Spots in Sado Area

  • Shiseki Sado Kinzan
    303 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Shimoaikawa 1305
    As Japan’s largest gold mine this was under the Tokugawa shogunate’s direct control and was engaged in the production of koban (small former Japanese oval gold coins). Operations ceased in 1989 due to an exhaustion of its resources, which brought to a close 400 years of history. The mining and refining facilities on the grounds have been designated as National Important Cultural Properties. Currently visitors can see exhibits of model exhibits of the Sado Kinzan during the Edo period based on drawings from Sado Kinzan Emaki (picture scrolls) as well as the remains of actual tunnels that were used.

    I was told by multiple trusted sources that the Sado Gold Mine was really worth visiting, and I am so glad I did. Inside the mines you can really imagine previous eras, the historical, technical...

  • Toki Forest Park
    191 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Nibonagaune 383-2
    The Toki Forest Park is situated next to the Sado Toki Conservation Center in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture. There are a number of different facilities dotted about the place relating to the crested ibis, or “toki”, designated a National Natural Monument. The Toki Rapport Plaza, complete with large breeding cages, enables visitors to see the toki up close. The Toki Materials Exhibition Hall highlights the conservation work surrounding toki through the use of panels, audio-visual materials and specimens, and the Observation Gallery enables visitors to observe the crested ibises in the Sado Toki Conservation Center through the windows.

    The toki (crested ibis) are making a comeback on Sado thanks to this preservation and breeding program. These endangered creatures are a rare sight, so being able to see some of the breeding pairs up...

  • Sado Nishimikawa Gold Park
    81 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Nishimikawa 835-1
    A hands-on museum built on the site of the former Nishimikawa Gold Mine in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture. Mentioned in the Konjaku monogatarishu, a collection of stories dated to the end of the Heian period, this ancient and historic mine even helped fund the war efforts of Uesugi Kenshin, a historic figure. The museum presents a variety of materials relating to gold and gold mining in its exhibition rooms and theater. There’s also a museum shop. The museum lets visitors try panning for gold and participants can take home the gold dust they find stored in a keychain or pendant.

    I remember gold panning as a kid in West Virginia. On a rainy day, we were traveling around Sado, and if you know this island, you know most of its charm is the outdoors - not exactly ideal to...

  • Sado History and Folklore Museum
    59 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Mano 655
    This museum houses life-sized robots which tell 800 years of Sado's history. The museum is located adjacent to the south side of Mano Park on Sado Island. Visitors can experience the legends of Sado Island with the diorama robots, as if travelling back in time. The robots act out 12 programs in total. The stories of Emperor Juntoku's first princess and Emperor Juntoku, who was sent into exile on Sado Island, the founder of the Nichiren sect and Zeami are acted outhere. In the establishment's restaurant, Yuzuru, visitors can enjoy a meal while looking out at the Japanese gardens. The restaurant also offers dishes cooked with Sado's specialty foods such as Mekabu soba.

    佐渡へ流された人について(歴史)であった。 ここで会えるのは順徳天皇・日蓮聖人・世阿弥である。 ただし人形であるが。 他に佐渡関連?の伝説のストーリーが演じられていた。 佐渡の歴史かもしれないがイメージは違った。 子供は楽しめるのかな?

  • Rikiya Kanko Kisen Tub Boat Rental
    39 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Ogimachi 1935
    This tourist boat dock in Ogi Port is a four-minute walk from Sado Kisen. It is popular for its taraibune (wash tub boat) rides, one of Sado's key tourist attractions. The relaxing boats, which seat up to three adults, can be paddled by an oarswoman or by the passengers themselves. While the boats might appear unstable, they are surprisingly hard to capsize, making riding one like taking a leisurely stroll on the ocean. The dock also offers motorboat tours of the Ogi Coast lasting between 10 to 35 minutes, as well as high-speed sightseeing boats (group reservation required).

    漕いでくれる女性がいて私たちは乗っているだけ。 揺れることは揺れるも救命胴衣付けることもないので安全なのだろう。 港の中をグルっと回るだけなので景色が変わらないのは残念であった。 たらい船は3か所あるみたい 小木・宿根木・矢島と。小木・矢島はたらい船安定のための仕掛けがあるようだが、宿根木は本来のたらい船の様である。

  • Sado Island’s Ogi Folk Museum, Sengokubune Exhibition Hall
    26 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Shukunegi 270-2
    This museum is located in a wooden schoolhouse built in 1920 that has been preserved as-is. Inside the building which still bears the vestiges of its days as a schoolhouse are displays for a collection of over 30,000 folk materials that have been designated as important tangible folk-cultural properties, including tools and equipment for shipbuilders. During the Hakusan Maru Matsuri festival held every summer, the Hakusan Maru, Japan’s first fully-restored sengokubune (wooden freight ship) that is on display in the museum, is pulled out under human power and an impressive large white sail that is 155 tatami mats in size is raised.

