Dining Room Spots in Eihei-ji Temple / Ono / Katsuyama Area

  • Yanoya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Yoshida-gun Eiheijicho Ichinono 39-8-1
    A restaurant located along National Route 364 in Ichinono, Eiheiji Town, Yoshida County. Their menu includes their Futami Soba (two flavors of soba) where you can choose two options from Oroshi-Soba, Sansai-Soba, and Yamakake-Soba, all made with their home ground soba noodles. They also serve udon noodle and rice dishes. Their menu also includes the longtime favorite Sauce Katsudon (pork cutlet over rice) made with their homemade sauce.
  • Restaurant Shimomura
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Ono Shinjo 15-22-2


  • Chidori Ya
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Ono Meirincho 6-22


  • Niban Ramen Nakatsugawa
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Ono Minami Shinzaike 2-9
  • Nomura Ya Shokudo
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Katsuyama-shi Motomachi 2-13-32

    たまごが乗ったカツ丼 ソースカツ丼を頼みたかったけど 写真の美味しどうなこと。。。 子供達もたまごカツ丼にして、美味しいと喜んでました。

  • Rotupuku
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Pref. Katsuyamashi Shouwamachi 1-6-56
  • Furusato Chaya Jomon no Sato
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fukui Katsuyama-shi Osowacho Hishima 33-1

    勝山駅側にあるお店です。お任せのランチのみですが、これが素晴らしい!様々な山菜の天ぷら。雪の下は初めて食べました。他にも惣菜がいくつも出て、朴葉で包んだきな粉のご飯か炊き込みご飯が選べたり。とにかく美味しくて温かいお婆ちゃんのお料理ばかり。しかもビールを頼むと、缶ビールと共にかき餅をアテにと出してくれました。 しかもうんとリーズナブルです。 お婆ちゃん達のあったかいお料理、ぜひ食べてみてくださいね...

Fukui Areas


Northeast of Kyoto, the ancient Tojinbo Cliffs separate Fukui prefecture from the Sea of Japan in a stretch of land well worth exploring. Water sports and seaside delicacies are available in abundance as the spectacular rugged coastline flattens down into beaches to the west of the prefecture, while inland, Fukui is home to Zen Buddhist temples and historic ruins.

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