Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Tsuruga / Mikata Five Lakes Area

  • Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum
    71 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Kanegasakichou 1-44-1
    This museum is a valuable resource which houses exhibits relating to the landing of Jewish refugees escaping from the Nazi regime in Germany and Polish orphans rescued from Siberia clutching “Visas for Life” issued by Chiune Sugihara, the acting Japanese Consul in Kaunas, Lithuania. Visitors can hear recordings of Chiune Sugihara’s voice and see watches and visas left behind by the refugees among other things.

    It is a newly opened museum, a MUST if in the area. It is not the small old museum they had before. It is an EXCELLENT museum, telling the story of the Jews who escaped certain death from Nazi...

  • Tsuruga Railway Museum (Former Tsuruga Port Station Building)
    64 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Minatomachi 1-25
    A museum located within Kanegasaki Ryokuchi Park in Kanegasaki-cho, Tsuruga City. The building is a reproduction of the departure and arrival station for the Europe-Asia International Express that ran from Tokyo to Tsuruga Port. Inside the museum are exhibits on the history of Tsuruga's railways as well as actual railway materials and models.

    Tsuruga was once a gateway to Europe, and people took a ship to Vladivostok from the terminal which was once located near this museum. That’s why Tsuruga was one of the first places where railroad...

  • Wakasa Kuniyoshi Castle Historical Museum
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikata-gun Mihamacho Sagaki 25-2
    This history museum is located a short bus ride from Mihama Station on the JR Obama Line towards Tsuruga before a five-minute walk from the Sagakiguchi bus stop in Mikata County, Fukui Prefecture. The museum, which opened in 2009, features exhibits about the ruins of Kuniyoshi Castle, a mountain castle from Japan's warring states period, as well as about the historical townscape of Sagaki, its castle town. In the museum the relocated main building and its reception room of the old Tanabe Handai family residence are set up to be displayed. The museum holds a variety of seasonal exhibitions in its entrance hall. Other exhibits include videos about the history of Kuniyoshi Castle and the town as well as a variety of historical materials and artifacts.


  • Wakasa Saba Kaido Kumagawa-Juku Shiryokan (Archives Museum)
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikatakaminakagun-gun Wakasacho Kumagawa 30-4-2
    A museum in Kumagawa, Wakasa Town, Mikatakaminaka County. The museum is in the former village office building, which was built in 1940. On display are historical materials related to the Wakasa Kumagawa-Juku post town, which is a registered Group of Traditional Buildings, and the Saba Highway which passed through it.


  • Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum 'At Home'
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Yoshiko 37-1
    A fun amusement and learning center of atomic power and energy, the Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum ‘At Home’ features interactive displays, an outdoor science square, the exciting promenade and adjacent atomic power monitoring center, as well as the “At Theater” with fun games and quizzes. There are also learning programs, and events like virtual power plant tours.

    敦賀市総合運動公園に行ったのですが、4月上旬は市民以外はほとんど利用不可だったので急遽こちらへ。前情報なくいきましたが、屋内では各種電気(主に原子力)についてのゲームができ、外はちょっとした規模の公園になってますので子供もそれなりに楽しめました。 利用料は無料なので、「これが原子力マネーの力か」と大人はくだらないことしか考えませんが、安く遊べるという意味では非地元民にとってはうらやましい施設でした...

  • Minato Tsuruga Yama Kaikan
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Aioicho 7-6
    A museum located along Hakubutsukan-dori Street in Aioi-cho, Tsuruga City. Three of the six floats that are paraded through town in September as part of the Kehi Jingu Shrine's Tsuruga Festival are displayed on a rotating system. Also on display are dolls depicting samurai warriors and examples of armor and helmets as well as an exhibition corner dedicated to Otani Yoshitsugu, former lord of Tsuruga Castle.
  • Kami-Warabe Washi Paper Doll Museum
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Aioicho 13-14
    A museum located along Hakubutsukan-dori Street in Aioi-cho, Tsuruga City. On display are the works of the paper doll creator Takagi Eiko. The paper dolls recreate the motifs of classical styles of play, the scenery of the four seasons, and folklores amongst other designs, allowing you to feel the nostalgia of Japan's good old days. They also hold classes teaching you to play with paper and create objects such as origami.

    敦賀博物館通りにある小さな町屋の資料館。 1フロアの中にもうすぐ100歳に辿り着こうとする高木栄子の紙人形が所狭しと展示されている。 最近の作品は紙人形というよりもうジオラマと言って良い。 最近の自転車屋の新作には感動を覚え、生きる勇気を貰える。

  • Naka Ikemi Jin To Natural no Fureainosato
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi


  • Nippon Hara Koryokuhatuden Tsuruga Hara Koryokukan
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Myoujinchou 1
  • Mihamamachi Sugahama Uminokurashikan
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Mikatagunmihamachou Sugahama
  • Wakasacho History Cultural Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikatakaminakagun-gun Wakasacho Ichiba 20-17
  • Mihamacho History Cultural Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikata-gun Mihamacho Kawara Ichi 8-8
  • Mihamacho Energy Environment Education Experience
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikata-gun Mihamacho Nyu 62-1
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Kannawa Cho 1-chome 5-32
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikatakaminakagun-gun Wakasacho Kita-maegawa 16-16-1
  • Tsuruga Municipal Children's Cultural Center
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Kushikawa 42-2-1

Fukui Areas


Northeast of Kyoto, the ancient Tojinbo Cliffs separate Fukui prefecture from the Sea of Japan in a stretch of land well worth exploring. Water sports and seaside delicacies are available in abundance as the spectacular rugged coastline flattens down into beaches to the west of the prefecture, while inland, Fukui is home to Zen Buddhist temples and historic ruins.

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