    There is a video here you can watch in English that describes how the shipping history of Sado made this island such a melting pot of culture from around Japan. You can go inside the boat and see...

  • Sado Island Taiko Centre
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Ogikanetashinden 150-3
    This is a taiko facility where guests can experience a program of the international taiko performance group Kodo, which is based on Sado. Not only are groups welcome but individuals can also make advance reservations to try taiko. The facility has been constructed from Sado lumber, and one can enjoy views of Mano Bay and the Osado Mountain Range from the terrace. This is about one hour by car from Ryotsu Port.

    This is one of the special art forms on the planet and Kodo has taken it to a mind-blowing, heart warming level! Seize any opportunity to experience taiko with world renowned Kodo drummers...

  • Watatsu Shrine
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Hamochiioka 550-4
    This shrine is one of the nine Sado-no-Shikinai Shrines. Called Sado Ichinomiya, it is a prestigious shrine visited by many pilgrims as they travel to each of the Ichinomiya shrines. Isotakeru and Susano-no-mikoto are enshrined as the deities of this shrine, and it is said that they bring safety to travellers. There are also yearly festivals held here, such as the Island Safe Travels Prayer Festival and the Island Maritime Safety Prayer Festival.

    度津神社(わたつじんじゃ)は、新潟県佐渡市羽茂飯岡(にいがたけんさどしはもちいいおか)にある佐渡国一宮だ。 祭神は、五十猛命...

  • SEISUI Temple
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Niigata Sado-shi Niibo-ono 124-1

    The magic and spiritual feel of Kyoto on an island in the sea of Japan. This place is worth a quick visit for anyone visiting Sado. Walk up the broken moss-covered stairs lined with massive cedar...

  • Chokokuji Temple
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Hase 13
    This ancient Shingon sect Buzan-ha temple just a 30-minute drive from Ryotsu port and was founded by Gyoki or Kobo Daishi (Kukai). The Gochido Hall, a Cultural Property of Niigata Prefecture, is also known as the two-story pagoda. There are only a few of these buildings in Japan where the inner sanctum use a 'Daito' pagoda structure with a circular plane. There are also many other cultural assets such as the Eleven-Headed Kannon Statues, which are also National Important Cultural Properties. This temple is also known as the temple of flowers because of its Azalea, Hydrangeas, and other flowers. Every year they hold their Chokokuji Temple Peony Festival where you can enjoy peonies in full bloom on the grounds and along the paths.

    Besides the temple being a beautiful spot, the bunnies were adorable! There was a huge statue of a rabbit kannon (the goddess of mercy) and tons of little rabbits nibbling the grass at her feet.

  • Daizen Shrine
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Niigata Sado-shi Takeda 562-1
    Just when this ancient Shinto shrine was founded is not clear, but records state it was built by local influential personage Honma Yamashiroto enshrine late Kamakura period nobleman Hino Suketomo and ascetic hermit Daizenbo. It is said funds were solicited to build the shrine in order to appease the vengeful spirit of Daizenbo, who was executed for helping Suketomo’s child, Kumawakamaru, to run away. The structure which conspicuously asserts its presence on the grounds is Sado’s oldest extant noh stage. One of the Four Noh Stages of Sado Province, even today firelight noh theater and Sagi school kyogen farce performances are held using the stage. The stage’s painted backdrop depicts a pine tree with the sun in the background, and it is believed that this is the only remaining example of this unusual style of noh backdrop.


  • Rengebuji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Niigata Sado-shi Kobie 182
    A famous Buddhist temple believed to have been founded by the great Kobo Daishi which stands northeast of Kyoto, thus meaning it guarded the imperial palace from the influences of this unlucky direction. It is believed to have been founded around 806 in the Daido period, and, modeled after the Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, it was known as the “Little Mt. Hiei.” Records state Emperor Saga ordered it to be built, and, together with the Kongoji and Muroji Temple, it is considered one of the three most sacred Shingon Buddhist sites. In addition to the Kobodo hall and Kondo main temple, 16 structures on the grounds have been designated National Tangible Cultural Property. From late June through early July, some 7,000 hydrangeas on the grounds come into stunning bloom, and thus this temple is also widely known as the “Hydrangea Temple.”

    小比叡山蓮華峰寺(こびえさんれんげぶじ)は、新潟県佐渡市小比叡(にいがたけんさどしこびえ)にある真言宗智山派の寺だ。 本尊は、聖観音菩薩(しょうかんのんぼさつ) 空海の開山とされ、金剛寺、室生寺とともに真言の三大聖地の一つとされる。 7,000株のアジサイが一斉に開花する様子が見事なため、別名アジサイ寺とも呼ばれている。 2021年7月3日、この日は度津神社(わたつじんじゃ)に参拝した。 そこか...

