Factory / Workshop Spots in Around Suwa Area

  • Reijin Shuzo
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwashi Suwa 2-9-21
    This brewery was established in 1789 along National Route 20 in Suwa, Suwa City. It sells high-quality spirits brewed using groundwater that runs underneath Kirigamine Highland. Tours of the facility are offered as well (unavailable from October until around March). There’s also a popular local brew available called “Suwa Roman Beer” that was created by the chief brewer.

    1789年創業の酒蔵です。訪れた時は試飲は中止していました。 こちらでは300ccの3本セットが運び良さそうで2セット買ってしまいました(1つはギフト)。濁り酒、辛口も入っていて楽しめるセットでした。 麗人のネーミングは、麗人(美しい人)のようなきれいなお酒を醸したい、と言う願いをこめてつけられたとの事です。

  • Marui Ito Shoten
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Chinoshi Miyagawa 4529
    A miso factory and shop located in Chino City, Nagano Prefecture. The establishment makes its miso in an old storehouse once used for silk production, and visitors can tour this factory area. In the shop area, you can buy a wide variety of miso as well as garlic pickled in miso, miso ramen, and more, and the establishment is popular with people of all ages.

    ドライブ中に、買い物で寄りました。 4代百年の丸井味噌、どぶろく(濁り酒)、漬物、甘酒、味噌スィーツなどが、店に並んでいました。 「どぶろく、にんにく味噌、味噌」を買いました。 「玄米のどぶろく」も以前はあったようですが、今回は無しでした。どんな味なのかいつかは試してみたいです。

  • SakenunoyaHonkinBrewery
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwashi Suwa 2-8-21
    "This sake brewery is on National Route 20 in the Suwa section of Suwa City. Established in 1756, their brews include the choice label known as ""Honkin."" There are five veteran breweries in the same part of town; known as the ""Suwa Gokura,"" they hold events like the Nomiaruki Brewery Crawl that let you purchase coupon tickets and wander the area tasting sake from the different establishments."

    訪れた時は試飲は中止していたので、ワンカップサイズを試しに買ってみました。 本金(ほんきん)の名前の由来は、左右対称のごとく、裏表のない商売で本当の金(=一番)を目指すと言う思いを込め、命名されたとの事です。

  • Tocoro Terrace
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwashi Shiga Akanuma 1545-1
    A shop owned and operated by a company which makes kanten algae gelatin and tokoroten gelidium jelly strips located in Shiga Akanuma, Suwa City. The shop sells kanten and tokoroten made from 100% red algae, as well as confections made with kanten. Visitors can watch kanten and tokoroten being made or enjoy a sweet or dish made with kanten in the adjoining cafe. The shop's sweets are also available for takeout.
  • Cella Masumi Brewery Shop
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwashi Motomachi 1-16
    "This sake brewery is on National Route 20 in Motomachi, Suwa City. Established in 1662, their renowned Masumi sake adopted the name of Suwa-taisha Shrine's treasured ""Masumi Mirror."" Their brewery shop Cella Masumi offers tastings where you can sample five or six kinds of sake for a small fee. They also sell sake drinking vessels and fine comestibles."
  • Maihime Brewery
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-shi Suwa 2-chome 9-25


  • Miyasaka Brewing
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-shi Motomachi 1-16

    2年前(2017) こちらを訪問時 有料試飲(添付 写真参照)は[6銘柄320円税込]だったのが 今年は[5銘柄500円税込]になっていました。 金額的に少し上がったのかな-と思い そのまま こちらで有料試飲を済ませ 次に[伊東酒造(横笛)]を訪問すると 《諏訪五蔵 酒蔵めぐり 5酒蔵x5種類 1800円税込 添付 写真参照》があることを知り 《酒蔵めぐりクーポン》を購入しました。有料試飲が《眞...

  • Ito Brewery
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-shi Suwa 2-chome 3-6

    諏訪の駅から歩ける距離にある5つの蔵で日本酒を試飲できるイベントで訪れました。 イベントはほぼ常時やっているそうですが17時には蔵が閉まるので注意です。 横笛酒蔵はやや暗い店内で5種の日本酒を試飲させていただきました。 ちゃんとおすすめの順番があるようで途中から来た人も決まった瓶から注ぐ徹底ぶり。 やや酸味の強いすっきり系のお酒でした。 店内に小さなオブジェもいろいろ飾ってあって、見ながらゆっくり...

  • Maihime (Gallery Maihime)
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-shi Suwa 2-9-25
  • Suwa Mi Lake Tsuru Shuzojo
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-gun Shimosuwamachi 3205-17
  • Toshimaya
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Okaya-shi Moto-machi San-chome 9-1
  • Takama Brewery
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Okaya-shi Ginza 2-chome 2-17
  • Daiya Kiku Brewery
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Chino-shi Chino Yokochi 2998
  • Hishitomojozo
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwagunshimosuwamachi Mitamachi Shimo 3205-17

Nagano Areas


Nagano prefecture is an exciting mix of mountains, hot spring monkeys, and preserved Edo history. At the heart of the Japanese Alps, Nagano is one of the country’s most popular destinations, whether in winter for its snow sports and the much-loved Jigokudani Monkey Park or in the warmer months for discovering the undulating hills on foot. For fantastic Edo architecture, head to the Kiso Valley for a 60-kilometer stretch of quaint wooden buildings that marked the Nakasendo route 200 years ago.

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