Travel / Tourism Spots in Chuno Area

  • Ogura Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Mino-shi Izumicho 1571-3
    This park located in Izumi-cho, Mino City is the area of Ogurayama where the remains of Ogurayama Castle are located. In addition to an observation deck, lawn plaza, and playground equipment, it also has facilities such as a mini zoo. It is also known for being chosen as one of the Hida-Mino 33 Best Sakura Spots, where about 1,000 cherry blossom trees bloom in spring. Seasonal teahouse sales and illuminations are also held.
  • Kaore Valley
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Sekishi Itadori Kawaura
    Kaore Valley is located in Itadorikaore, Seki City. It is surrounded by Mt. Samondake, Mt. Hinagadake and Mt. Takinami and formed by cliffs with a total length of about seven kilometers. Iwatsutsuji (a kind of azalea) around early May and fall foliage from late October to early November are the best to gaze on so you can see the beautiful scenery matched with emerald green on the surface. Particularly, the fall foliage here has also been selected as one of Hida and Mino’s top 33 fall foliage places.
  • Kataji Gorge
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Minoshi Katadi
    Kataji Gorge—where the river never runs dry even in periods of drought, and the river water remains pristine even after heavy rainfall—is an approximately six-kilometer-long gorge located at the foot of Mt. Fukubegatake, the highest mountain within the boundaries of Mino City. Kataji Gorge and the surrounding area have been designated as the Oku Nagara River Prefectural Natural Park. The many waterfalls of differing sizes (such as Meoto-daki Falls) are well worth seeing, as are the huge rocks and strangely shaped rock formations (such as Senjo-iwa); there is a two-kilometer-long footpath that visitors can follow along the Gorge.
  • Gujo Hachiman Miyama Limestone Cave
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoumiyama 421
    A Natural Monument designated by Gujo City, the Miyama Limestone Cave is a treasure trove of ancient history created by mother nature. It stays roughly 15-16°C year-round, so it is cool in summer and warm in winter, and it takes 30-40 minutes to explore. Also, it is a limestone cave without lighting, so you can engage in spelunking (cave exploration) if you want. Closed from December to early March. Approximately 25 minutes by car via Gujo Hachiman Interchange on the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway.
  • Ryukyo no Sato
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoutonomachi 166
    This facility is located a short walk from Nagara Railway’s Gujo-Hachiman Station in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture. There is a restaurant where you can eat a Hida beef rice bowl set and hoba-yaki (grilled beef on magnolia leaf) and learn how to make matcha green tea, and a souvenir shop where you can purchase specialties such as Myogata or Meiho ham, or hoba miso (miso grilled with onion on magnolia leaves). In addition, with the cooperation of Iwasaki Company, maker of food samples, you can experience making samples of things like tempura and lettuce. They also sell key chains and straps using plastic food samples.
  • Sogisui
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchouhonmachi
    A spring also known as the Hakuunsui located in Gujo-Hachiman, an area famous for its abundance of clean water, a 10 minute drive from the Gujo-Hachiman Interchange. This famous spring was selected as number one on a list of Japan’s most renowned springs. The pure waters which well up from the source spring here have been used by local residents for daily life needs since ancient times. In 1471, renga poem master Sogi Iio exchanged poems here with To Tuneyori—lord of Gujo Domain, Mino Province and Sogi’s teacher in poetry—when the former was making his way back to Kyoto. This event led to the spring coming to be called the “Sogisui” (“Sogi Water”) and has also resulted in rich cultural activities such as the Sogisui Jinsai festival held each year on August 20.
  • Takara Gallery Workroom
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoushimadani 470-28
    A screen printing studio and shop where visitors can make their own handmade tenugui hand towel located beyond the Igawa Komichi path travelling from the Former Gujo-Hachiman City Hall Memorial Building. The Gujo-Hachiman area is said to be where silkscreen printing was invented, and here you can make your very own design tenugui, a key item used in the famous Gujo Odori summer festival dance, using silkscreen printing, a local Gujo City industry. You can also silkscreen print a tote bag. This establishment has been featured in the Tokai Television program “Switch! Koreari!”
  • Igawa Komichi
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoushimadani
    A scenic old water canal located right next to the Former Gujo-Hachiman City Hall Memorial Building a five minute drive from the Gujo-Hachiman Interchange. Enclosed by the stone walls of old Japanese homes, trees, and shrubs, the canal has an old fashioned atmosphere harkening back to a different age. Visitors can see colorful red and white koi carp swimming in the canal and, in summer, possibly see locals cooling a watermelon in its waters. Sometimes locals also keep baskets of sweetfish used for bait in the canal, as well, and being able to taste the air of one of Japan’s bygone eras is one of the area’s biggest highlights. There are three clothes washing areas along the canal which also serve as social gathering spaces for locals.
  • Knife Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Pref. Sekishi Hiragachou 7-3
    This museum of knives unusual for anywhere in the world is run by G.Sakai. Located five minutes from the Tokai Ring Expressway’s Tomika-Seki Interchange, a gigantic knife that is 5.1 meters long and weighs 600 kilograms adorns the side of the museum that has been registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Inside the log house building imported from Vancouver, Canada, you will find exhibits of approximately 1,500 excellent knives from around 30 countries around the world, rare knives and precious knives, and there is also a sales outlet where you can purchase products by G..Sakai in the annex.
  • Hydrangea Road
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Sekishi Itadori
    This pass runs along the clear waters of the Itadori River that flows almost through the center of the Itadori district, and is known by this name because of the approximately 70,000 hydrangeas that are planted along the nearly 24 kilometer highway. Even selected as one of Japan’s top 100 roads, various events are held when the hydrangea are in bloom. The best time to see them is from mid-June to early July, and it bustles with many tourists from inside and outside the prefecture who visit every year at that time.
  • Otajuku Nakasendo Museum
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Minokamoshi Otahonmachi 3-3-31
    This museum presents the history and culture of the Nakasendo Road's Ota-juku. It is about five minutes south of the Tokai-Kanjo Expressway's Minokamo Interchange on National Route 41. The exhibition room recreates the appearance of the Edo period post town with interactive panels and tactile displays, and you can also view images depicting Princess Kazunomiya's grand procession. Their Yadorigi break area serves drinks and meals made with local ingredients, and you can purchase souvenirs from their shop. Their Itoyuan section introduces people with a connection to Minokamo City.

