Spots in Around Hakonemachi Area

  • Sengokuhara Susuki Grass Fields
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Sengokuhara
    The gentle slopes of the Sengokuhara area are covered with Japanese pampas grass and Sengokuhara is considered a top Hakone sightseeing destination in fall. Selected for such lists as “Kanagawa’s 50 Most Picturesque Spots” and “Kanagawa’s 100 Most Famous Flower Locations,” each year in autumn the area bustles with visitors. From late September, the ears of the pampas grass begin to turn color, and by late autumn visitors can enjoy the site of a veritable golden carpet covering the fields. The Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Festival is held in the area in late September each year. Take the Hakone Tozan Bus and get off at the “Sengoku Kogen” stop. In fall, a Sengokuhara Susuki Bus provides transportation to the area.
  • Tamamura Toyoo Life Art Museum
    21 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Motohakone 61
    Tamamura Toyoo Life Art Museum is in Ashinoko Terrace complex facility in Motohakone, Hakone Town. It displays and sells art works of Toyoo Tamamura, an artist who paints nature and ordinary people’s lives. It is also attached to La Terrazza, an Italian restaurant offering clay-oven baked pizza and fresh gelato.

    昨年秋、芦ノ湖のホテルに滞在する前に時間があり、芦ノ湖沿いを歩いていたら、キレイなテラスがあり入ってみました。 テラス内に玉村豊男さんのライフアートミュージアムがあり、水彩画作品の展示会を見ることができました(無料)。花や野菜、ブドウなどの作品は見る人を優しく癒してくれます。玉村さんがコロナ禍の状況の中、アトリエにこもり描いた原画を元に製作した版画作品との事です。 また、店内には玉村さんのアート商...

  • Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka prefecture, Yamanashi prefecture, Kanagawa prefecture, Tokyo
    It is the nation’s representative national park that consists of Japan’s highest, most symbolic mountain Mt. Fuji, the Fuji volcanic belt, and the Izu Islands, and boasts the largest number of visitors in the country. There are many sights such as Shiraito Falls selected as one of Japan’s top 100 waterfalls, Mt. Kintoki, the highest peak of the outer rim in Hakone, and the charm of Izu Peninsula including a varied coastline and beautiful ocean. The area around Mt. Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes is also a popular spot for photos, and many photographers visit in the cherry blossom season and on New Year’s Day. They also visit at the time of “Diamond Fuji,” the magnificent scenery seen only twice a year, when you can see the sun rise and the sunset over the peak of Mt. Fuji.
  • Hakone Pirate Ship
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Hakone 161
    A sightseeing ship operating on Lake Ashi in Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture which also provides transportation between the three harbors of Hakone-machi Port, Motohakone Port, and Togendai Port. Modeled after a European sailing vessel from the 17th to the 18th centuries, the cruise’s ships are filled with lighthearted touches like figures of the ship’s pirate “crew” scattered about the deck. Riders can enjoy a leisurely sightseeing cruise on the lake while taking in views of Mt. Fuji, the mountains of Hakone, and the natural beauty of the lakeshore. Pets carried in a cage or bag can also be brought onboard.
  • Tanzawa Lake Memorial Museum Miho no Ie
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarakamigunyamakitamachi Kamioda 759-2
    This exhibition hall is a part of the Tanzawa Lake Memorial Hall located on the side of Prefectural Route 76 in Kamioda, Yamakita Town, Ashigarakami County. The hall's building is a restored folk home relocated from a settlement in Yozuku village that was submerged under Tanzawa Lake with the construction of Miho Dam. The 120-year-old folk home houses a range of exhibits including household goods from yesteryear.


  • Hakone Museum of Photography
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Goura 1300-432
    The Hakone Museum of Photography is a small private museum that sits quietly amidst the beautiful natural scenery of the Gora district of Hakone. The Museum was founded on April 7, 2002 by the Hakone-born photographer Katsura Endo. Besides the permanent exhibitions, which consist mainly of photographs showing the natural beauty of Mt. Fuji at different times of year, the Museum also hosts themed exhibitions and special exhibitions featuring the work of leading Japanese and international avant-garde photographers. At the Museum café, visitors can enjoy herbal tea, pound cake (sponge cake), and a variety of seasonal dishes.

    We stumbled across this place purely by accident, and what a treat A Quaint tucked away little cafe highlighting a renown Japanese photographer, we ordered breakfast & some coffee and while we waited...

  • Sekisho Karakuri Museum
    21 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Hakone 15
    Located just a one-minute walk from the Sekisho-ato Bus Stop. Located near the Hakone Sekisho Checkpoint this art museum displays and sells primarily the local Karakuri wooden mosaic puzzle boxes made by skilled craftsmen. At first glance the Karakuri Box appears to be just a normal box or piece of art but the box holds the craftsman's wit and skill and is filled a mysterious charm. Come enjoy these top quality Karakuri Boxes made by the Karakuri Production Research Society, a group of craftsmen who have learned their skills from traditional techniques and historical assets from the Odawara and Hakone regions. The museum also features a sales corner.

