Public Bath / Bathing Facility Spots in Atami / Ito / Izu Highland Area

  • Ieyasu no Yu
    114 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Pref. Atamishi Tawarahonchou 11-1
    A free footbath in the rotary in front of Atami Station, this facility was established in 2003 as part of the 400th anniversary celebration of the Tokugawa Ieyasu’s appointment as the first shogun. It was renovated at the end of 2014. The water is 100% natural spring water, and it has a roofed section that can seat over 10 people, so you can enjoy it on rainy days as well. There is a vending machine that sells towels, and you can also enjoy a manmade geyser that periodically gushes water.


  • Ito Marine Town Rest Area Seaside Spa
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Pref. Itoushi Yukawa 571-19
    A day trip Japanese-style bath facility located in the Ito Marine Town Rest Area in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. At this popular spa visitors can easily enjoy the therapeutic effects of a natural hot spring bath fed continuously by waters welling up from 1,000 meters below the ground. There is a stepped indoor bath with a sweeping view of the beautiful ocean outside, an airy outdoor bath surrounded by south sea plants, an aroma bath, and more. There’s also a lounge and relaxation facilities. Open from 5:00 a.m., early morning visitors can enjoy a spectacular sunrise from the baths.


  • Ebb Tide
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Pref. Atamishi Wadahamaminamichou 10-1 Atami Korakuen Hotel Tower Hall 18F
    One of the largest hot spring facilities in Atami, located near the Atami Ropeway base station. The centerpiece of the facility is a 25-meter-long open-air standing bath, which on a clear day gives visitors the sensation of floating on the sea and a spectacular view of the sea and sky as if they were one.
  • Atami Ekimae Onsen
    15 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Atami-shi Taharahoncho 8-16

    熱海駅から徒歩で5分掛かるかどうかの近さです。もう建替が必要かなという外観の熱海駅前新興会館の1階にあります。正確には、「駅前温泉浴場」と表記がありました。料金は500円です。かなり年季の入った施設で、昭和からの時間が止まったような、最近では滅多に見掛けない雰囲気です。(笑) 銭湯のような小さな浴槽は、3人入れば一杯となる狭さです...

  • Matsubara Daikokuten Jin no Yu
    6 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Ito-shi Matsubarahoncho 13-3

    伊東の公衆浴場は基本的に「財産区」という、地元住民で構成されるみなし法人が設立・管理しています(一つだけ例外あり)。 なので、基本的に地元民のためのもの(財産区の人の利用料は破格!)。 使わせていただく気持ちでお願いします… さて、他の公衆浴場に比しても脱衣場がロビーのように広めで寛げてしまう、いい施設です。 湯船は中心に四角い設置、その底面から源泉がどんどんと入ってくる、見紛う事なき源泉掛け流...

  • Ogawa Hotei no Yu
    2 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Ito-shi Suehirocho 2-17


  • Yamada Yu
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Atami-shi Wadacho 3-9

    熱海港からもほど近い町中にある一軒家のような共同浴場温泉。熱海金城館という旅館の前から川沿いの道を進むとありますが、ちょっと奥まった場所で見つけにくい。 300円を払い浴室に入ると3名くらい入れる程度の湯船。タイル張りでレトロです。共同源泉からの引き湯に代わってしまったようですが、蛇口を開いて好きな温度になるように温泉を自由にかけ流しにできます。ちょっと秘密の温泉探しに来たような気分になりながら...

  • Matsukawa Park Ashiyu (foot bath) 「Fureai no Yu」
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Ito-shi Matsukawacho 5
  • Usami Health center
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shizuoka Pref. Itoushi Usami 1849

Shizuoka Areas


With the giant Pacific Ocean to the south and the great Mount Fuji to the north, Shizuoka prefecture is blessed with some of the best views the country has to offer. The white sand beaches of the Izu Peninsula are a rare find on mainland Japan, neighbored by beautiful cliffs, tumbling hills, and natural hot springs. As Japan’s largest producer of green tea, the age-old tradition of tea drinking is ubiquitous in Shizuoka, from the miles of tea fields to the old tea houses hosting traditional tea ceremonies.

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