Temple Spots in Around Hakonemachi Area

  • Daiyuzan Saijoji Temple
    114 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Minamiashigarashi Daiyuchou 1157
    This Soto Zen temple is in Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Founded in 1401, it is the main Kanto base for followers of the Tsugen lineage. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, they hold a Zen mediation workshop in the main hall followed by a Dharma talk. The temple's meditation hall is a Zen training dojo; in the summer there are chances to experience the Zen life, including their Zen meet-up for children, and a summertime Zen study group.

    W stayed at the Canadian house Airbnb and caught the bus up the hill to the temple. I have seen mant beautiful places on my travels and this was stunning. Away from the main temple we were the only...

  • Sounji Temple
    45 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Yumoto 405
    This temple, of Rinzai sect’s Daitokuji school located in Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture, is the family temple of the Japanese military commander during the Sengoku (Warring States) period, Hojo Soun. It is said that the temple was built in 1521 by Soun’s son, Ujitsuna, in line with Soun’s dying wishes. It burned to the ground when Toyotomi Hideyoshi attacked Odawara, but it was rebuilt to its former glory in 1627. In the grounds of the temple are the graves of five generations of the Hojo family, Lords of Odawara castle, as well as the remains of the dry landscape gardens said to be created by Hojo Nagatsuna. Every year in early November the temple treasures are specially opened to the public.


  • Amida-ji Temple (Ajisai-dera)
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Tounosawa 24
    A historic old temple in Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture, this temple has an antiquated appearance and enveloped in the abundant nature of Mt. Tonomine. It was founded in 1604 after receiving a donation from the Lord of Odawara Castle, Tadachika Okubo. It also has another name “Ajisai-dera” (literally “Hydrangea Temple” thanks to the nearly 4,000 hydrangeas which bloom and color the main approach of the temple from June to July. It also venerates the Buddhist mortuary tablet of imperial princess Kazunomiya, who is famous as a tragic heroine of the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, and the hondo (main hall) enshrines images of Amitabha Buddha flanked by the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta and images related to the imperial princess Kazunomiya.


  • Seiganji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Yumoto 562
    A temple of the Buddhist Rinzai sect which stemmed from the Jizo faith, founded to pray for the safety of travelers in the Hakone region during the Kamakura period. The temple is located along Prefectural Route 732 to the south of the Hakone Yumoto Hot-Spring Town. Originally Shogenji Temple, head of the local Yumoto-Jizo faith, the grounds are still home to the Jizo Hall in which Jizo-sama is enshrined. Nearby is the Soga Hall in which the Soga brothers are enshrined, famous for their tale of vengeance. The hall houses a variety of articles related to the Saga brothers including a wooden Jizo statue modelled after their likeness, a memorial tower, and spear. The former main hall of the temple was burned down during the Boshin War at the end of the Edo period. The current main hall was the former villa of banker Shigezo Imamura, built in 1904 and relocated to the temple in 1932.

    鎌倉時代の地蔵信仰から生まれたお寺とありました。 境内入口すぐの石造大地蔵はでっぷりした体格。小田原城主稲葉氏の菩提寺、紹太寺から移したものだそうです。

  • Fukujyuin Temple (Hakone Kannon)
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Yumoto Chaya 182
    A Soto school Buddhist temple in Hakone that was formerly called Kannon-zawa. The temple is just a five-minute walk from the Daino-Chaya bus stop along the old Tokaido Road. Enshrined within the temple is the Mazu Bodhisattva, whose faith is widely spread throughout Taiwan, and due to the colorful scenery around the temple it's widely regarding as both a power-spot and photo locale. The goddess is said to provide safe travel via land, sea, and air as well as prosperous business and perpetual youth and longevity. On the temple grounds is a statue of the Matagi-Nade Kannon, a representation of the Kaiun Shusse Jibo Kanzeon Bodhisattva (Good Fortune, Eminent, Mother of Mercy Kannon), carved by the Indian monk Shailesh. It's said that stroking the statue on the same place as you are having problems while wishing with both mind and body will see your wish granted and that the goddess also grants blessings of conception and easy childbirth.

    住職の奥様に教わりながら好きな漢字を一文字、色紙に書く体験です。 最初に好きな文字を決めます。書体は楷書、行書、草書、隷書、篆書から選ぶことができます。 先生が見本を書いてくださいますので、それを見ながら半紙に何度か練習した後、本番の色紙に書きました。 書道なんて小学校以来でしたが、褒め上手の先生の的確なご指導のおかげで、楽しく、上達を感じながら書き上げることができました。 1時間があっという間...

