Temple Spots in Takayama Area

  • Takayama-betsuin Shoren-ji Temple
    42 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Teppoumachi 6
    Crossing the Miyagawa River from Sakurayama Hachimangu Shrine, this Otani Shinshu Buddhist temple on National Route 158 has an enormous gate at the end of the approach. The temple was founded in 1253 by Shinran’s disciple Kanenbo Zenshun in Hida’s Shirakawa-go, Naka-go. Takayamabetsuin was moved to its present location by the Warring States Period (1467-1615) warlord Kanamori Nagachika. The highlight on the grounds is the temple’s treasure hall with more than 100 important items related to Shinran and Rennyo on display. The fact that it’s near Takayama City’s main tourist area is a good point, too. They have a paid parking lot that can accommodate large buses, and since the fees are reasonable, many people park there before exploring the city.

    A Buddhist temple situated at he start of the Higashiyama walking course. A beauty and well maintained. Nice architectural structures.

  • Soyuji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Soyujimachi 218
    The only Rinzai school temple in Takayama City, it is located an eight-minute drive from JR Takayama Station. In 1632, it was opened by the brothers Kanamori Shigeyori and Shigekatsu, the third head of Hida to pray for their father Arishige. Inside, the the retainer of the shogun, Yamaoka Tesshu's monument and his parents' grave are enshrined and they are registered as a city designated historical site. Otherwise, it is a temple and shrine that has several city designated historical sites such as main hall, bell hall, and the group grave of the craftsmen. The garden and stepping stones on the east side of the the priests' living quarters and on the mountain side it is organized with the layer of stones, law and mid-height trimmed trees, and you can get a glimpse of the elegant and sophisticated samurai culture of Takayama.

    Just a quick walk from the centre of town up the hill. Very peaceful spot with a couple of hidden gems. Temple itself was large with well maintained garden etc. And if you look carefully on one of...

  • Ankokuji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Nishimonzen 474
    This is one of the temples which Ashikaga Takauji and his brother Tadayoshi, the founders of the Muromachi Shogunate, ordered built across Japan. It was founded in 1347 by converting Shorinji Temple in Kokufu. It originally had a complete seven-structured temple compound and nine sub-temples, but most of it was destroyed during the Warring States period. The rotating sutra shelf in the scripture house which survived the fires is the oldest of its kind in Japan. It's one of the few sutra repositories to be declared a National Treasure, along with those at Horyuji Temple and Toshodaiji Temple. The Senshin no Mori forest behind the temple has numerous cultural assets, and you can do a walk taking in some of the 33 sacred spots of the Saigoku Pilgrimage.


  • Shorenji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Horibatamachi 8
    This is said to be the oldest existing Jodo Shinshu temple in Japan. Founded in 1253, it was started by Emperor Gotoba's 12th son Kanenbo Zenshun. Originally located in Shokawa Villege, Ono County, it was moved to Shirakawago to the current Takayama Castle Ninomaru site because the Miboro Dam was to be built there. The present main shrine building was built in the Eisho period (around 1500), and the architectural beauty of the Muromachi period (1336-1573) can be seen in the curves of the gentle roof. The shoin-style building, which is said to have been built with a single cedar tree, is registered as a nationally-designated important cultural property.


  • Sogenji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Tenshojimachi 39
    A Buddhist temple in Higashiyama Teramachi, east of Takayama. In 1608 it was erected for the memorial service of Kanamori Nagachika, the first lord of Takayama Castle. Since then it's been the family temple of the Kanamori clan, and it houses temple treasures such as a crane feather battle surcoat dedicated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, military fans, and a baton of command. The Matsukura Ema Fair is held on August 9th and 10th every year, and lots of visitors purchase paper votive pictures during this summer tradition. People hang these up wishing for safety for their families, prosperity in business, and safety while on the road. It is a nationally designated Cultural Asset.

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。東山寺院群の一寺。 1609年に飛騨国高山藩二代藩主・金森可重が父の長近を弔うために創建した曹洞宗の寺院。寺号は長近の法号に因む。本尊は釈迦如来。飛騨三十三観音霊場4番札所。本堂(市指定文化財)は高山城三ノ丸にあった評議場を移築したもの。墓地には金森家の供養塔があり、その隣には家臣の墓石が立てられている。

  • Hida Senkouji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Nyukawachoushimobo 1553
    "This ancient Buddhist temple, located a 30-minute drive from JR Takayama Station, was founded some 1,200 years ago by Takaoka-shinno, one of the great monk Kobo Daishi 's 10 greatest disciples. The current temple was rebuilt after repeated fires destroyed the original complex. Serving as a dojo for Mt. Koya Shingon shuzen meditation, the temple teaches old fashioned mountain Buddhism. Also known as the ""Enku-butsu Temple,"" the temple's Enku-butsu-dera Treasure Hall, close to the Daiji-mon gate, is open to the public and displays a portion of the temple's treasures and 64 Enku-butsu statues such as a depiction of Two Faced Sukuna and Dharmapala (hall is closed in winter). The temple also offers day trip Buddhist training courses such as sermns, sutra copying, and meditation."
  • Zennoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Soyujimachi 177
    This ancient temple has a statue of the Nyoirin Kannon created in Magadha India as its principal object of worship. At first it was enshrined in Kyoto's Kennin-ji, but for some reason Mitsuki Yoritsuna converted and it was said that Shingonshu Zenno-ji was created in 1558, the year in which Hida was suppressed. Afterwards, it caught fire and changed places repeatedly and in 1835 it located itself in this area. At the Jizo-do made by zelkova a life size stone jizo is enshrined and the local people visit it to pray for good health and longer life. Around the 13th Century, the zazen-do which was created in imitation of the Chinese architecture, you can try out zazen which strengthens one's concentration.

