Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Northern Owari Area

  • Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Seto-shi Minamiyamaguchicho 234
    An art museum located in Minamiyamaguchi-cho, Seto City. The museum's collection consists of over 7,000 ceramics pieces, including three designated Important Cultural Properties. The museum's standing exhibition is divided into themes such as masterpieces, special themes, and pottery from around the world. The museum also holds special exhibitions and a variety of events. In addition, the museum has a ceramics arts classroom, teahouse, restaurant, and museum shop.

    良質な美術館です。ちょっと前は名前が違ったような気がします。 イベントで古今東西いろんな作品を見ることができます。1日いても飽きません。 一人で来てゆっくり観るか、同じ趣味仲間とじゃないとダメですね。 もっと行きたいのですがなんせ遠いのでなかなか足を運ぶことができません。 陶芸体験はスタッフさんたちもお手伝いしてくれるので 失敗しそうだと思ったら早めに声掛けをするといいと思います。 完成した作品...

  • Inuyama City Cultural Museum, Karakuri Tenji-kan
    39 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Inuyamashi Inuyama Kitakoken 8
    This is a museum located in Inuyama City which features displays on the history and cultural heritage of Inuyama City which is a castle town. In the main building is a diorama which recreates the Inuyama castle town as it was in the Edo period as well as displays about the cultural assets within the city. In the “Karakuri Tenji-kan” annex are displays of “karakuri” (mechanical dolls) riding in floats, performances by karakuri dolls, and a display of the production process for karakuri.

    Great artifacts and looks very interesting, but almost nothing in English, pity. Would have been very interesting if they put some English explanations...

  • Showa Era Life Style Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Kitanagoyashi Kumanoshou Osakaki 53
    A folk customs museum located in Kumanosho Osakaki, Kitanagoya City. The museum gained its current name after a special exhibition was held here in 1997 comprised of items dating to the Showa 30s period (equivalent to 1955 to 1964) presenting what daily life looked like in Japan back then. The museum's collection consists of items used as part of daily life during Japan's Showa period (1926-1989). In addition to the standing exhibit, the museum also holds special exhibitions focusing on themes relating to Showa period daily life.
  • Rekishiru Komaki (Komakiyama Castle Historical Site Information Center)
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Komaki-shi Horinouchi 1-2
  • Global Center
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Ibaragabasama Otsu 1533-1 Aichikyuhakukinenkoen
    Located right near Ai-Chikyuhaku-Kinen-Koen Station on the Tobu Kyuryo Line (Linimo), this facility's themes are community and the environment. It was built to pass on the ideals and information about the fruits of the Aichi Earth Expo and act as a base for local involvement and community activities. Its hands-on learning facilities can be used for workshops and classes. Multipurpose rooms are available for music, art, handicrafts, etc. Their multipurpose studios can be used for aerobics, dance, yoga, etc. The Earth-friendly facility uses renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.
  • Ichiro Tenji Room Eye Fine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nishikasugaiguntoyoyamachou Toyoba Yotsuduka 53

    12年前に一度行きましたが、イチロー選手が引退してからもう一度行こうと思い再訪です。 イチロー選手の野球道具やトロフィー等が展示してあり野球ファンなら必見の場所です。 入場料は¥900とちょっと高めで写真撮影は禁止です。 営業は木曜日から-日曜日の10:00-16:30(最終入場は16:00)なので行かれる前に確認が必要です。 車が無いとなかなかアクセスしづらい場所ではありますが、県立名古屋空港が...

  • Bisai History Folk customs Museum
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Ichinomiya-shi Okoshi Shimomachi 211


  • Nagakute Local material Room
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Musashizuka 204

    1584年に豊臣秀吉と 徳川家康が最初で最後の対決をした 小牧長久手の戦いを繰り広げた主戦場跡地。 その小牧長久手の戦い関連の 資料がたくさんあるのでありがたい。 しかも入場料無料になっている。

  • Ichinomiya Kisogawa Museum
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Ichinomiya-shi Kisogawacho Kuroda Takara Hikari Terahigashi 18-1


  • Kaniecho History Folk customs Museum
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Ama-gun Kaniecho Shiro 1-chome 214

    蟹江町の博物館としてふさわしい展示を,雑多に展示してある公民館。 なぜか機織りを実践できる部屋が,年配女性たちに人気だ。 小中学生なら,気にいる展示もありそうだ。 小酒井不木 (こさかいふぼく...

  • Yatomi History Folk customs Museum
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Yatomi-shi Maegasucho Minami Honden 347

    It has some nice information about the local area as well as some fish and a bird. It is strange that there is an entire room dedicated to the bird though

  • Ama Miwa History Folk customs Museum
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Ama-shi

    名鉄木田駅から歩いて散策にて立ち寄りました。建物な年季が入っている感じてした。 福島正則生誕の地の石碑がありました。建物内は米作りの農具などが展示していました◯

  • Tsushima Children's Science Museum
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Tsushima-shi Minamishingaicho 2-chome 74


  • Kasugai Do Kaze Museum
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Kasugai-shi Matsukawadocho 5-chome 9-3


  • Oguchicho History Folk customs Museum
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Niwa-gun Oguchicho Denne 1-35


  • Aisai Saori History Folk material Room
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Aisai Suwacho Go Nishi 456-1


  • Aichikennogyosogoshikenjonogyominzokukan
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nagakuteshi Yazako Sagamine 1-1
  • Aichikenritugeijutu Univ Horyujikondohekigamosha Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nagakuteshi Yazako Sagamine 1-114
  • Kasugai Municipal Local Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Kasugai-shi Toriimatsucho 7-chome 5
  • Shippoyaki Fureai Densho
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Ama-shi Shippocho Toshima

Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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