Other Shopping Spots in Northern Owari Area

  • Kiyosu Furusato no Yakata
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Kiyosu-shi Kiyosu Kojo 479-1
    This tourist facility located in front of the Kiyosu-jo Ohashi Bridge, about a 15-minute walk from Kiyosu Station on the JR Tokaido Main Line. In addition to souvenir shops and a free rest area, the facility offers exhibitions of armor and a movie corner introducing Kiyosu, giving visitors a feel for the history of the area. The sales corner has a wide selection of products on sale including locally produced miso paste and Japanese sweets, and goods featuring family crests. Popular items are the goods related to the Warring States period warlords such as Nobunaga Oda. Stamps commemorating your climb up the castle are also on sale. Local volunteers also run regular tours of the area around the castle.


  • Agurinmura
    Aichi Pref. Nagakuteshi Maeguma Tan Shimoda 134
    A large farmer's market located in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture. Dedicated to local production for local consumption, the facility has a bakery and a restaurant; meanwhile, the Ichi Gozarasse farm fresh shop sells fresh, seasonal agricultural products. Events are also regularly held here in which local residents participate. The facility has parking for large busses and is frequented by tourists.
  • Saito Ham Chokubaijo
    Aichi Pref. Inuyamashi Matsumotochou 1-162
    Located a nine-minute walk from Inuyama Station on the Meitetsu Line, this facility produces and sells items with no additives based on the motto “trustworthy and safe.” The direct sales store next door lets visitors taste ham, sausages, and other foods with some German beer fresh from the barrel. The “party hors d’oeuvres” sold here are exclusive to this location. They introduced a direct production system that involves raising high-quality livestock on large ranches and using ice-cold temperature aging and no additives to bring out the true flavor. They also offer products containing the bone, whole coils of sausage, and other options.
  • Teshigoto-Ya
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Akaduchou 63
    A gallery located in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture. The gallery displays porcelain pieces as well as handmade baskets, wreathes, and other knickknacks. The gallery has an adjoining cafe space where you can enjoy a beverage and a slice of cake surrounded by a cool, green atmosphere.
  • Gallery Moyu
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Asahimachi 48-1
    An art gallery located not far from Owari Seto Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line. The gallery displays and sells ceramics, blown glass, and a variety of other works with a focus on young artisans. The gallery also holds ceramics painting and other short classes and has courses for everything from children to advanced creators.
  • Shinano Ceramic Center
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Shinanochou 1-126-2
    A facility for the display and sale of ceramics standing along Prefectural Route 210 in Shinano-cho, Seto City. Here you can find pottery from the Seto-Shinano area, tableware, tea ceremony implements, and a variety of other ceramics items on display and for sale at direct sales prices. The facility also has a gallery and ceramics classroom.

    瀬戸品野地区の窯元を中心に、陶磁器の展示販売をしている。 ズラリ並んだ瀬戸物は、人気作家の作品から、陶磁器メーカーの普段使いまで。 茶道具も、贈答用のセット商品も、茶碗や皿など日常の食器も、窯元直売なので、どれもお値打ち価格。 こだわり派には、陶芸教室も。 お試しの1回コースだけでなく、入会費と月会費を支払えば、曜日や時間の制限無く、陶芸に熱中することも可能。

  • Kimble Komaki
    Aichi Pref. Komakishi Mamaharashinden Fang pond under 310
  • Seto Kura Ceramic Plaza
    6 Reviews
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Kurashochou 1-1

    瀬戸焼のフラワーベースが欲しかったので向かってみた。 お値打ちなものから作家さんの高級品まであります。 黄瀬戸という花瓶があったので買ってみました。

  • Kimble Yatomi
    Aichi Pref. Yatomishi Nabehira 1-35
  • Toyota Museum Museum Shop
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Yokomichi 41-100 Toyota Museum
  • O Takara Ichi Bandate Owari Komaki
    Aichi Komaki-shi Horinouchi 3-24
  • Inuyama Product
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Inuyama-shi Kurisu Furuyashiki 14-3

    桃太郎神社を堪能した後、ランチにて訪問。 ご年配の店員さんの態度はソークール。お茶に指が入っていましたが、桃太郎神社が楽しかったので、そこも含めてご愛嬌ということで…。 カツ丼を注文しました。卵はトロッとタイプで、長ネギがアクセント。甘味の出汁で美味しかったです。

  • Morimoto Sue En
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Seto-shi Sakaemachi 41


  • Hard Off Owariasahi
    Aichi Owariasahi-shi Minamiharayamacho Akatsuchi 229-1
  • A Kada Ya Sei 7
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Tsushima-shi Negimachi 1


  • Hard Off Kozoji
    Aichi Kasugai-shi Matsumotocho 1-10-1
  • 2nd Street Nagakute
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Chohai 2-chome 1501-banchi
  • 2nd Street Kasugai
    Aichi Kasugai-shi Kashiharacho 2-chome 197-banchi
  • 2nd Street Kasugai Interchange
    Aichi Kasugai-shi Higashinocho 6-chome 1-banchi 13
  • 2nd Street Owariasahi
    Aichi Owariasahi-shi Minamihonjigaharacho 2-chome 3-banchi

Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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