Botanical Garden Spots in Gifu Area

  • Gifu World Rose Garden (Flower Festival Memorial Park)
    114 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Kani-shi Seta 1584-1
    This is a theme park focused mainly on roses located in Seta, Kani City in Gifu Prefecture. The park boasts being one of the world largest rose gardens, and is about 17 times larger than Nagoya Dome, and has roughly 300 million rose bushes in 7,000 varieties. Also, there are a variety of facilities where visitors can enjoy different seasonal flowers such as the “Rose Theme Garden” which presents 17 different themes according to each season, the great “World Flowers Greenhouse” and the 45 meters high observation “Flower Tower.” The “Rose Festival” is held in spring and autumn.


  • Jionzenji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Gujo-shi Hachimancho Shimadani 339
    This Myoshinji Rinzai Zen temple is also known as Tessoen. It was founded in 1606 by Endo Yoshitaka, who built Gujo Hachiman Castle. The principal object of worship is Shaka Nyorai. Yakushi Nyorai, Benzaiten, Ususama Myoo, and Kanzeon Bosatsu are also enshrined. Tessoen is the temple's inner garden, a magnificent Muromachi period garden at the foot of Mt. Todoyama that incorporates huge rocks. Visitors enjoy the changing seasons with flowers in the spring, vibrant greenery in the summer, colorful autumn leaves, and the snowy winter grounds.

    郡上八幡駅から徒歩25分ほど。郡上八幡のメインの観光スポットとは吉田川を挟んだ反対側にある。 1606年創建の臨済宗妙心寺派の寺院。正式な寺号は「慈恩護国禅寺」。本尊は釈迦如来。現本堂は1896年再建で木造銅板葺き。 市指定名勝の池泉回遊式庭園「荎草園」(てっそうえん)は拝観料500円。和室に座って眺める庭園は趣きがあり、心落ち着く時間を過ごすことができる。次は紅葉の時期に訪れてみたい。

  • Ono-cho Rose Park
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Pref. Ibigunonochou Kanou 650
    This rose garden is about 35 minutes from the Meishin Expressway's Gifu Hashima Interchange. It's in Ono Town, one of Japan's leading rose growing areas where they opened in 1997. They have 150 varieties and 2,000 rose bushes that bloom one after another from May to November with their varying flowering seasons. You can really take your time and relax here, with features like its rose arches, playground equipment, and benches. They hold a Rose Festival every year in May when the blossoms are most abundant, with a photo contest and growers selling their seedlings.


  • Hirugano Bog Botanical Garden
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Pref. Gujoushi Takasuchouhirugano 4670-3694
    This botanical garden is about 15 minutes by car from the Takasu Interchange on the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway. It protects the rare and valuable wetland environment of Takasu-choTown's Hirugano-Kogen Highlands, maintaining it in cooperation with the local population. It's open from late April to early October. More than 50 kinds of plants grow there, including wetland species such as cotton grass, Japanese kinkoka, East Asian yellow water lilies, and pygmy water lilies. It's also the habitat of marsh dwellers like forest green tree frogs and damselflies. It's cheap to get in, and getting there is easy.

    ひるがの高原の湿地帯。 きれいに整備されており、広い敷地にエゾリンドウやコオニユリなどの湿原植物が生育してます。

  • Goudo Rose Park
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Anpachi-gun Godocho Godo 32-5


  • Suhara Himawari no Sato
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Mino-shi Shimokowa 468-3
  • Gifu Yakka Daigaku Yakusoen
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Gifu-shi Tsubakibora Higashi Tsujigauchi 935
  • Ijira Flower Park Suigen
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Pref. Yamagatashi Hirai 717
  • Magome Natural Shokubutsuen
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Nakatsugawa-shi Magome 5729-15

Gifu Areas


Tucked away in the very center of Japan, Gifu prefecture houses mountains, old towns, and one of Japan’s greatest hot springs, Gero Onsen. A tour of the prefecture’s traditional architecture will take you from the mountain-enveloped wooden streets of Takayama to the mountain village of Shirakawago, where visitors can explore 250-year-old thatched roofed houses known as gassho-zukuri.

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