  • Exchange Centre Hakundai
    4 Reviews
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Nakaoki Party B 3534 - 158
    This roadside attraction is found along the Osado Skyline road. It opened as a tea house in the mountain pass serving local specialties. Amongst the local Sado products you'll find persimmon butter, fig jam, and grape liquors. In the restaurant one of the most recommended menu items is the black-pork curry which uses pork from local Berkshire pigs. The back deck of the restaurant stands almost 850 meters high, giving you a great view of Ryotsu Bay, the Kuninaka Plain, and Ogi Peninsula. They are closed from mid-November to mid-April due to snow.


  • Sado Hangamura Art Museum
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Aikawakomeyamachi 38-2
    This is a private art museum on Kyomachi-dori Street that richly preserves Sado Kinzan’s history. The elegant building with its red-tiled roof occupies the old Aikawa Court House. Works by the late woodblock print artist and founder of Hangamura Shinichi Takahashi as well as by Hangamura artists are displayed. Visitors would do well to note that the museum is closed from December to February.

    佐渡奉行所からすぐの場所。通りに面した美術館の塀には、美術館が所蔵する版画作品のモニュメントがずらり。 朱鷺やたらい舟、夕日の沈む海など。白黒の作品や少し色彩を加えたもの。それぞれに趣があって、佐渡の思い出を深めてくれるような作品です。

  • Yajima Experience Community Center
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Niigata Sado-shi Ogi 365-1

    This spot takes 10 minutes by car from Ogi port. You need to apply for a tour in a hut in this spot. The fee is 500 yen per person. They dont speak English, so you need to find a way to ask in...

  • Kitazawa Flotation Plant
    Travel / Tourism
    Niigata Sado-shi Aikawa Kitazawa Machi 3-2
  • Shukunegi
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Shukunegi
    Shukunegi is a village on the southern tip of Sadogashima Island. From the latter half of the Edo period to the early Meiji period it was a port of call on the Kitamaebune shipping route leading to it becoming a prosperous port town. In those days the rows of houses facing the tiny bay were largely built by shipwrights. The looks of these buildings are largely unchanged from those times leading to their selection for Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Some of these private residences such as Seikuro and Kanekoya are able to be toured for a fee. While the exteriors may be plain inside you'll find lacquered central pillars and extravagant interior designs. Ask about how those who made their fortunes from the Kitamaebune ships lived their lives.
  • Sado Museum
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Yahata 2041
    The Sado Museum is located on National Route 350 in the Yahata district of Sado City (on Sado Island). There are displays about the development of the gold and silver mine on Sado Island, as well as a “Nature, Archeology, History and Folk Traditions Display Gallery,” an “Arts and Handicrafts Display Gallery,” etc., enabling visitors to get a comprehensive overview of Sado Island’s culture (including its Noh drama tradition), its history, and its natural wonders, etc. Also well worth seeing are the display of sketches by Bakusen Tsuchida (a painter in the Nihonga style who was born on Sado Island), and the rock garden and the former Asashima family residence, a traditional thatch-roofed house, that are located in the Museum grounds.


  • Ono-kame
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Negai
    This is a megalithic 167 meter high monolith in Negai, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, which looks like a small mountain protruding into the sea. From the side it looks like the shape of a tortoise, and is a scenic spot which has earned two stars in the “Michelin Green Guide Japon.” Visitors can climb up onto the top of the rock on foot and it has a great viewpoint of the sea and landscape. The surrounding area is the habitat of Tobishima Kanzo Lilies, and from the end of May to early June about 500 thousand flowers bloom. The “Sado Kanzo Lily Festival” is held on the second Sunday in June.
  • Senkaku Bay Ageshima Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Nigata Pref. Sadoshi Kitaebisu 1561
    This is a sightseeing attraction located in the Senkaku Bay quasi-national park which is renowned for its beautiful coastline and is designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty. One can see an unbroken view of magnificent Senkaku Bay at the Yusenkyo suspension bridge that was used as a location in a film and also the observatory just after crossing the bridge. From around mid-March to the end of November visitors can ride a glass-bottomed boat that tours around Senkaku Bay to appreciate the beauty of the bay and the ocean up close.

Niigata Areas


Found along the northwestern coast of Japan, Niigata prefecture is celebrated for its high-quality rice and breathtaking nature, most notably its spectacular mountains, whose white peaks draw in snow sports lovers from far and wide over the winter months. Hit the slopes at Yuzawa, pick out your favourite modern artist at Echigo Tsumari, or take a ferry over to Sado Island for an extra adventure.

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