    Very friendly and detailed history and artifacts of Japanese Karakuri Boxes. With historical and contemporary puzzles. Many pieces had limited quantities so they are rare and can hardly be seen. The...

  • Hakone Tourist Information Center
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Yumoto 706-35
    A tourist information center that can help with advice about where to go and what to see in the Hakone area. It's located just outside of the east exit of Hakone-Yumoto Station along the Hakone Tozan Railway line. Inside you'll find pamphlets for the popular tourist locations as well as staff who can recommend the seasonal spots and dining information. They can also help you find the optimal route to your destination so if you're unsure as to where to go it's worth stopping in. Information is provided in English, Chinese, and Korean allowing foreign travelers to stop in with confidence that they'll be accommodated. They also offer advice via phone and e-mail so feel free to contact them before you travel.

    For 5 consecutive holidays in May 2021. Suddenly I wanted to take a hot spring and got on the Shinkansen in the morning. I didnt make a reservation, but the Hakone town tourist association’s stuff...

  • Izumi
    19 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Yumoto 657
    "Located across the Asahi Bridge from the Hakone-Yumoto hot spring resort, this one-day hot spring offers seven different types of hot springs, including Soyu, the oldest source in Hakone, which springs from the Kumano Yuya Gongen Hot Springs. In the lobby, you will find an important cultural asset, the ""Ishibiki Byobu"" and the remains of a hand-carved horizontal hole in the source that was dug in the Meiji era."

    金曜の18時ごろ訪問しました。先客2名ほど。ロビーには昔の温泉洞窟が残っていました。 建物的にはやや年数経ってますが綺麗に掃除されています。 脱衣所も明るいし鍵付きロッカー(¥100返却式)とカゴだけの棚と2種類あり。 洗面台も4つくらいありドライヤーも4〜5個ありました。 浴室のカランは8個くらいでしょうか。シャワーは蛇口タイプです。もちろんシャワーも温泉。 ボディソープとリンスインシャンプーは...

  • Kintoki-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Sengokuhara
    Located in the foothills of Mt. Kintoki, Kintoki-jinja Shrine is dedicated to the Late Heian period warrior Sakata no Kintoki, on whom the legendary hero Kintaro was based. Adjacent to the Shrine precinct, there is a three kilometer hiking trail; the summit of Mt. Kintoki can be reached in around 90 minutes’ walk. On the path up to the summit, visitors pass by the Oku-no-in (Inner Shrine), a hokora (small shrine) dedicated to a hatchet that, according to tradition, was used by Kintaro, and a stone under which Kintaro is said to have taken shelter. Every year, a Kintoki Festival is held on Children’s Day (May 5th), and the Yudate-no-Shishi-mai lion dance (which has been designated as a National Intangible Folk Cultural Property) is performed.
  • Amida-ji Temple (Ajisai-dera)
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Tounosawa 24
    A historic old temple in Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture, this temple has an antiquated appearance and enveloped in the abundant nature of Mt. Tonomine. It was founded in 1604 after receiving a donation from the Lord of Odawara Castle, Tadachika Okubo. It also has another name “Ajisai-dera” (literally “Hydrangea Temple” thanks to the nearly 4,000 hydrangeas which bloom and color the main approach of the temple from June to July. It also venerates the Buddhist mortuary tablet of imperial princess Kazunomiya, who is famous as a tragic heroine of the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, and the hondo (main hall) enshrines images of Amitabha Buddha flanked by the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta and images related to the imperial princess Kazunomiya.


  • Hakone Meissen Antique Museum
    20 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Goura 1320-653
    The Hakone Meissen Antique Museum displays a range of more than 300 pieces of porcelain made from the Meissen kilns with a focus on works from the 18th to the 19th century. Various pieces of work, such as antique tableware and figurines, chandeliers, and mechanical dolls which move when touched, as well as many valuable collections are on display in the museum. The building which used to be the residence of the former Governor of the Bank of Japan, Hisato Ichimada, was moved from Aoyama, Tokyo and rebuilt here in Hakone. In the garden you can find a cafe and foot bath so you can sit back and relax in between appreciating the works of art on display. The nearest stations are Gora Station and Koen-kami Station.

    We live in a hotel very close to this museum. One day, on our way to gora station, we spot this tiny place. My son insisted to go check it out. So we went into it. IT is a very tiny house maybe...

