Shrine Spots in Fukui Area

  • Kehi-jingu Shrine
    190 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Akebonochou 11-68
    Location of the scenic spots from “Narrow Road to the Interior”, Kehi-jingu Shrine is a shrine of Echizen serving the Hokuriku Road and is located in Tsuruga City in Fukui Prefecture. The primary god worshipped there is Izasawake-no-mikoto, who oversees food, and has long been worshipped as a god for protecting all of life (food, shelter, clothing), particularly in seafaring, and fishing. There are many sites to see, such as the large torii gate (Important Cultural Property), the “old man” Noh masks, Sarutahiko masks (both Cultural Properties) and the eucalyptus trees (Natural Monuments for Tsuruga City). Approximately 10 minutes via Tsuruga Interchange on the Hokuriku Expressway.

    Kehi Shrine, which is the first shrine of Echizen (actual Fukui prefecture), is the main tourist attraction in Tsuruga. If you go to Tsuruga, you shouldn’t miss this shrine. The precinct is vast and...

  • Heisenji Temple Hakusan Shrine
    126 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Katsuyama-shi Heisenjicho Heisenji 56-63
    A temple in Heisenji-cho, Katsuyama City. It was founded in 717 CE as a location to worship the holy mountain, Mt. Hakusan. By the time of the warring states period it had swelled into a massive holy city housing 8000 monks. Though prosperous the monastery was then destroyed during the Ikko-Ikki Jodo Shinshu Buddhist uprising. Remnants of the massive temple grounds still remain and the area has been designated a national historic site called the Old Temple Grounds of the Hakusan Heisenji Temple. It is also called the Kokedera or Moss Temple because of the beautiful scenery of the grounds completely covered in moss.

    Beautiful secluded and most zen shrine in the whole of japan. When I visited literally nobody was there which made it more beautiful.

  • Kanegasakigu Shrine
    44 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Kanegasakichou 1-4
    This shrine, famous for its Flower-Exchanging Festival held at the beginning of April each year, is popular as the shrine of love. Flower-Exchanging is thought to have begun around 1907. These days, the festival lasts 10 days and it is said that originally men and women who visited the shrine to see the cherry blossoms called out “Let’s exchange flowers.” to each other and exchanged small branches of blossoms to communicate their feelings.

    This shrine, which was built after Meiji Restoration, is dedicated to two prices of Emperor Godaigo and other personages of the southern court. It is located on Mt. Kanegasaki, which is well known...

  • Keya Kurotatsu Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Fukuishi Keya 3-8-1
    Located in Keya, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, this old shrine is beloved by locals as “Kurotatsu-san.” Said to have been built in Kurotatsu Town as a water deity for guarding Kuzuryu River, it receives adoration as one of Japan’s old four Daimyojin. It’s believed to be useful for warding off bad fortune, improving vitality, pregnancy, safe birth, and success in business. Recently, it’s popular as a power spot. The precincts feature many spots for improving fortune, like the “gankake ishi” or the “kounno nadeishi.”


  • Tsurugi Shrine
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Nyugunechizenchou Ota 113-1
    This shrine, which has been fervently worshipped by many people including the Imperial Court and revered as a sacred prayer ground since the Nara period, is located in the hometown of the Oda Nobunaga’s ancestors who attended the shrine, the 2nd highest ranked in Echizen Province, as Shinto priests and Echizen Ota no Sho Manor administrators and is famous as a shrine where Lord Oda worshipped the local deity. The main shrine, the auxiliary shrine and the main Oda shrine have all been designated as cultural properties by the prefecture.

    越前国二之宮で、織田一族発祥の地と言われる神社です。 御祭神は素戔嗚大神(すさのおのおおかみ)、気比大神(けひのおおかみ)、忍熊王(おしくまのみこ)です。一切の厄事災難を祓い清める神として尊崇されています。

  • Asuwa-jinja Shrine
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Fukuishi Asuwakamichou 108
    With a deep faith and history spanning over 1,500 years since its founding, the Asuwa-jinja Shrine—named for the ancestor deity of Echizen—venerates Emperor Keitai as the main deity, with other deities worshipped here as well. On the grounds you’ll find takao maples and weeping cherry trees which were designated as Natural Monuments in 1970. They are best viewed in mid November and around April 10th respectively, when many visitors enjoy them.


