Culture / Tour Spots in Northern Owari Area

  • Museum Meiji-Mura
    505 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Inuyamashi Uchiyama 1
    This outdoor museum is located in Inuyama City. It displays a number of buildings from the Meiji period, the era that created the foundation for modern Japan, that have been transplanted from across the country. Located on a large hilly area facing Lake Iruka, the museum's numerous exhibits include buildings designed as national important cultural properties such as the former residence of Saigo Judo and the St. John's Church from Kyoto, railway monuments, and modern industrial heritages. The museum also features a number of hands-on facilities including one where visitors can ride on steam locomotives or a Kyoto street car and another where visitors can take commemorative photos dressed in fashionable Meiji era-style garb. Fees are required for some activities. Groups of 20 or more can play a real-world ''Game of Life'' that takes place over the entire village (reservation required).

    This collection of Meiji period buildings should interest all history buffs as well as those looking for an interesting day out. The park covers all areas of life from trains to migration to brighter...

  • Toyota Museum
    345 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Nagakuteshi Yokomichi 41-100
    Opened in 1989 for the 50th anniversary of Toyota Motor, the museum has a main building and annex. You can easily learn about the history of the evolution of automobiles. There is a library inside where you can deepen your knowledge of automobiles. In addition, there is also a library for children with picture books of vehicles. The museum shop has plenty of original goods, and the restaurant has a menu centered on Western-style dishes. There are car-related reading materials even in the cafe, so you can spend a relaxing time there.

    Im not a car person and I loved it! Here with family - lots of cool cars, theres an English audio guide, and a restaurant attached. Some nice interactive options, and just a really cool visit.

  • Dondenkan
    64 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Inuyamashi Inuyama Higashikoken 62
    Dondenkan is a town development facility, or museum, located in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. It is home to four floats, each eight meters in height, which are paraded through the streets in the Inuyama Festival, one of the country’s Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties. The floats exquisitely decorated in gold leaf and lacquer are an impressive sight. The building has been built to reproduce the town houses of the Inuyama castle town, complete with Japanese rooms and earthen floors. The second floor exhibition room displays models and materials relating to Inuyama Festival. It’s a place where you can really feel the thrilling festival atmosphere.

    A cute little museum about the local festival. You can see the impressive festival floats and theres a short video about the matsuri and a small exhibition room. The staff is lovely and the entrance...

  • Seto-Gura Museum
    38 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Kurashochou 1-1
    The museum is located on the second and third floors of the Seto-Gura tourist facility, built on the old site of the Seto City Hall. Visitors can learn all about the history and culture surrounding Seto pottery which flourished here and became known as Seto-mono (pottery and porcelain). The museum houses displays which bring to life the work that was carried out at that time including a nostalgic reproduction of the original Owari Seto Station and streetcar, as well as a reproduction of a pottery workshop, called a moro, a coal fired kiln and chimney. There is also an area where you can enjoy some matcha green tea for a fee. A perfect place to relax after wondering around the museum. The nearest station is Owari Seto Station.

    The city has very limited buzz amid the reputation of being japan’s famous ceramic city... not much happenings, and this museum is a 15-minute in and out. Not much we can say. Store and products are...

  • Kasugai Urban Greening Botanical Garden (Greenpia Kasugai)
    21 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Kasugaishi Hosonochou 3249-1
    This botanical garden is located in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. Surrounded by nature, visitors can view the seasonal plants as well as enjoy the animal plaza and other facilities such as boating. Events such as exhibitions, short courses,concerts and events are held here regularly, also drawing many local visitors.


  • Menard Art Museum
    32 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Komakishi Komaki 5-250
    An art museum standing along Prefectural Route 197 in Komaki, Komaki City. The museum's approximately 1,500 piece collection primarily consists of works gathered by Mr. and Mrs. Daisuke Nonogawa, founder of Japanese cosmetics company Menard, and includes Western paintings from the Impressionists onward, Japanese paintings from the Meiji period and onward, Western-style paintings created by Japanese artists, sculptures, crafts, and ancient works of art. The museum holds a variety of special exhibitions, related lectures, workshops, and other events.

    I went here on a recommendation and discount ticket from a friend and I wasnt disappointed. There are many famous artists paintings here including Van Gogh and Monet. Although its not a large...

