History / Culture / Tour Spots in Fukui Area

  • Genkuro Fujino Memorial Hall
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Awara-shi Onsen 1-203
    A memorial hall located in front of Awara Yunomachi Station in Onsen 1-Chome, Awara City. A variety of materials are on display including the publications and medical instruments of Genkuro Fujino, an anatomist from the region who was famously the teacher of Chinese scholar Lu Xun. It operates out of the former Fujino family residence and the building is registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan.

    あわら湯のまち駅からすぐ。芦湯と広場を挟んだ反対側にある。 入館料は210円。藤野厳九郎は下番村(現あわら市)に生誕。医師であり、仙台医学専門学校(現東北大学医学部)の教授。中国人作家・魯迅が日本へ留学していた時の師。記念館は展示室と藤野が晩年に住んでいた住居からなる。館内には藤野の生い立ちと魯迅との関わりが分かる資料が展示されている。なお、藤野と魯迅の関係から、あわら市と中国・紹興市(魯迅の生誕...

  • Megane Museum
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukui Pref. Sabaeshi Shinyokoe 2-3-4 Inside the glasses hall
    This glasses museum is located in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, which produces more than 90% of the glasses made in Japan. In addition to in-depth exhibits on the history of eyeglasses, the museum also features a glasses shop where visitors can try out the latest models of Made in JAPAN glasses, a cafe offering sweets from Sabae City, a souvenir corner, and more. Visitors can also try their hand at making a one-of-a-kind pair of glasses. The museum is about a 15-minute walk from JR Sabae City.

    メガネミュージアムの2fにあるカフェです。軽食がと飲み物が中心のお店でした。 ケーキセットを頼みました。チーズケーキとアイスコーヒーで値段は700円で普通のおいしさでした。店内はメガネ会館の店舗やオブジェ、ガラス張りになって風景も見渡せ良い雰囲気でした。

  • Ukonke Museum (Kitamaebune Archives Center)
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Nanjougunminamiechizenchou Kouno 2-15
    This museum was opened in 1990 and is an archive with the theme of kitamae-bune (cargo vessels) which played an important role in the distribution of commodities and cultural interaction between the Sea of Japan, the Seto Inland Sea and the various regions of Kyoto and Osaka from the end of the Edo period to the middle of the Meiji period. Focusing on archives relating to the management of cargo vessels by the Ukon family, this museum offers various activities such as special exhibitions, forums and study groups in addition to its themed permanent exhibitions displaying archives relating to kitamae-bune remaining in the village.


  • Jokoji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Obamaasama 1
    A temple in Obamaasama, Obama City. It was founded in 1630 by Jokoin, the wife of Kyogoku Takatsugu who was lord of the Wakasa Obama Domain and who was also known as Ohatsu, the second of the three Azai sisters, to pray for her husband's happiness in the next life. Portraits of Jokoin and a letter written in her own handwriting are still present at the temple. The main temple building was lost during the Taisho period but was rebuilt during the Heisei period. In June the Japanese Iris Festival is held on the temple grounds.


  • Ono City Folklore Archives
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Ono-shi Shiromachi 2-13
    A museum in Shiromachi, Ono City. The museum uses the former Ono Public Courthouse building, built in 1889 and designated as a Cultural Property of the City, which was later moved to its current location. On display are local folk customs materials including lifestyle tools from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods.


    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukui Oi-gun Oicho Narumi 1-2 Uminpia Oi
    A museum in Narumi, Oi, Oi. They have a theater equipped with an extra-large 22-meter by 6-meter screen showing virtual reality videos as well as rides exploring a concept of an outer space power plant in the latter half of the 21st century. There are also exhibits including graphic panels that allow you to learn about the future of energy and the earth through experience.

    去年訪れた時は、子供たちが大興奮で数時間いましたが、今回は中のゲーム機器が不調であまり遊べなかった。 ですが、スタッフの皆さんの対応がとてもよかったです。

  • Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum 'At Home'
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Tsurugashi Yoshiko 37-1
    A fun amusement and learning center of atomic power and energy, the Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum ‘At Home’ features interactive displays, an outdoor science square, the exciting promenade and adjacent atomic power monitoring center, as well as the “At Theater” with fun games and quizzes. There are also learning programs, and events like virtual power plant tours.