  • Mikuni Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Sakai-shi Mikunicho Sanno 6-2-80
    A shrine in Sanno, Mikuni-cho 6-Chome, Sakai City. The enshrined deities of worship are Oyamakui-no-Mikoto and Emperor Keitai. The grounds are thick with Japanese Zelkova trees and are home to the Zuijinmon two-storied gate, the largest in the prefecture and a registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of the Prefecture. The Mikuni Festival is held every May and features floats decorated with large samurai figures that are paraded through the town. The festival always draws large crowds.


  • SojaDaijingu Shrine
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Echizen-shi Kyomachi 1-4-35
    A shrine in Kyomachi 1-Chome, Echizen City. To reduce the burden of pilgrimage a local official decreed that all the divine spirits of Echizen Province would be enshrined together in this one location with the primary enshrined deities being Onamuchi-no-Mikoto and Emrpess Koken. Locals refer to the shrine by the familiar name Osonja-san and lots of visitors gather for the July 1st summer festival where Shinto rituals including the Chi-no-Wa Kuguri (Passing through a woven grass ring) are held.

    武生駅から徒歩10分ほど。 創建年不明。739年に聖武天皇の勅願で大己貴命(現在の主祭神)を合祀。前田利家が府中城を築城する際に現在地に移転。現社殿は1926年再建で木造銅板葺き。拝殿に掛けられている社号額「總社」は海軍大将・岡田啓介の揮毫。総社だけあって、越前国中官社・百二十六座など様々な神が祀られている。

  • Oshio Hachimangu Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Echizenshi Kunikanechou 22-2
    Hokuriku’s only large-scale hall of worship, Oshio Hachimangu Shrine is a Nationally Designated Important Cultural Property that features a main worship hall and many smaller shrines. It offers a lot to see, with many cultural properties like the temple bell crafted during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Period. The main hall is 15.76 meters wide and 8.88 meters deep, and features a hip-and-gable structure with a shingled roof.


  • Fujishima Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Fukui-shi Keya 3-8-21
    A shrine which enshrines Nitta Yoshisada, a military commander from the Period of Northern and Southern Courts (mid-late 14th century), and his family. Nitta fell in battle in 1338 and nearly some 300 years later his helmet was discovered by a local peasant. Because of that the area came to be called Nittazuka. In 1870 a small wayside shrine was constructed which would later become Fujishima Shrine. It's said that people who pray will be blessed to do well in both sports and studies and that it helps to ward off evil. Amulets marked with the kanji for 'One' as is said to be hand-written by Nitta Yoshisada are offered for purchase.

    福井鉄道の足羽山公園口駅からGoogleマップの指示通りに進むと徒歩15分ほど。毛谷黒龍神社の境内を経由すると徒歩10分ほど。 1870年に新田義貞の兜が発掘された場所に祠を建てたのが始まり。1876年に「藤島神社」となり、1901年に現在地に遷座。藤島というのは祠を建てた場所の地名。現社殿は1957年の再建で木造銅板葺。その右隣にある小さな社殿は義貞の妻・勾当内侍(勾當内侍)を祀った摂社「野神神...

  • Fukui-ken GokokuI Jinja shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Fukuishi Omiya 2-13-8
    This shrine was built in 1941 to worship the souls of fallen soldiers from Fukui including Hashimoto Keigaku, a patriot of the Meiji Restoration. It is reputed for its strong, tear-resistant hand-made Japanese paper (Echizen washi) amulets made by Ichibei Iwano, a national treasure, giving the shrine even more divine virtues.