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。 素玄寺の塔頭。東山寺院群の一寺。1558年に真言宗の寺院として創建。1626年に曹洞宗に改宗。1835年に現在地に移転。本尊は如意輪観世音菩薩。飛騨三十三観音霊場の5番札所。現本堂は1925年の再建で木造銅板葺き。境内には地蔵菩薩を祀る「願王殿」がある。

  • Enkudo
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Tsurusu 1320-2
    This hall on the grounds of Seihoji Temple was originally built in 749. It houses three images carved by the priest Enku in the early Edo period. He traveled around the country during that time and carved over 120,000 Buddhist statues to help spread the Buddhist teachings. Tradition says he carved the thousand armed, standing, and dragon-headed Kannon statues from hinoki cypress in the ittobori style while staying in the area. The 1.27-meter thousand armed Kannon is one of only a few that he carved and is considered among his greatest works.
  • Kushoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Wakatatsumachi 1-86
    The sub-temple at Sotoshu Enjo Temple's first dojo and Unryu-in is located around a seven-minute drive from JR Takayama Station. It was built in 1402 as the last temple. In the front of the mountain is the Gannoden, and apart from the the Honzon (principal image of Buddha), there are many attendants are enshrined in it. In 1827, it was promoted in the era of Mokuyoushinryo and it was founded as the current Kyusoji. Within its premise, a well-maintained pine tree is stretching out and it makes the Hida architecture even more beautiful. The shrine hall of the main hall and kitchen hall and the bell tower are side by side, and you can feel the solemn atmosphere specific to the Higashiyama Teramachi.
  • Enku-Butsu Jihokan
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Nyukawacho Shimobo 1553
    A museum located on the grounds of Senkoji Temple, founded 1,600 years ago in the era of Emperor Nintoku. It houses 64 statues carved by the priest Enku who visited temples around Japan and carved 120,000 Buddhist images during his lifetime. Enku's statues are characterized by relatively simple craftsmanship, carved from wood native to the places he visited. Since they are unpainted, many of the images have cut surfaces, knots, and chisel marks visible from the engraving. It is closed for the snowy winter season from the beginning of December to the end of March (please inquire if you wish to visit then).
  • Hida Kokubunji Temple
    214 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Sowamachi 1-83

    This temple has a small pagoda with associated bell house and gate structures, quietly hidden in the town

  • Daioji Temple
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Atagomachi 67

    The temples in Japan are extraordinary. Each has a specific history and reason for existing. Do not turn down opportunities to visit.

  • Unryuji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Wakatatsumachi 1-chome 86

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。東山寺院群の一寺。 720年に妙観寺として創建。1395年頃に曹洞宗雲龍寺として再興。本尊は十一面観音菩薩。飛騨三十三観音霊場3番札所。飛騨高山藩初代藩主・金森長近の長男である長則の菩提寺。鐘楼門(市指定文化財)は高山城の黄雲閣を移築したものと伝わる。本堂は木造銅板葺き。境内には烈火で不浄・煩悩を焼き尽くして清らかにする厠の神・烏枢沙摩明王(烏頭沙摩明王)を祀る小さな御堂...

  • Hokkeji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Tenshojimachi 62

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。東山寺院群の一寺。 1558年創建の法華宗の寺院。本尊は十界互具本尊。山門天井には鳳凰の絵が描かれている。本堂は高山城内の建物を移築したもので木造銅板葺き(県指定重要文化財)。境内には池と太鼓橋が設けられた庭園がある。

  • Shounji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Shinmeimachi 3-112


  • Dairyuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kasugamachi 228


  • Katsura Mine Ji
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kamitakaracho Nagakura


  • Komyoji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Suehiromachi 76

    高山駅から徒歩10分ほどの住宅街にある。 1895年創建の高野山真言宗の寺院。1926年に現在地に移転し現寺号に改称。本尊は弘法大師。木造銅板葺きの簡素な山門。境内はコンクリートで固められており、ピロティ状の駐車場の上に木造の本堂が乗っている。境内には頭と体の大きさがアンバランスな石造の弘法大師像が安置されている。

  • Shokuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Oshinmachi 3-205


  • Seidenji
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Enakomachi 561-1


Gifu Areas


Tucked away in the very center of Japan, Gifu prefecture houses mountains, old towns, and one of Japan’s greatest hot springs, Gero Onsen. A tour of the prefecture’s traditional architecture will take you from the mountain-enveloped wooden streets of Takayama to the mountain village of Shirakawago, where visitors can explore 250-year-old thatched roofed houses known as gassho-zukuri.

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