    敦賀市総合運動公園に行ったのですが、4月上旬は市民以外はほとんど利用不可だったので急遽こちらへ。前情報なくいきましたが、屋内では各種電気(主に原子力)についてのゲームができ、外はちょっとした規模の公園になってますので子供もそれなりに楽しめました。 利用料は無料なので、「これが原子力マネーの力か」と大人はくだらないことしか考えませんが、安く遊べるという意味では非地元民にとってはうらやましい施設でした...

  • Ono Historical Museum
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukui Ono-shi Tenjincho 2-4
    A museum located along Sanban-dori Street in Tenjin-cho, Ono City. Their collection includes historical materials ranging from the Jomon period to the early modern period. On display are materials related to the Mt. Hakusan faith and the political reforms of Toshitada Doi, seventh member of the Doi family to rule over the Ono Domain.

    大野図書館の左手にあります。 大野市観光パスポートの対象施設です。 第一、第二展示室があり。時間もそこまで取らせないので 行ったという証にしかならなかった。

  • Obama Town's Preservation Museum
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Obama Kashima 29
    A museum in Obamakashima, Obama City. The museum is located in a classic Taisho period townhouse located in the Obama-Nishigumi neighborhood, which has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings by the Japanese government. On display are fixed-point photos taken around the city and materials related to the maintaining of the traditional townscape.


  • Kokubunji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Kokubu 53-1
    A temple in Kokubu, Obama City. This is one of the Kokubunji Temple's built throughout Japan by the imperial order of Emperor Shomu in 741 CE. The temple is home to a seated wooden statue of the Yakushi Nyorai which has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan and the over three-meter tall seated wooden statue of Shaka Nyorai. The main temple building has been burned down numerous times and the adjacent former located of the temple has been designated the Wakasa Kokubunji Temple Ruins National Historic Site.

    In Ancient Japan, there used to be 68 provinces as the agents of local administration. Each province was ranked from Grade A to D according to its provincial power and wealth, and had its provincial...

  • Ensho Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Obama-shi Ozaki 22-15
    A temple in Ozaki, Obama City. In 1444 the temple moved from its original location in a valley near Mt. Dainichi to its current location. After the move the temple converted from a Shingon Sect temple to a Rinzai Sect temple and the kanji that make up its name changed as well though the pronunciation stayed the same. Enshrined are two Buddhist statues, a nearly 2.5-meter-tall seated wooden statue of the Dainichi Nyorai and a standing wooden statue of the Acala Wisdom King. Both statues date back to the late Heian period and have been designated as Important Cultural Properties of Japan. Also, the temple garden is a known habitat to the forest green tree frog.


  • Wakasa Saba Kaido Kumagawa-Juku Shiryokan (Archives Museum)
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Mikatakaminakagun-gun Wakasacho Kumagawa 30-4-2
    A museum in Kumagawa, Wakasa Town, Mikatakaminaka County. The museum is in the former village office building, which was built in 1940. On display are historical materials related to the Wakasa Kumagawa-Juku post town, which is a registered Group of Traditional Buildings, and the Saba Highway which passed through it.