    田原町駅から徒歩15分ほど。 1941年創建。祭神は明治維新前後から大東亜戦争までの福井県出身の国事殉難者。現社殿は福井大震災後に再建されたもので鉄筋コンクリート造。狛犬の阿像は震災でも倒れなかったので「不倒の狛犬」、吽像は震災で倒れ落ちたが壊れなかったので「無傷の狛犬」と名付けられている。境内には福井出身の武士・思想家である橋本左内に因んだ「急流中底之柱」「背のび石」がある。

  • Wakasa Ichinomiya (Wakasahiko Shrine and Wakasahime Shrine)
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Onyu 65-41
    "This shrine is located at the base of Mt. Tadagadake a five-minute drive from JR Higashi-Obama Station. It is comprised of Wakasahiko Shrine, the upper shrine, and Wakasahime Shrine, the lower shrine. Together, they are called the Jogegu (upper and lower shrines) or Wakasa Ichinomiya, which means the most important shrine of Wakasa. The ancient and high-ranking shrine was even listed as a Myojin Taisha shrine in the Engishiki, a Heian period book of laws and customs. The Wakasahime Shrine is said to grant prayers for the gift of children and safe childbirth. Its grounds include a pair of ying-yang stones called ""Kodaneishi"" for their resemblance to genitalia, a ginkgo tree called ""Chichigami-sama,"" as well a 1000-year-old cedar tree. The approach to the shrine, which is lined by thick groves of trees, has a solemn atmosphere that feels detached from daily life."
  • Okamoto Shrine -Otaki Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Echizen-shi Otakicho 13-1
    A shrine in Otaki-cho, Echizen City. The inner shrine is located at the top of Mt. Gongen with another shrine in the village in the foothills. This is the only shrine in Japan that enshrines Kawakami Gozen, the god of paper making, who was said to have brought the technique of papermaking to the area 1500 years ago. The main shrine building and front shrine building of the village shrine are examples of late Edo period architecture and have been designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan.
  • Sakaenoyashiro
    45 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Fukuishi Ote 3-12-3

    Worth a look if youre in the Fukui station area, around the old Fukui castle wall/moat and park. A small shrine, but interesting and well maintained. Fortunes can be bought in English.

  • Shibata Shrine
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Fukui-shi Chuo 1-21-17

    A nice Shinto shrine, part of Shibata castle ruins. It is a working shrine so has omamori (charms) and fortunes on sale.

  • Fukui Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Fukui-shi Ote 3-chome 16-1


  • Hachiman Shrine
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Obamaotokoyama 9


  • Jogu Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Jogu 13-1


  • Suwasugi Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Imadate-gun Ikedacho Inari

    稲荷バス停で下車すると直ぐ傍に朱塗りの大鳥居が立っていました。 鬱蒼とした木立の中を想像していたのですが、実際には開けた境内となっており神門を潜り石段を上がってやっと木立の中の拝殿と云った印象でした。 拝殿と本殿は分離された建物となっており、拝殿裏手から更に一段上がった場所が国指定重要文化財の本殿となっていました。本殿自体は上屋で囲われており風雪に耐えられるように保護されていました。

  • Matuokajinjiya
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Sabaeshi Asahimachi 1-2-14

    福井県鯖江市の鯖江駅北西の高台にある神社。 駅前の県道194号通りからは神社に行けません。県道134号で140mほど西に進んで右折すると神社の入口の鳥居が右に見えてきます。 キレイな石畳の参道の先に鳥居があり正面に社殿があります。 かつて当地を治めた鯖江藩主の間部詮房・詮言を祀っていた受福堂が移築され、7代詮勝や舟津神社の祭神を合祀して松阜神社と名称が変わったそうです。中々立派な社殿でした...

Fukui Areas


Northeast of Kyoto, the ancient Tojinbo Cliffs separate Fukui prefecture from the Sea of Japan in a stretch of land well worth exploring. Water sports and seaside delicacies are available in abundance as the spectacular rugged coastline flattens down into beaches to the west of the prefecture, while inland, Fukui is home to Zen Buddhist temples and historic ruins.

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