  • Maneki-Neko Museum
    26 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Yakushimachi 2
    The Maneki-Neko Museum, housed in a building which resembles Seto’s Taisho period Western-style architecture, features a collection of maneki-neko (beckoning cat figurines) from across Japan including traditional toys, antiques, and daily miscellaneous goods. It is categorized by history, shrine-related items, traditional toys, main production areas, curios, and miscellaneous goods, and has impressive displays. It is approximately eight minutes on foot from Owari Seto Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line.

    板東寛司・荒川千尋ご夫妻が、個人で収集された、招き猫コレクションを展示している。 愛知県は、招き猫の一大産地。 特に生産量が多いのは、常滑市と瀬戸市。 常滑市の招き猫は、現代のスタンダード。 2頭身のふっくらした体系と、くりくりの大きな目、小判を抱えた、王道のスタイルだ。 瀬戸市の招き猫は、常滑市に比べるとやや細身。 本物の猫に近い形で、表情や全体の形も、バラエティに富んでいる。 その他にも、豪...

  • Ichinomiya City Memorial Art Museum of Setsuko Migishi
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Ichinomiyashi Konobunakashima Gouminami 3147-1
    An art museum located in Gominami Konobunakashima, Ichinomiya City. The museum was built on the site of the family home of local Western-style painter Setsuko Migishi and was opened in 1998. The museum's exhibition room is located in a remodeled old store house and displays a standing collection of works by Migishi. The museum also holds special exhibitions of artwork by other artists.

    洋画家・三岸節子の生家跡に建設され、尾西市三岸節子記念美術館として開館、市町村合併に伴い、一宮市三岸節子記念美術館となった。 織物工場を思わせるのこぎり屋根や、節子の生前から残る土蔵を改修た土蔵展示室など、彼女の思い出と深くかかわったデザインとなっている。

  • Aichi Sewage Science Museum
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Inazawashi Heiwachousukatani Nagata 295-3
    "A science museum located in Nagata, Heiwacho-sukatani, Inazawa City. In addition to the exhibition floor of ""Water for life"", which is divided into five under each theme, and the ""Water Theater"" with 2D images, there are also a special exhibition corner and a library corner, where visitors can learn about sewage systems, focusing on their mechanisms and functions."

    ファミリー向け施設 下水道について学べる?やたらマンホールを推してます 中には滝もあり鯉も泳いでる トンネル工事に使われるドリルも動いてる

  • Seto Ceramics and Glass Art Center
    14 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Minaminakanokirichou 81-2
    The center, located in Minaminakanokiri Town, Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, specializes in ceramics and glass art. It was opened in 1999 as a center to develop industries, arts and culture by making full use of the characteristic Seto-ware known as Seto-mono (pottery and porcelain). The Seto Ceramics & Glass Art Center consists of three buildings including the exhibition building with ceramics and glass art gallery, the workshop where visitors can see trainees at work, and the exchange building where pieces of work by craftsmen and trainees are displayed and sold, as well as a cafe. Visitors can also have a go at making their own pottery or glass art.

    奥の建物が陶芸やデザイン・ガラス工芸などのアトリエと展示会場、手前の建物がカフェと作品を販売する施設です。 アトリエは中に入ることはできませんが作家さんたちの活動を廊下側から拝見するができ、時間が合えばワークショップも行っているそうです。

  • Setogura
    13 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Seto-shi Kurashocho 1-1
    About five minutes on foot from Owari Seto Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line, this four-story tourist complex has facilities that include the Seto Museum, restaurants, and other shops. It is also a base facility of Seto Marutto Museum. The first floor has an information area and stores. On the second floor you'll find the Seto Museum, Tsubaki Hall, and a public gallery. The third and fourth floors consist of conference rooms and a multipurpose hall. A circular courtyard with an atrium rises between the first and fourth floors. The complex lets visitors enjoy Seto cuisine, buy local souvenirs, and explore Seto history.

    焼物の街、瀬戸のランドマーク。 駅前にドーンと建つ瀬戸蔵は、瀬戸物テーマパークだ。 館内には、瀬戸物に関する施設が、色々詰まっている。 瀬戸の歴史、瀬戸物の名品や珍品を展示する、ミュージアム。 瀬戸にある、たくさんの窯元が出品している、窯元直売ショップ、セラミックプラザ。 瀬戸蔵を訪れるだけでも、瀬戸の街を満喫できるだろう。 愛知県は、招き猫の一大産地。 常滑市が有名だが、瀬戸市でも数多くの招き猫...

