Restaurant Spots in Sado Area

  • Restaurant & Bar Kosado
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Manoshinmachi 275-2
    This famous western-style restaurant is located in Manoshin Town, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture. Customers can enjoy the rare Japanese Black “Sado Beef,” which are raised on natural grass. A single bite of the restaurant’s specialty Sado Beef sirloin steak and the meat simply melt on your tongue, with the sweetness of the fat spreading through your mouth. The restaurant also serves items such as the popular Awabi Steak and pork cutlets on its menu, which has been passed down from the previous generation. There are also over 200 different types of alcohol, and the restaurant doubles as a bar in the evenings.

    ハンバーグは佐渡牛ではないので佐渡牛目当てなら、お値段は頑張る必要があります でもハンバーグも美味し克ったです GWは予約必死

  • Ono Kame Lodge
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Niigata Sado-shi Negai 149

    We were camping at the near by hotel and went here for lunch. They had many options for an excellent price. Very fresh fish! Would go back again!

  • Kato Restaurant
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Niigata Sado-shi Chigusa 55-2
  • Marumi Tei
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Niigata Sado-shi Kawaharadahonmachi 175
  • Sunrise Shirogahama Restaurant Shiosai
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Mikawa 2915


  • Cucina
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Niigata Sado-shi Chigusa 88-1

    旅行1日目の晩ご飯にと、家族4人うち子供2人で入りました。金曜の夜だったのでさすがに混んでいて、空いていたカウンターに通してもらったのですが、注文したパスタとリゾットが2時間かかるとのこと。見れば周りは女子会やら飲み会の面々、夜は家族連れはお断りなのか、それともいきなりシメの注文をする客はお断りなのか。応対してくれたスタッフの女の子は声が小さくて何言ってるか聞こえないし。 一緒に注文していた生(大...

  • Aruko Irisu
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Kamoutashiro Under Akai 478


  • seisuke nextdoor
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Kawaharadasuwamachi 207-76
  • Ajisai
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Niigata Sado-shi Chigusa 113-12

    佐渡の地元グルメでもある佐渡天然ブリカツ丼を食べに行きました。ブリカツには公認の旗(お子様ランチみたな)がつけられていました。 めちゃくちゃ値段も高いわけでもなく、ボリュームも満点で大満足することができました。地元の食材が使用されているのもよいところですね。

Niigata Areas


Found along the northwestern coast of Japan, Niigata prefecture is celebrated for its high-quality rice and breathtaking nature, most notably its spectacular mountains, whose white peaks draw in snow sports lovers from far and wide over the winter months. Hit the slopes at Yuzawa, pick out your favourite modern artist at Echigo Tsumari, or take a ferry over to Sado Island for an extra adventure.

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