    美濃太田駅から徒歩15分ほど。旧中山道沿いにある博物館。入館無料。 エントランスを入った正面では土産物や地元産の野菜などを販売。右手にある展示室には、太田宿の町並み、移築した本陣東門、代官所の模型、歴史資料や解説パネルなどが展示されている。最後は企画展示コーナーとなっており、訪館した時は「江戸庶民文化の華<川柳>」が開催されていた。 太田宿散策の際はこちらで知識を仕入れるのがいいでしょう。

  • Yanaka Mizu no Komichi
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoushinmachi Inaricho
    An old canal located a five minute drive from the Gujo-Hachiman Interchange on the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway. The Gujo-Hachiman area is known for having some of the cleanest water in the country and is dotted with scenic waterways. This canal area is a pocket park which serves as a symbol of the water-rich Gujo-Hachiman area. Due to the many art museums along its length, the canal area is also known as “Art Museum Street.” The area’s stone paved path with the canal’s waters flowing along its side; rows of willows; and large, elegant Japanese homes are a breath of fresh air in the middle of the city.
  • Itadori River
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Sekishi Itadori
    A clear river running south to north almost through the exact center of the former village of Itadori a 40 minute drive from the Mino Interchange on the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway. The quality of the river’s waters is high and it is a popular destination for rafting and fishing. The area around the river is also dotted with campgrounds, and the river sees many visitors, particularly during the camping season in summer. The river’s waters are highly transparent, and a boat or raft on the river looks as if it is floating in thin air. The seasonal scenery and interplay of water and green foliage here attracts many tourists both from within the prefecture and throughout Japan.
  • Nagataki Hakusan Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Shirotorichounagataki 91
    Nagataki Hakusan Shrine, located in the city of Gujo, is a shrine of the Hakusan group that worships Mt. Hakusan as the water god. Once part of the Hakusan Chugu Choryuji Temple, founded by the monk Taicho in the eighth century, it split off from the temple in the 1870s, when the Japanese government forced Buddhism and Shinto to start functioning as separate religions. There are stone lanterns said to be products of the Kamakura period (1185-1334) on the shrine grounds, and the treasure house contains many cultural artifacts, such as Showa no tsubo, Teboko (hand spear), and No drama masks. Among them are items that have been designated National Important Cultural Properties. Every year on January 6, the shrine celebrates a festival that has been designated a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property, Nagataki no Ennen. In the midst of dancing, visitors try to grab flowers, such as cherry blossoms and peonies, that are hung from the ceiling of the main building. This custom gives the festival its other name, the flower grabbing festival.
  • Sinpu-sha, Gujo Hachiman Tourist Rickshaws
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Hachimanchoutonomachi 69
    These are Gujo-Hachiman's only tourist rickshaws. The three main rickshaw stands are in front of the Former Gujo-Hachiman City Hall Memorial, Gujo-Hachiman Castle Town Plaza, and the Hakurankan. They'll pull you along and give you a tour of the old castle town of Gujo-Hachiman. Currently they only have a single employee pulling the rickshaws, so reservations must be booked in advance. If you let them know ahead of time, you can customize some options like where the rickshaw picks you up. They are also available for events and functions like pulling the bride along during weddings.
  • Meiho Ham
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Meihoukera 33-2
    Located in the Meiho area of Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture, this is the main factory and direct sales shop of Meiho Ham, which started production in 1953. Meiho uses only high-quality Japanese pork as a raw ingredient, and adds as little food additives as possible. Besides Meiho ham using only thigh meat, there is also “zuiho” seasoned with garlic and green beefsteak plant, and smoked ham smoked with cherry tree wood. You can tour the factory except for in the summer and winter, and taste freshly-made ham in the adjacent shop.
  • Gujohachiman Kitamachi Preservation District for Group of Traditional Buildings
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Gujo-shi Hachimancho Shokuninmachi Kajiyamachi Hoka
  • Kisogawa Watashiba Walkway
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Kani-shi Dota 2663
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Gujo-shi Hachimancho Jonancho 250
  • Michinoeki Kani Gut CANITTE
    48 Reviews
    Gifu Pref. Kanishi Kakida 416-1

    岐阜県の10万都市・可児市にある道の駅。規模はやや小ぶりで土日は結構にぎわいますがキャパシティが小さく感じです。たまに珍しいものや新鮮な野菜を売っているためJAとれったひろば感覚で使ってます。 電気自動車の充電器がないのは惜しいです…東海環状の可児御嵩インターも近いんで設置を要望します。 雨が降っている場合、平日は時間が潰せますが休日だと厳しいかもしれません。

Gifu Areas


Tucked away in the very center of Japan, Gifu prefecture houses mountains, old towns, and one of Japan’s greatest hot springs, Gero Onsen. A tour of the prefecture’s traditional architecture will take you from the mountain-enveloped wooden streets of Takayama to the mountain village of Shirakawago, where visitors can explore 250-year-old thatched roofed houses known as gassho-zukuri.

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