  • Seto City Art Museum
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Nishibarachou 113-3 Seto City Cultural Center
    An art museum located in Seto City Cultural Center in Nishiibara-cho, Seto City. The museum contains a collection of some 1,000 ceramic pieces and other works of art by artists such as Western-style painter Tamiji Kitagawa and craft artist Tatsukichi Fujii. In addition to its standing exhibit, the museum holds special exhibitions with a focus on local artists.

    特別展、瀬戸染付開発の嫡流へ、行ってきた。 瀬戸焼の開祖と言えば、鎌倉時代の陶工、加藤景正。 そしてもう一人、瀬戸焼の歴史における重要人物は、瀬戸に磁器をもたらした、加藤民吉。 加藤景正は陶祖、加藤民吉は磁祖と、呼ばれている。 今回の特別展は、加藤民吉没後200年のプレ事業。 瀬戸磁器開発を担っていた、加藤民吉に代表される大松家と、加藤忠治に代表される古狭間家、ふたつの家系に関連する作品が展示...

  • Kiyosu City Haruhi Art Museum
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Kiyosushi Haruhi Yumenomori 1
    An art museum located in Haruhi Yume-no-Mori Park in Haruhi Yumenomori, Kiyosu City. The museum holds an exhibition open to application by the general public called the Kiyosu City Haruhi Painting Triennale, and the museum's collection consists of excellent pieces submitted to this exhibition, works gathered by former Haruhi Village Mayor Itsuro Hoshino, and art by artists connected to the area.

    名鉄新清洲駅から清州城を見学して そのあとしばらく歩いて美術館に寄りました。 こじんまりとしてした感じで、アーティストシリーズvol100瀬川寛展『大地と耕地』が開催されていて独特な作品でした。 また、美術館の前にはJR清州駅行きのあしがるバスが運行していて帰りに利用しました◯

  • Seto Blue and White Ceramics Center
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Nishigouchou 98
    A craft center dedicated to Seto sometsuke, a form of traditional ceramics originating in Seto. The facility preserves and exhibits an ancient kiln designated a Cultural Property by the city government. Visitors can also view displays of historic Seto sometsuke masterpieces and watch aspiring artisans in training making ceramics. In addition, the facility has an area where visitors can try ceramics painting and a shop which sells pieces crafted by trainees and graduates of the facility's ceramics instruction program.

    陶祖まつりの折に、尾張瀬戸駅より新世紀工芸館とこの工芸館を訪ねました。ここでは瀬戸染付を無料で説明されています。 どうしても瀬戸は磁器のイメージはありますが、ここでは染付の人材育成もしているようです。

  • Japan Monkey Centre
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Inuyamashi Inuyama Kanrin 26
    This monkey zoo is one of a kind, and has 900 monkeys from over 60 different species. Monkey Valley has a unique way of exhibiting monkeys where you can see them build a bonfire in the winter. This is the only time you can see monkeys stuffing their faces with sweet potatoes they cooked in the flames. In addition, you can observe the lives of monkeys from various points of views in the park. They even go over your head in Monkey Scramble. There is also Wao Land, where you can see ring-tailed lemurs up close.
  • Ichinomiya Museum
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Ichinomiya-shi Yamatocho Myokoji 2390

    名鉄妙興寺駅を降りて立ち寄りました。 一宮市の縄文時代から近代に関して展示や 独特な農業景観『島畑』についてジオラマで展示していてわかり易くて良かったです◯

  • Mei To Art Museum
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Irigaike 301

    An excellent museum nestled in suburban Nagoya in the middle of nowhere. Very friendly and quiet, with a lovely rock garden in the middle, the display was comprehensive and high quality. It would...

  • Inazawa City Oguiss Memorial Art Museum
    14 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Inazawa-shi Inazawacho Maeda 365-8

    稲沢駅から暫く歩いてあります。稲沢公園と併設されていて 稲沢出身の萩須高徳さん作品を中心に展示してあります。アトリエが再現されていて、洋風な風景などの作品が良かったです◯

  • Aichi Asahi Ruins Museum
    2 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Kiyosu-shi Asahi Kaizuka 1


  • Iwata Senshin Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Inuyama-shi Inuyama Fujimicho 26

    駅からも歩いて行けて観光に来た際にもいいです。 それほど認知度はないのですが、陶器が好きな人にはおすすめです。 事前に開館日を調べていくといいです。

Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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