真を撮るのは困難な人気ぶりです。 飯盛山まで登らなくても十分美しいのですが、正面の石段だけでもお年寄りには難所です。

  • World Children's Art Museum Okazaki
    31 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Okachou Torido 1-1
    The world first fully-fledged art museum for children. The museum first opened in 1985 with the aim of cultivating in children a broad, international perspective and strong imagination. The artworks on display in the museum focus on pieces by children around the world and pieces created by famous artists during their childhood. The museum also has a standing exhibition of folk crafts, toys, and picture books from across the globe. The museum’s display rooms are divided into three themes—think, look, and create. The museum has been carefully designed so that children can learn and have fun. In the adjoining Parents and Children Art Center, painting and handicraft classes are held daily.


  • Iwazu Tenmangu Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Iwaduchou Higashiyama 53
    A Shinto shrine located in Higashiyama Iwazu-cho, Okazaki City. Dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of scholarship, every month on the 25th the shrine holds a ceremony to pray for success in scholarly endeavors, attracting many hopeful students. The shrine is also believed to grant worshippers recovery from illness and protection from misfortune. The shrine is also famous for its nakizumo (crying baby sumo) event held on the grounds every May 5.


  • Okehazama Kosenjo Densetsuchi
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Toyoake-shi Sakaemachiminami Yakata 11
    A Nationally Designated Historic Site located in Minamiyakata, Sakae-cho, Toyoake City. This is the site of the headquarters of Imagawa Yoshimoto's forces when they were defeated by an invading Oda Nobunaga and his troops in 1560 at the Battle of Okehazama. A stone monument marks the spot where Imagawa Yoshimoto died.

    名古屋市との境にある公園ですが、比較的小さくて駐車場もなく知名度の割には寂しい印象を受けます。 「桶狭間の戦い」はよく知られる通り、織田信長の軍勢が今川義元の軍勢を打ち破り、大将である今川義元を打ち取った1560年の戦さです。 信長が全国制覇へ向けての足掛かり的なエピソードとして語られることも多く、今川義元は太った無能な君主の様な描かれ方や「油断していて打ち取られた人物」といった描かれ方が多く、現...

  • Rokusho Jinja
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Myoudaijichou Mimitori 44
    A Shinto shrine located in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. Dedicated to easy childbirth, the shrine was once used by the might Matsudaira clan and Tokugawa clan, and today its grounds are seen as a mystical power spot. The shrine's main shrine, offering hall, worship hall, two-tier gate, and god hall have been designated National Important Cultural Property. Only on New Year's Day, visitors can get a drawing of the mystical treasure boat of the gods which is said to ensure a good first dream of the year to those who view it.


  • Toyota Hands-On Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Kozakahonmachi 1-25 Toyota Industrial and Cultural Center
    A science museum located inside the Toyota Industry Culture Center. Science shows, chemistry experiment workshops, and other events are held regularly in the Science Hall. The museum also has a planetarium and is frequented by families, particularly on weekends.

    名古屋市の科学館などに比べたら小さいですが、お値段も300円だったかすごく安く入れます。 また最近では「赤ちゃんとプラネタリウム」と言うイベントをたびたび実施しており「初めてのプラネタリウム」と言う名前だったかな。 とても地域に根付いているプラネタリウムです。 その入口では150円ぐらいで物作り教室が毎週末開催されていて何かを親子で製作できます。 雨の日などに行くとちょうどいいかも。

  • Toyota Municipal Museum of Art
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Kozakahonmachi 8-5-1
    An art museum located on the former site of the castle of Koromo Domain on a small hill which first opened in November 1995. A restored corner turret from the original castle stands near the entrance to the museum. The east and west sides offer differing atmospheres. A steep terrace on the eastern side provides a sweeping view of Toyota. Meanwhile, a Japanese garden on the western side is dotted with teahouses and other structures, creating more historically-oriented scenery. The museum has 11 exhibition rooms connected via galleries for visitors to follow and enjoy the art on display. The museum also has a museum shop, restaurant, and tea room.
  • Former Residence of Honda Tadatsugu
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Kakemachi Ashinobe 40-1
    The house and part of the water fountain built by Honda Tadatsugu, the second son of the viscount family, in 1932 has been relocated and restored to Kake Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. Tadatsugu is a descendant of the former Okazaki daimyo (feudal lord) Honda clan who descended from the samurai general, Honda Tadakatsu, who was once said to be one of the Tokugawa-shitenno (four generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu). He was also at the cutting edge of academia at the time. The house is a wooden Western-style building based on the Spanish style that was fashionable at the time. Inside are both modern Western-style rooms and purely Japanese-style rooms. There’s plenty to see such as furniture, stained glass and mosaic tiles, etc. Exhibitions are occasionally held throughout the year.

    Part of the Higashi Park grounds, the house was originally built in Tokyo in 1930s and moved to and rebuilt in Okazaki in 1990s. It belonged to a descendant of one of the Tokugawa Ieasu deputies...

  • Roadside Station Denpark Anjo
    Aichi Pref. Anjoushi Akamatsuchou Kaji 5
    A roadside station located in the Denpark in Akamatsu-cho, Anjo City. Here you can buy Japanese pears and figs, local Anjo specialty products; local, farm-fresh vegetables and fruits; flowers; local beers; and other specialty goods.
  • Mikawa Kougei Glass Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Nishioshi Tomiyamachou Tougou 5
    A museum dedicated to glass art located in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. The museum is also dedicated to visitor interaction and experience, holding short classes through which you can make stained glass pieces and other works of glass art. The museum's giant kaleidoscope, certified by Guinness as the largest in the world in 2000, is also popular. In the adjoining museum shop, you can purchase a kit to make your very own kaleidoscope.

