Candy Store Spots in Sakae / Fushimi Area

  • Ninomaru Teahouse
    16 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Honmaru 1-1
    Located in Honmaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya City on the grounds of this scenic Ni-no-maru Garden at Nagoya Castle, here you can enjoytea and sweets while gazing out at a Japanese Garden. They offer seasonal items like mitsumame (a traditional sweet) in summer, and matcha zenzai red-bean soup in winter. Every Friday they serve tea using a golden chagama teakettle..

    名古屋城の帰りによる モーニングが500円でドリンクとトーストに生クリームと鯱にあんこ載せセット 中居の女性が美人 入口は猫がくつろいでる 中々良いじゃないですか

  • Okagean Aoi Restaurant
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Higashi-ku Aoi 3-12-18
    A Japanese-style sweets cafe located in Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya City. The cafe serves anmitsu sweet beans and fruit in syrup, mitsumame jelly cubes and fruit, sweet dango dumplings, and other Japanese-style confections, as well as beverages such as matcha powdered green tea, hojicha roasted green tea, coffee. Customers who order the cafe's dango or goheimochi broiled rice cake skewers can enjoy their treat while toasting it themselves over a small provided grill. The cafe also offers a breakfast set with your choice of onigiri rice ball or toast, and savory meals such as spaghetti and yaki udon noodles served on a piping hot iron plate.


  • kagien amakobo
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Naka-ku Osu 3-chome 34-4
  • Shaved ice Ya Kawakyu Osu
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Osu 3-41-19

    大須でショッピング途中にお店があったので、立ち寄りました。 日本各地の銘水で氷を作る老舗氷屋さんだそうで、今回、抹茶とイチゴとちおとめを注文。氷がなめらかですぐに口に溶けて蜜とよくあい、とても美味しかったです。

  • Ra Kan Ka
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Aichi Nagoya-shi Higashi-ku Izumi 3-30-3-5
  • Okashi no Machioka AEON MALL Nagoya Dome Mae
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Nagoya-shi Higashi-ku Yadaminami 4-102-3
  • Shibafuku
    39 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Naka-ku Oichou 1-45

    かき氷人気店に並ばずに入る方法。それはピークを避ける事。シーズンおよび時間帯共に上手くずらせば店内がら空き余裕で食べられる。 今日みたいな平日でいきなり寒くなった日がまさに狙い目で想像通り先客わずか一名だった。真夏でも行列だからここは。汗だくで並ぶのは勘弁‥ かき氷は一年中提供されている。なおさら夏場に並ぶ必要はない。店内は昔の調度品が並びBGMもなくピースフルな雰囲気。客がいないとこんなに静...

Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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