  • Gotanjo-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Pref. Echizenshi Shoudenchou 32-1-1
    A Soto Buddhist temple located in Shoden Town, Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture which has come to be known as the “Cat Temple” after being featured frequently in television programs and other media. The temple takes care of stray, sick, and injured cats; spays and neuters strays; and helps cats find new homes; at any given time, dozens of cats are being taken care of on the temple grounds. The temple works with Fukui Prefecture health and welfare centers and also periodically holds events to help their cats find new homes. The temple is visited by countless cat-lovers from around the country.
  • Minato Tsuruga Yama Kaikan
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Tsuruga-shi Aioicho 7-6
    A museum located along Hakubutsukan-dori Street in Aioi-cho, Tsuruga City. Three of the six floats that are paraded through town in September as part of the Kehi Jingu Shrine's Tsuruga Festival are displayed on a rotating system. Also on display are dolls depicting samurai warriors and examples of armor and helmets as well as an exhibition corner dedicated to Otani Yoshitsugu, former lord of Tsuruga Castle.
  • Saikoji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Fukui-shi Sanaicho 8-21
    A temple of the Tendai Sect Shinsei School of Buddhism. It was once the Asakura family temple and located in Jiromaru, Fukui City but the Asakura family collapsed after Oda Nobunaga invaded Echizen. It was moved to its current location by Shibata Katsuie who took control of the region after them. After this it was carefully protected as his family's temple. On the temple grounds you'll find the grave of Shibata Katsuie as well as a stone monument dedicated to his wife, Oichi. Various belongings for both the Asakura family and Shibata family are stored within the temple's treasure hall.


  • SojaDaijingu Shrine
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Echizen-shi Kyomachi 1-4-35
    A shrine in Kyomachi 1-Chome, Echizen City. To reduce the burden of pilgrimage a local official decreed that all the divine spirits of Echizen Province would be enshrined together in this one location with the primary enshrined deities being Onamuchi-no-Mikoto and Emrpess Koken. Locals refer to the shrine by the familiar name Osonja-san and lots of visitors gather for the July 1st summer festival where Shinto rituals including the Chi-no-Wa Kuguri (Passing through a woven grass ring) are held.

    武生駅から徒歩10分ほど。 創建年不明。739年に聖武天皇の勅願で大己貴命(現在の主祭神)を合祀。前田利家が府中城を築城する際に現在地に移転。現社殿は1926年再建で木造銅板葺き。拝殿に掛けられている社号額「總社」は海軍大将・岡田啓介の揮毫。総社だけあって、越前国中官社・百二十六座など様々な神が祀られている。

  • Shonenji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Sakai-shi Marukacho Nagasaki 19-17
    A temple in Nagasaki, Maruoka-cho, Sakai City. In began in 721 as a hall containing the image of Amitabha founded by the monk Taicho on imperial request from Empress Gensho. Later, during the Kamakura period, the monk Ippen expanded it into a Jishu Sect temple and it flourished as the premier Amitabha prayer location in the Hokuriku region. It's also registered as a historic location of the prefecture due to being the gravesite for the samurai Nitta Yoshisada who was active during the Nanboku-cho period (mid-late 14th century).


  • Fukui Prefectural Varve Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Fukui Mikatakaminakagun-gun Wakasacho Torihama 122-12-1
  • Insetsuji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Echizen-shi Kyomachi 3-3-5
    A temple in Kyomachi 3-Chome, Echizen City. The temple was founded in 1488 by Shinsei, the founder of the Shinseishu Sect of Tendai Buddhism, as the head temple of the sect. On the grounds is the main gate, which is adorned with sculptures of 16 Buddhist saints, a carp climbing a waterfall, and more as well as a stone Buddha who is said to appear to midnight watchmen checking for fires.


  • Eikyuji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukui Echizen-shi Kyomachi 3-4-34
    A temple in Kyomachi 3-Chome, Echizen. It was founded in 1525. The temple has been a gathering point for local believers for some time and on the grounds you'll find the Nichiren Daiseijin (Great Teacher of Nichiren Buddhism) wooden statue of Nichizo, a monk from the Kamakura period. It is also called the Yakuyoke no Soshi (The founder of protection against bad luck) and the Ichiboku-Santai no Soshi (The founder of three Buddha statues from one Tree).


Fukui Areas


Northeast of Kyoto, the ancient Tojinbo Cliffs separate Fukui prefecture from the Sea of Japan in a stretch of land well worth exploring. Water sports and seaside delicacies are available in abundance as the spectacular rugged coastline flattens down into beaches to the west of the prefecture, while inland, Fukui is home to Zen Buddhist temples and historic ruins.

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