    昔、世界一の万華鏡があることで有名なここ 三河工芸ガラス美術館。 いまでも迫力ある万華鏡の美しさにほっとします。 3階にあるてっぽう展示館も楽しめます。 雑学のパネルもあって、勉強になりました。

  • Anjo City Museum of History
    19 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Anjoushi Anjouchou Shirobori 30
    A museum located in Ansho Bunka no Sato standing along Prefectural Route 78 in Shirobori Anjo-cho, Anjo City. Here visitors can learn about the culture, economy, politics, and other historical aspects of the western Mikawa region occupying the Yahagi River Basin, from the Jomon to the Edo and Meiji periods through exhibits on the Horiuchi Shell Mound, the Kamezuka site, and the Sakurai Kofun burial mound group. The museum also holds special exhibitions, lectures, and workshops.


  • Iwase Bunko Library
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Nishioshi Kamezawachou 480
    A library adjoining Tsurushiro Park in Kamezawa-cho, Nishio City. Originally a private library established by Nishio City businessman Yasuke Iwase in 1908, today it is Japan's first library dedicated to old and rare books, and its collection spans some 80 thousand volumes. The library also has a standing exhibit presenting the history of books in Japan and holds special exhibitions as well as a variety of lectures. The Nishio Book Festival is held here at the end of October.

    価値のある本や資料がたくさん、貯蔵してあります。一日中楽しめます。思ってたより、ひろかったです。 また行きます、

  • Takahama Kawara Museum
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Takahamashi Aokichou 9-6-18
    An art museum standing along National Route 419 in Aoki-cho, Takahama City. Japan's only art museum dedicated to roof tiles, the museum's collection includes Sanshu kawara roof tiles and other roof tiles and pottery from throughout Japan and the world as well as related works of art. In addition to the museum's standing exhibition and special exhibitions, the museum also holds short ceramics and ceramics decorating classes as well as fully fledged ceramics classes which use an electric potter's wheel.


  • Toyotashi Mingei-kan
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Hiratobashichou Haiwa 86-100
    A folk craft museum located in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. The museum has three themed areas focusing on clothing, food, and shelter and is also adjoined by a Ceramics Museum and the Tea Arbor Kanotei. The museum also regularly holds special and planned exhibitions and is visited by large numbers of tourists and others.


  • Matcha Museum Saijoen Waku Waku
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nishio-shi Kamimachi Yokomachi Yashiki 15

    正直残念な思いをしました。 あいやさんご提供の体験型サービスということで 妻と4歳になる息子と楽しみにしておりました。 名古屋から西尾に向かう途中、息子が車に酔ってしまったので 途中で休憩を挟まざるをえなくなり、開始の1時間ほど前に 到着が遅れることを担当者に電話報告しておりました。 幸い他のお客様がいらっしゃらなかったということで、 キャンセルをしなくてもコースを受けることを許してくださいま...

  • Kezoji
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Prefecture Nishio-shi Okayama Sanno 59
    A Buddhist temple located in Okayama Sannosan Kira-cho, Nishio City. The temple was founded in 1600 by Kira Yoshisada, great-grandfather of the infamous court noble Kira Yoshihisa. A graveyard in which generations of the Kira clan are buries is located on the grounds, and a memorial service is held each year on December 14 on the anniversary of Kira Yoshihisa's death.

    吉良家ゆかりの文化財を数多く所蔵している高家吉良家の菩提寺の華蔵寺。お墓もあります。 歴史好きな人には欠かせないコースです。吉良義央公の木像もありますが普段は未公開です。

  • Toyota-shi Obara Paper Art Museum Washi no Furusato
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Toyota-shi Eitarocho Hora 216-1
    A museum primarily dedicated to Obara paper, a traditional Toyota City craft. Obara washi crafts and works of are displayed in the Washi Artwork Gallery with a focus on pieces made by Tatsukichi Fujii, the progenitor of Obara paper art. A variety of special exhibitions are held periodically on the first floor. In the Art and Craft Center, visitors can try papermaking using traditional Obara paper art techniques. The center also accepts orders for the creation of custom Obara papers. In the museum's garden, visitors can view kozo hybrid mulberry trees and Oriental paper push, plants used to make Obara paper.


  • Sanganesan Skyline
    Travel / Tourism
    Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture
    This 5.1-kilometer-long toll road runs between Nishio City and Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture. From June to July, 70,000 hydrangea flowers bloom along the road, giving it the popular name of Hydrangea Line. At the end of the road, there is Katahara Spa, where 50,000 hydrangea also bloom in the Hydrangea Garden (Village), and where the Hydrangea Festival is held every year.
  • Toyota City Kindai no Sangyo to Kurashi Hakkenkan Museum
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Kitamachi 4-45
    A cultural facility housed in the former Aichi Prefecture No. 9 Sericulture Control Branch Office, a nationally designated Cultural Property. Here visitors can learn about the unique cultural features of Toyota City through exhibits covering the history of local modern industry, including garabo spinning machines, mining, and ceramics. The museum also conducts a variety of events and special exhibits, and is visited by many families with children.


  • Benten Salon
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Nishioshi Isshikichousakushima Nishigawa 41
    Benten Salon is an old renovated house located on the remote island of Saku Island in Isshiki Town, Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. It is used as a facility for promoting cultural exchange. The island which is the stage for the art project Mikawa and Saku Island Art Plan 21 is a natural art museum with contemporary pieces of art on display all over the island. The salon has rest areas, displays of artworks and displays on the history of the island making it a great place to use as a base for art or a picnic. Exhibitions and workshops are also held here several times a year.


Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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