  • Choan-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunhakonemachi Sengokuhara 82
    Choan-ji Temple is a temple belonging to the Soto school of Zen Buddhism that is located in Sengokuhara, Hakone; it was founded in 1356. Dotted around the Temple grounds are the “Five Hundred Rakan (Arhats, disciples of the Buddha) Statues.” The installation of these statues began in 1985, and continues today. Choan-ji Temple is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, including its autumn foliage; strolling around the Temple grounds amongst the “Five Hundred Rakan” is a very enjoyable experience.
  • Saunji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Sukumogawa 147
    A temple of the Buddhist Rinzai Sect. It's said to be the site of the graves for Katsugoro, main character of The Revenge of Crawling to the Hakone Miracle (Hakone reigen izari no adauchi), and his wife Hatsuhana. The performance was based on an actual story of revenge and was often performed in both puppet theater and kabuki. In the tale Katsugoro, who is lame, sets out with his wife Hatsuhana seeking vengeance on behalf of his brother. Along the journey he is granted his desire by the divine protection of the Hakone Gongen and is able to stand again. The temple grounds include the Hatsuhana Hall where a statue of Hatsuhana is enshrined.
  • Enmeiji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Matsudamachi Matsudasoryo 2160

    ”牡丹寺”と呼ばれるこのお寺へは、毎年、 牡丹の咲く時期に訪れるのですが、今日 はまだ少し早いかなとも思ったのですが、 松田市の他の場所に用事が有ったので寄 ってみました。早咲きの牡丹がもう何本 か咲いていました。でも本格的の開花は 4月の後半になるのだと思います。その 時期には又、行ってみようと思っていま す。今はまだ枝垂れ桜が美しく咲いてい ましたので、枝垂れ桜の写真を撮って来 ました。このお...

  • Kofukuin Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Motohakone 26

    Visited here as this place is one of the 7 Fortune God places. The stamp for the 7 Fortune Gods is left alone in the office. This small temple gave me little religious ambience nor attraction. I...

  • Shugenji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Hakonemachi Hatajuku 167

    Visited here because this place is one of 7 Fortune God places. You need a car. This is in the small town of Hatajuku that is a bit off the main town and main path. Not very easy to find the...

  • Saishoji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Yamakita Machi Hirayama 1177

    洒水の滝に至る道のわきにどっしりとしたたたずまいで存在していました。 滝を見て戻る途中に立ち寄りました。 静かな山中にあって威厳が感じられました。

  • Koyatsu Toku In
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Kaiseimachi Kanaishima 1330
  • Kosaiji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Minamiashigara-shi Kosaiji 131

    春めき桜を見に行きその帰りに足柄神社の後立ち寄りました。 住職さんの奥様から本堂に安置されていた”地蔵菩薩”を見せて頂きました。 丁寧なご対応ありがとうございました。 紹介されたパターゴルフ場へも行きました。

  • Seioji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Yamakita Machi Yamakita 2305


  • Takara Kotobuki In Sakura Kannondo
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Matsudamachi Matsudasoshi 1035

    私が、このお寺の前を通ったのは、丁度桜が満開 の時期でした。国道246号線を走っていると赤い 旗が沢山立っていて、「桜観音」という看板が目 につきました。丁度、桜も満開の時でしたので、 これは是非お詣りして行かなければと思って寄っ てみました。ここは真言宗東寺派の「宝寿院」と いうお寺でしたが、お寺の近くに赤く塗られた観 音堂があり、この観音堂の観音様が、「桜観音」 と呼ばれているようでした。ご本...

  • Koyatsu Atsumari Ji
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarakami-gun Yamakita Machi Mukohara 2501

    このお寺も山北駅周辺の桜を見に行った帰りに 寄ったのですが、道路から大きな観音様が見え ましたので行ってみました。行ってみるとなか なか境内も広い大きなお寺で、道路から見えた 観音様は「交通安全観世音菩薩」と書かれてい ましたので、早速、車の事故や交通違反を起こ さないようにお守りくださいとお祈りしました。 境内にも無数の石仏が並んでいたり、なかなか 管理の行き届いた、大きなお寺でした。

  • Sainenji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Minamiashigara-shi Numata

    伊豆箱根鉄道の相模沼田駅から徒歩5分ほど。 1375年創建の浄土宗の寺院。1446年洪水被害により現在地に移転。本尊は阿弥陀如来。山門手前には六地蔵と7体の古い石仏(馬頭観音像?)が安置され、境内左手には寒念仏の石碑が立ち並ぶ。本堂の建立年代は不明だが見た感じではそれなりの年月が経っていそう。火灯窓があり、正面入口も火灯窓の形状をしている。墓地には家臣をかばって西念寺に蟄居した興国寺城主・天野康景...

  • Chofukuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Minamiashigara-shi Sekimoto 537


  • Fukudenji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Minamiashigara-shi Wadagahara 1195

    今回は南足柄市にある「福」の付く寺をめぐる「七福寺めぐり」で行って来ました。この寺は曹洞宗の寺で「天照山 福田寺」と言います。開山は400年位前です。本尊は「地蔵菩薩」だそうです。何回か焼失したからか本堂はコンクリート作りになってます。駐車場は南側と西側にありますが解かりずらいです。普段は行きませんが今回は「七福寺めぐり」で行って来ました。あえて行くことはないでしょう。

  • Hofukuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Minamiashigara-shi Uchiyama 1959


Kanagawa Areas


Kanagawa prefecture acts as an extension of the Tokyo metropolis that spills over into coastal towns, most notably Yokohama city, heavily populated and known for its Chinatown and seaside attractions. Just the right distance for a day trip out of Tokyo, Kanagawa is home to some of Tokyo’s most accessible beaches, including around Kamakura, best known for its Big Buddha. Visitors can also travel a little farther afield for a weekend at Hakone onsen town.

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