  • Mt. Kintoki
    Travel / Tourism
    Oyama cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka prefecture
    Mt. Kintoki is a 1,212 meter high mountain located on the boundary between Shizuoka Prefecture and Kanagawa Prefecture; it is famous as the setting for the Kintaro legends. From the summit, there are spectacular views of Mt. Fuji, Sagami Bay and Hakone. There is an easy hiking path to the summit, where there is a teahouse and toilets, so even people with little hiking experience can have a safe, enjoyable time climbing to the top. On the route up to the summit, visitors pass the Kintoki-jinja Shrine, which is dedicated to Sakata no Kintoki, the warrior who is said to have been the model for the legendary hero Kintaro, as well as a small shrine dedicated to Kintaro’s hatchet, and various other spots associated with Kintaro.
  • Ashigara Pass
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Prefecture Minamiashigara City, Shizuoka Prefecture Sunto-gun Oyama Town
    This pass is near the prefectural border of Minami Ashigara City and Oyama Town, Sunto County, Shizuoka. Nearby is the Ashigara Castle ruin, the site of Ashikaga Takauji army's headquarters for the Takenoshita Battle, and one can get a splendid view of Mt. Fuji. Here, there are year-round hikers enjoying the Ashigara Pass and Mt. Kintoki hiking courses. The view from the pass is one of Kanagawa's top 50 Scenic Sights.
  • Hakone Gindofu
    31 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Goura 1300-261
    This tofu shop located two minutes on foot from Gora Station has been frequented by famous Hakone hotels, restaurants and local people alike for over 100 years since it was established. The shakuri-dofu, which is scooped straight from the still-warm freshly-made tofu, is popular and tourists flock to this tiny shop looking for the high-quality tofu that can only be sampled here. As it often sells out before lunchtime, it is better to visit in the morning. The shop also sells classics such as firm momen tofu, atsuage (deep-fried tofu) and ganmodoki (fried tofu containing vegetables, etc.).


  • Hakone History Museum
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Yumoto 266
    A museum located next to the town hall across the Ajisai Bridge from Hakone-Yumoto Station. Based around the idea that Hakone is more interesting when you know the history, they have exhibits centered around two keywords; Hot-Springs, and Roads. Following the change from the Seven Spring Hot-spring Town of the Edo period to the present day 17 Springs come learn about how Hakone changed from a hot-spring health resort to a tourist hot-spring locale. There's also the special exhibition room where you can explore historical events that influenced the Hakone region dating such as far in Hakone's past when it was part of the sea or when Toyotomi Hideyoshi engaged in the Siege of Odawara. The museum also has special exhibits for children including an area where they can play with examples of the local woodcraft puzzle boxes and an area where they can make their own miniature straw sandals.


  • Hakone Komagatake Ropeway
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Motohakone 139
    Hakone Komagatake Ropeway is a 1,783-meter-long funitel ropeway which starts at Hakone-en by the banks of Lake Ashinoko and terminates at the summit of Mt. Komagatake; a one-way journey takes seven minutes. After boarding at Hakone-en Station in Hakone-en, passengers can view the Hakone area spread out below them like a “miniature garden” with Lake Ashinoko at its center. To the northwest magnificent Mt. Fuji can be seen, while further off there is a spectacular panoramic view of the coastline from Suruga Bay to the “Izu Seven” islands forming part of the Izu Islands, the Shonan Coast, and as far as the Boso Peninsula. Return tickets cost 1,080 yen for adults, 540 yen for children.
  • Ashigarigo Seto Yashiki
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Kaiseimachi Kanaishima 1336
    A 15-minute walk from the Yotsukado Bus Stop, accessible by the Hakone Tozan Bus Line from the Odakyu Shin-Matsuda Station. During the Edo period this was the residence of the Seto family, who ruled for generations over what was the Kanaishima Domain. The large thatched roof covering the main building, storehouse, water mill, and well, as well as other parts of the house, still retain their original appearance. A peaceful rural landscape surrounds the house and you can take a moment to relax and take in the seasons. They also host special seasonal events and hands-on experiences allowing you to feel what it was like to live in harmony with the seasons and nature while at the same time experiences new things.

    築300年の古民家。風情がありどこか懐かしい気持ちになりました。 ちょうど『風鈴まつり』が開催されていて、47都道府県の風鈴や、シダ植物をあしらった「しのぶ風鈴」、世界の風鈴等が、屋敷の軒下や渡り廊下で涼やかな音を奏でていました。 季節ごとにイベントがある様なので、また行ってみたいと思います。 また、敷地内にある カフェ cafe hacco...

  • Hakone Sekisho Tabimonogatarikan
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Hakone 10
    Located in Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa, this is a tourism center for experiencing the Japanese culture conveniently. The pleasure cruiser is popular not only with couples, but with foreigners, because you can dress-up in a kimono to enjoy the ride. The souvenir stores, designed in a manner reminiscent of the Edo period, have a large variety of Hakone specialty products and artisan works.
  • Hatajuku parquet Hall
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Hatajuku 103
    This is an establishment which exhibits and sells wooden items made in the “Yosegi-zaiku” (a type of traditional Japanese parquetry) style which is a traditional craft in Hakone that flourished mainly in Hatajuku from the Edo period. It is possible to see demonstrations of parquetry production at the craft hall. Also at the interactive workshops, you can experience making a parquet coaster using prepared pieces under the guidance of the parquetry handicraft craftsman. (Prior booking essential) At Hakone-Yumoto Station, take the Hakone Tozan Bus Hakone-kyukaido Line and get off at Hatajuku.


Kanagawa Areas


Kanagawa prefecture acts as an extension of the Tokyo metropolis that spills over into coastal towns, most notably Yokohama city, heavily populated and known for its Chinatown and seaside attractions. Just the right distance for a day trip out of Tokyo, Kanagawa is home to some of Tokyo’s most accessible beaches, including around Kamakura, best known for its Big Buddha. Visitors can also travel a little farther afield for a weekend at Hakone onsen town.

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