Western Food Spots in Ueno / Yanesen Area

  • Ueno Seiyoken Main Store Restaurant (Western-style)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taito-ku Uenokoen 4-58
  • Ponta Honke
    71 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 3-23-3
    A yoshoku Japanese-style Western cuisine restaurant founded in 1905 which serves old-fashioned breaded pork cutlets. Ponta takes select cuts of pork loin and carefully removes excess at and gristle. The meat is then breaded and deep-fried slowly at relatively low temperature in lard made from the trimmed fat. The restaurant's cutlet recipe was invented by its original owner, who worked as a chef for the Imperial Household Agency. Ponta's cutlets are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. In addition to pork cutlets, Ponta serves a selection of other delicious gems made with Tokyo seafood, including deep-fried Japanese tiger shrimp and deep-fried sillago, as well as stewed tongue and sauteed pork.

    This is a traditional tonkatsu or pork cutlet restaurant in the Ueno district. Close to the Okachimachi station it has the kitchen on the ground floor and seating for about 18 on the first floor...

  • Kurofune-tei
    88 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 2-13-13 Kikuya Building 4F
    A yoshoku Japanese-style Western restaurant first opened as Restaurant Kikuya and remodeled, and reopened as Kurofune-tei in 1986. Refined yoshoku dishes such as Hayashi rice made with a demi-glace sauce painstakingly stewed and strained for over a week; splendid red wine tongue stew; and piping hot shrimp gratin with hearty, plump shrimp are sure to delight the tongue. In addition to various lunches and courses, Kurofune-tei also offers a bento box menu perfect for those looking to enjoy a little bit of everything.

    Made mistake of ordering stewed beef with rice as my main course in this upmarket Tokyo restaurant The dish consisted of three pieces of beef covered in heavy gravi accompanied by mushroom and...

  • Ueno Seiyoken Grill Fukushima
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Uenokouen 4-58
    Seiyoken was founded just after the Meiji Restoration as a pioneering Western cuisine restaurant. Grill Fukushima was later created to serve as the restaurant’s main dining location. The restaurant’s stew, made with a demi-glace sauce crafted according to traditional techniques, and its twice clarified double consommé soup are both particularly exquisite. Note that Grill Fukushima aims to provide proportions and flavors as appropriate to the nature of the party and customers. Conveniently accessible from Ueno Station, the restaurant also has a dedicated parking area.

    記念日のディナーで予約しました。 コロナ渦でしたので予約客も少なく、店内はひっそりとしていましたがその分、安心してゆっくりくつろぎながらお食事出来ました。 コースの料理はどれも美味しく、大満足でした。 ちょうど新緑の頃でしたので、窓からの景色も美しかったです。

  • Yakuzen Curry Jinenjo Yanaka
    20 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taito-ku Yanaka 5-9-25
    A yakuzen medicinal curry shop about a seven-minute walk from Nippori Station with an interior reminiscent of an old-fashioned coffee shop. Their popular yakuzen curry warms the body through and through. The roux they use for the base contains 10 kinds of vegetables and five kinds of Japanese medicinal herbs. The healthy taste is said to promote beautiful skin, improve bodily constitution, and help prevent arteriosclerosis. All their curries-including chicken, vegetable, seafood, and beef-are made with lots of medicinal herbs. Available toppings include yam and black sesame, which aid recovery from fatigue, as well as ginger and safflower, ideal for preventing colds.

    We have been here three times during our stay in Yanaka. A great Japanese experience. Very small an authentic place visited by locals. Only a few tables and generally a menu of only one dish (usually...

  • Taimeiken ecute Ueno
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taito-ku Ueno 7-1-1 ecute Ueno
  • Hard Rock Cafe Tokyo Uyeno Eki
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Atre Ueno 1F 7-1-1 Ueno Taito-ku Tokyo
  • Ueno Western-style Toyama
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taito-ku Uenokoen 1-54 Ueno no Mori Sakura Terrace 2F
  • Go!Go!CURRY! Uenokachimachiten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Miyairi Building 1F, 6-2-7, Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0005
  • Raclette Cheese x Chicago Pizza -UENO TERRACE- Ueno Ekimae brunch 
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    4F, Watanabe ueno Bldg., 6-13-2 Ueno Taito-ku Tokyo
  • Sushi with Lightly-Seared Wagyu Beef x Beef Dak Galbi - Meat Bar MEAT YOSHIDA - Ueno branch
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    8F-B, Central 21 Bldg., 2-12-1 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
  • Curry House CoCo Ichibanya Okachimachi Showadori
    10 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taito-ku Ueno 5-chome 15-ban 17-go Towa Building 1F

    昭和通りに面しており、御徒町駅からも徒歩3分程度のところにあるのですが、1日を通して利用客はそれ程多くなく、少なくとも混雑しているところを見たことがありません(昼食時間帯でも比較的スムーズに入店・注文出来ます)。すぐに食事が出来るCoCo壱番屋の一つだと思います。 一方で、入口に段差があり、また入口はやや狭いため、車椅子等の障碍を持つ方・大きな荷物を持つ方の利用はあまりお勧めできません。入口付近に...

  • Arabian Rock Ueno
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 2-12-20NDK Lotus building B1F
  • Dezainazukoshitsunikubarusoraretaiyonomegumiuenoten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Met. Taitou-ku Ueno 2-1-9K Plaza B1
  • Ristorante IL SALE
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Bunkyou-ku Sendagi 3-36-11 Century Sendagi 1F
  • Kadoyakuromonchosutando
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 1-7-3B1
  • Kona Uenoten
    28 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 2-12-23U-ONE Building B1

    横浜店に行った事がありとてもよかったので 選んだけど 結構残念でした ソフトドリンクでお通しもでないのに チャージ料もしっかりとられていて更に酷かったです 牛肉のカルパッチョは硬くて1分噛んでも噛みきれず 生ハムとフルーツはカチコチに凍っていて 何のフルーツかわかりませんでした 生ハムは切れっぱなしみたい 前菜が終わって20分たっても出てこないし 他のテーブルにもピザやパスタなどお料理が運ば...

  • Fuamuteburuenoekimae
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 7th Floor 4-8-6 U Plaza Building
  • Teppanya Sandaimekei Uenoten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 2-11-2 NS tetrabyl 1 F
  • Baru Ando Dainingu Gohan Uenoasakusaguchiten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Taitou-ku Ueno 7-2-1 Namdaemun Ueno Ekimae Building

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